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Topic: Eat Kittens for Khrist
Started by: Bob Goat
Started on: 8/24/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/24/2004 at 3:41pm, Bob Goat wrote:
Eat Kittens for Khrist


So this is my tribute to Vincent's wonderful game, Kill Puppies for Satan. You you want to know the whole back story that led to this little exercise check out this thread. It is really rough and unfinished, but it amused me to write it up. Enjoy...

Eat Kittens for Khrist

The Set Up
In the small, very religious town of Scionville, Illinois there lived a spiritual guru named Khristos "Sunbeam" Drozski. He came to the town ten years ago after being stranded their at the gas station by his buddies after they forgot he went to the bathroom. Ever the optomist he set up shop selling tie-dyed clothing by the side of the rode. Over the years our little hippy became popular with the folks of the town and his business didn't do to bad.

Then, 4 days ago he ate some bad mushrooms and seemingly died. That night however he woke up in the coroners office before they could cut him and wandered off. For three days he wandered the countryside leaving the town in a panic about grave robbers. However, on the third day he returned with the rising sun, walking down main street. Who would have thought that the second coming would arive in the form of a hippie that sells t-shirts on the side of the road?

His delusional state led him to proclaim to the genuflecting townsfolk to go forth and Eat Pussy. Whoever eats the most Pussy will go to a heavenly place. Then he wandered back into the surrounding countryside. Being puritanical they of course think he meant for them to capture their cats and eat them.

I really didn't get to work them into a clean explaination so here is a bullet list.

• Uses D6s for resolutions.
• Resolution of Conflict is based on the number of successes you get rolling D6s. Have to roll 5 or higher for a success.
• Characters have 5 points they divide among their traits (Dumb Luck, Smarts, Tenacity)
• Any action that requires intelligence uses a number of Dice equal to Smarts.
• Any action that requires physical actions uses Tenacity
• Dumb Luck allows the player to reroll an equal number of dice to his trait so long as the player explains how he was lucky. Remember the key word is not luck but dumb.
• Each cat has its own traits (Cuteness & Deviousness) which are each determined at random with a roll of 1D6+1.
• The cat's deviousness is the number of successes needed to capture it.
• After capture, a player must roll against the Cuteness of the cat (using Smarts). Failure means he lets it go and gains a Sympathy point.
• Sympathy points subtract one die to any action taken against a kitten but adds a die to any action against the other townsfolk.
• Characters gain an additional die for plans to capture kittens (or harm other townsfolk) that take more than two steps. An additional die for every step after two essentially.
• Action takes place in rounds, starting clockwise from the Kitten Master. Their turn ends when they have either succeeded or failed in one plan, be it against a kitten or against another character.
• Each round begins when the Kitten Master rolls on the random event chart (which I have yet to put together).
• Characters gain points for successful plans (either against the kittens or against each other or a combination of both)
• The game ends when Khristos returns after the effects of the mushrooms wears off (4D6 rounds).
• The character with the most points wins, well sort off. After Khristos returns each Player has to come up with an epilogue about the town. The player with the best one gets and additional 1D6 points.

So there you have it. What do you think?

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On 8/24/2004 at 5:27pm, smokewolf wrote:
RE: Eat Kittens for Khrist

I like the back story.


Would you consider combining the two (your and mine) into one system. Your story and the cards for resolution? I will think on it more but I can see a way to do it. Or are you stuck on the system?

Message 12413#132890

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On 8/24/2004 at 5:38pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Eat Kittens for Khrist


Keith, I am stuck on nothing. I just came up with it in the car yeasterday when I dropped a friend off at the car dealership. We can combine this mother and make a mint all on the back of Vincent's game. We can even steal his cover and cross out the title with magic marker and paste a crude drawing of a cat over the puppy.


Message 12413#132894

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On 8/24/2004 at 5:40pm, smokewolf wrote:
RE: Eat Kittens for Khrist

So long as Luke writes the forward I am cool with it.

Message 12413#132895

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