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Topic: Restrictive setting (split)
Started by: greedo1379
Started on: 10/27/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 10/27/2004 at 12:02pm, greedo1379 wrote:
Restrictive setting (split)

I realize I'm bringing this one back from the dead. I hope that's ok.

The alien admiral you are talking about is named Thrawn. He was a super cool villian and totally unlike the emperor or Vader. The books were, as I recall, by Timothy Zahn.

I think having the characters fighting the other half of the Empire fleet is a great idea.

I'm not sure what the "Underbelly" idea is but I think you are talking about having the PCs be the "real" heroes of the movies. Like just as Luke fires his torpedoes the PCs hit the remote "self destruct" button and destroy the Death Star. That Luke just got all the credit. I think this could work. I mean really, when you get down to it, that is the big galaxy changing event. Everything else was just random monster encounters and character development. You could fill that in with just about anything.

Message 13228#141048

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...from around 10/27/2004

On 10/27/2004 at 2:15pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Restrictive setting (split)


The above is split from Quandary: using a beloved setting that's highly restrictive.

Greedo, it is not OK that you resurrected the thread. The Forge etiquette guidelines are real and you're expected to abide by them. There is no effort involved in starting a new thread and including a link to the old one, when you have a point to contribute.

It is not necessary to guess about the underbelly concept. The term is defined in the Glossary, and its parent threads are Metaplots, railroading, and setting and Open/closed setting.

Everyone: please post to this thread only if you want to pursue any aspect of the original discussion or Greedo's post above.


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Message 13228#141063

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated RPG Theory
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...from around 10/27/2004