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Topic: Indie Publishing! Aieee!
Started by: jknevitt
Started on: 12/4/2004
Board: Publishing

On 12/4/2004 at 4:42am, jknevitt wrote:
Indie Publishing! Aieee!

Let's assume for the time being I've got an indie system (like everyone else here) that's in the alpha stage that I want to publish (like everyone else here).

So, how is it done, from beginning to end? Enlighten me about online vendors, publishing co-ops, etc, etc!

Message 13568#144463

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On 12/4/2004 at 7:56am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Indie Publishing! Aieee!

Hi James, welcome to the Forge!

That's kind of a broad question. If you have a specific idea of what you want your product to end up as, then the information people can provide here might be more helpful.

For example, if you should like to publish your final game product as a PDF then you can do it several ways. There are several threads about software etc, for making a PDF so you could do a search for that. As for online vendors, If you have a webspace you can put up a thing where they paypal you the payment and you send them the file over email. Easy enough. There is the Forge RPG bookshelf which hosts downloads for several people where you could put the PDF. There are also alternitives like or (although I don't know if the last does PDF products.)

For print publishing a lot of people are turning to things like, which is a POD (Print on Demand) publisher. I've heard good things here on the board about the quality of the products out of there. On the other hand some people start with nothing more than an ashcan version printed at the local kinkos.

Is there a specific thing you need to know? If you do have an indie system or a plan for a game do you have an idea of how you want it sold and in what format? Or is the question purely academic?



edited to correct web address.

Message 13568#144472

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On 12/4/2004 at 8:47am, timfire wrote:
RE: Indie Publishing! Aieee!

Welcome to the Forge!

It's late and I'm tired, but here's the most recent thread on this topic that I can remember: How do I publish my RPG?

Check it out. If you still have questions after you read it, feel free to ask.

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Message 13568#144473

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On 12/4/2004 at 3:03pm, jknevitt wrote:
RE: Indie Publishing! Aieee!

Thanks for the hospitality.

My main concern was distribution. I'm probably going to go PDF/POD with the possibility of print later.

My questions, therefore, are thus:

How would I get my product, regardless of its actual format, into the hands of consumers?
How do I set something up with a web distributor for PDFs?
How do I set something up with a fulfilment house if need be?

etc., etc.

Are these as simple as a quick email, or is it more involved?

EDIT: Yes, I just noticed Trevis' post which explains pretty much all this. No coffee make james go crazy.

Also, I'd like to hear other people's experience in getting their own thing out there. I'd like to offer mine as free, but that makes nothing for James, and I want it to be a bit more substantial than a flash in the pan post on

Message 13568#144482

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