The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge vocab one more time
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 10/1/2002
Board: Site Discussion

On 10/1/2002 at 8:33am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Forge vocab one more time

I know there are threads where usefull stuff is defined, like IIEE and so on.
AND we have the GNS eassay and so on. This is usually the thing pointed to when a suggestion for a vocabulary comes up.

I feel, however, it's not *really* all that helpful. Especially to newbies. I wouldn't bring this up unless I had a new idea how to make it work.

What I'd like to see is a new feature on this site.

This feature would let you look-up definitions. If you typed GNS you'd get a basic definition as well as (moderated) comments, PLUS links to the best threads and articles.

Members should be able to post new definitions, post links and additional comments.

As some things have alternative names (as IIEE), those would be listed and linked to as well.

You should also be able to read who was the originator (to know who to discuss the issue the best with), when it was defined and some more stuff like that.

In a sense it would work a little like the resource library. I can take responsibility for writing up a spec and maybe do some programming as well if people think this would be a good idea

Basically I envision something like this:

I type: Gamist

I get:

Gamist (alternative names: G)
First defined by: Ron Edwards
Originally appeared in: The GNS Essay
Basic definition: fjeifie ije fiejwfojieijfoiewjf oie oi
fiejfew oijfoiejfoie owjfiejoeij fejoiewj wfew
Reference articles and threads:
The GNS Essay
Another Thread
A third thread
Other comments
Pale Fire: I think yada yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda
Box12398: Or you could also say yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

Message 3650#34963

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On 10/1/2002 at 1:21pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Here We Go Again

Pale Fire wrote: This feature would let you look-up definitions. If you typed GNS you'd get a basic definition as well as (moderated) comments, PLUS links to the best threads and articles.

If you write it, they will come.

Really, the only problem with this idea is no one seems willing to make the time commitment to put together the dictionary. (It's a lot harder than it looks.) It's easy to say 'can we have a...' than it is to go, 'I will make a....'

Go for it!

Fang Langford

Message 3650#34976

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On 10/1/2002 at 2:32pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I like this idea, and I have two suggestions that might help a little. One, the person listed as "first defined by" should be the one to write the entry for that term and the one to moderate the subsequent commentary. This would distribute the work (unfortunately not enough, since Ron and, let's see, who else... ah! -- Fang... would be swamped, so perhaps that rule should only apply to new terms introduced henceforth), and it would also have the beneficial side effect that having to create and maintain such an entry would be the rightful price of introducing a new term.

(On the other hand, a new-term tax paid in actual cash toward Forge expenses might be even more beneficial. Would $5 per syllable be fair?)

As for the backlog of existing terms... Christoffer, why don't you "assign" me one term to research and write the entry for. If others also willing to tackle one term to be assigned to them by Christoffer also say so here, we can make a start. (Then, if that works out, I'll consider doing one more...)

Christoffer, understand that by assigning me a term you'd also be agreeing to take on the unpleasant task of reminding and prodding and cajoling me (any everyone else you assign a term to) to complete the work.

- Walt

Message 3650#34981

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:54pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Hi there,

Oh please, if someone could get this started, oh please ...

One very solid attempt was stalled a while ago, which I feel pretty bad about; the screwup involved server changes and lost files and similar stuff. Perhaps Walt's suggestion is a way to get this project going.

Oh, and lots and lots of people would be primary sources. Mike Sullivan would be the guy for Illusionism, Mike Holmes for Participationism, Paul Czege for protagonism and "deprotagonize," and there are many more. Fang and I are indeed Term-Monsters, but we're not alone.


Message 3650#34994

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:01pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Ron Edwards wrote: Oh, and lots and lots of people would be primary sources. Mike Sullivan would be the guy for Illusionism, Mike Holmes for Participationism, Paul Czege for protagonism and "deprotagonize," and there are many more. Fang and I are indeed Term-Monsters, but we're not alone.

That's Paul Elliot, if I'm not mistaken for Illusionism.

I'll do one.

What about the even more problematic ones like Immersion, and Transparency? Do we just point to discussions and not even attempt to define?


Message 3650#34997

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time


Yes, it was Paul Elliot - I always do that, must be the double "L" or something. Dammit.

My take on Transparency, Immersion, "story," and a few others is to tell the truth: "These terms have been intractable throughout multiple discussions, or redundant relative to existing terms, and you can see the threads here, and make your own choices about it." I'd include Dramatism in this list with some reservations, as Gareth Martin's re-construction of it was very interesting to me.

Other good candidate term: Congruence, which is Walter's, I think.


Message 3650#35000

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:07pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

As long as we're talking ideal...the ideal would not be to create a glossary that was the "final authority" because then (as with ye old faq attempt) we'd spend a zillion hours argueing over what minutia was going to be included in the "official" definition.

Better would be for each entry to be a summary of talking points (the format suggested above seems a reasonable place to start).

Different definitions for a term can be handled simply by 1), 2), 3) etc. with some attribution to principal commentors.

I think a "readers digest condensed version" of the threads where the topic is discussed will be more valuable than a strict "glossary" for all but the most basic terms.

The idea is to allow interested parties get up to speed quicker than they could sifting through old threads right.

Message 3650#35001

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:16pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

One question I have: Do we have any software that can do this right now or do we have to write something new? If the latter, what stuff are we playing with? What databases, what serverside stuff and so on?

On the other hand depending on how flexible the resource library scripts are, maybe the stuff handling that could be adapted to run the vocab?

I was thinking of something automated to that there wouldn't be someone who would have to keep up the maintainance him or herself. This is not just because of laziness. It also ensures it can keep on running even if the person responsible takes a time out from posting or something like that.

Message 3650#35006

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On 10/1/2002 at 6:33pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Hi Christoffer,

You might be surprised at how much maintenance an "automated" system requires. For instance, between server hiccups and various who-can-read-it problems, the Forge kicks Clinton in sensitive places at least once a month ... which is really often for something that isn't a job, especially if you consider that he monitors it almost daily. For example, all entries into the Resource Library have to be checked to make sure they're (a) active links and (b) not abusive, and that's just one small function.

A fully-automated "vocabulary database" would become a serious problem - a confused or contentious definition is just as easy to input as a solid "reference" one. A completely-reviewed databased would require ... well, reviewing, and that's plain and simple labor.

I'm still hoping we come up with something that works well, but it's not going to be a simple, whip-it-up service that we've been overlooking all this time.


Message 3650#35043

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On 10/1/2002 at 6:39pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Here's my concept for a glossary that wouldn't be that hard: a system consisting of matches from terms to links. It would be a simple mapping where term X can found first found in thread Y. (And clarified in threads Z1, Z2, and Z3.)

Does that sound like something useful? If so, I will put effort into it.

- Clinton

Message 3650#35046

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On 10/1/2002 at 7:51pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:


Why don't we just make a WIKI? For an example of what I mean, check out the Fudge Wiki on the Phoenyx server:

Each person could add whatever they wanted, even to the point of listing terms and hoping other people will come along and define them. WIKI's are really the ultimate web-collaboration tool, and I think one would be absolutely perfect for this kind of project.

Just an idea.


Message 3650#35064

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On 10/1/2002 at 9:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

That was attempted once (Wiki). But it never got off the ground for various reasons.


Message 3650#35082

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On 10/1/2002 at 9:40pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Mike Holmes wrote: That was attempted once (Wiki). But it never got off the ground for various reasons.


I appreciate the response, but that really doesn't tell me anything. Why didn't the WIKI work? Did it "not work" in such a way that people believe that one won't EVER work? Are there remnants of it still in existence that could be co-opted for another project? Can you give me some links to old discussions of it?

This probably goes back to the "building a supportive tone" stuff that was brought up recently on the Site Discussion Board, but shooting down ideas without any explanation is really unhelpful and occasionally hurtful. I know you didn't mean it to be taken that way, but it really does kill any energy I had for helping to work on this project.

Just a heads-up.


Message 3650#35090

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On 10/1/2002 at 9:43pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time


I appreciate the Wiki idea - it's a good one and has merit.

The reason it didn't work out before, and I don't think it's the right one now is that it basically creates another forum. When a glossary is codified - which should happen some day - it needs to be a static, not dynamic, thing.

Message 3650#35092

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On 10/1/2002 at 10:12pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Ron and Clinton,

What about just using a forum (in the sense of the phpbb data object, not in the sense of an active discussion process) as the glossary display mechanism? Each "thread" could cover a single term, starting with the main definition and continuing with additional commentary added as posts. The forum would have to have the following characteristics:

- Displays threads in alphabetical order of topics rather than by most recent posts

- New topic and posting privileges limited to designated moderators (so discussions about definitions would have to take place in other forums or in private, with the glossary moderators posting only signficant developments to the glossary "threads").

If that can be done with the current system, it would appear the easiest plan. The work of moderating and of building the definitions is a separate issue, of course.

And the whole issue is moot unless more people than Mike (thanks, Mike!) offer to write one.

- Walt

PS In all fairness I should mention that although Fang is a terminology fiend, he consistently enters his specialized terms as links, which is a great help. (The only problem with that method in general is that when others take up the same terms, they tend not do the same thing, understandably.)

Message 3650#35097

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On 10/2/2002 at 12:47am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

First Ron: Having built and maintained web stuff including automated programs, I know you have to have maintenance. But that is little compared to if one guy had everything in a textfile on his computer and every time there was a change, people would mail him, then wait until he made the necessary updates to db. Those things get delayed, that's my experience. A person who just had an idea of something to write is much more likely to take the time to update stuff, than a maintainer who probably has a lot on his/her mind at the time.

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: Here's my concept for a glossary that wouldn't be that hard: a system consisting of matches from terms to links. It would be a simple mapping where term X can found first found in thread Y. (And clarified in threads Z1, Z2, and Z3.)
Does that sound like something useful? If so, I will put effort into it.

Yes, that's essentially what I'm saying.

In fact, I see it pretty similar to the resource library (as I already mentioned). Just like that one we need a keyword, a few links, a description... People being able to add descriptions would be a neat feature but not necessary.

The essential features would be:

Short description
Original link (to thread or article)
Additional links

I'd have it so that the admin rights to it would be restricted but that the regular contributors still would be able to admin it.

Finally a really really neat thing would be if the program could produce a listing of all the keywords (say every night - good to have for back-up purposes as well) dumped to a html page or textfile that could be downloaded from the site.

Message 3650#35116

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On 10/2/2002 at 1:34am, Le Joueur wrote:
Darn Tough Too

wfreitag wrote: In all fairness I should mention that although Fang is a terminology fiend, he consistently enters his specialized terms as links, which is a great help.

Hey, that's what markup languages and hypertext were supposed to be for. I'm just carrying on an ancient tradition. (That's right, dates me from before these darn fool 'mice' pointer thingies, whatever the heck they're for.) I'm waiting until one of these forum writin' outfits thinks of the idea of automated linking. When you set up a forum, you make a vocabulary file; it automatically links any future instance of that word to your glossary. Nice and neat.

Anyway. Put me down for one word (a few more if'n they're mine).

Fang Langford

Message 3650#35120

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On 10/2/2002 at 1:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: Darn Tough Too

Le Joueur wrote: When you set up a forum, you make a vocabulary file; it automatically links any future instance of that word to your glossary.

That sounds like a Wiki.


Message 3650#35169

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On 10/4/2002 at 5:44am, CC Douglas wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

My first post, and I really must say I'd personally greatly appreciate such a glossary of terms. I grew up on the well known games such as AD&D, Star Frontiers, Top Secret, Marvel Superheroes, etc..sure they were great at the time, but I always felt something was missing. I get the feeling that something can be found at The Forge, but I get lost in terminology and mention of different mechanics. I'll surely wade through it until I get it all, but a glossary fo some sort would certainly help speed that process up a bit.

Message 3650#35512

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On 10/4/2002 at 9:25am, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: Jonathan,

I appreciate the Wiki idea - it's a good one and has merit.

The reason it didn't work out before, and I don't think it's the right one now is that it basically creates another forum. When a glossary is codified - which should happen some day - it needs to be a static, not dynamic, thing.

A Wiki with switchable edit permission seems like the ideal solution. Set it up for editing at the start, then freeze it after a while, when everyone's done their writing for a term. If a mistake is noticed after this time, unfreeze it and let the modifications be done, and freeze it again.

Message 3650#35536

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On 10/4/2002 at 12:57pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Ok, so if everybody just started adding definitions willy nilly this would be a bad thing right?

Not necessarily. First such a glossary would need to distinguish between "official definition" and "working definition". Since this is the Forge, and the Forge is run by Ron and Clinton, only Ron and Clinton should be able to institute something as an "Official" definition.

Anything added by the rest of us would not be official. If there is no "official definition" (as there would unlikely to be for a term like Immersion" then all submitted definitions would be labeled "working definitions". If there IS an official definition, then all submitted definititions would be labeled "dissenting" or "minority" opinions.

After all the purpose of this excersize isn't really (and shouldn't be) to carve in granite some sort of official Forge lexicon. It SHOULD be to condense dozens if not hundreds of threads in a way that allows new readers to get up to speed. If there are 3 different working definitions for the term Immersion and they are all different and all attributed to certain users thats not a bad thing that renders the glossary "useless". That's a good thing that means new readers will now know everything we know from just having a long thread where those definitions were hashed out, only they won't have to search for and read the entire thread to get there.

So a new comer could pull up "Simulationism", find Ron's "Official Definitions", find a couple of "dissenting opinions" and know that whatever issue they were about to raise has already been covered...because their opinion has already been acknowledged in the lexicon. If they then wish to start a discussion about it, we're all saved from rehashing the same ground to bring new users up to speed.

That to me would be the best use for such a glossary. It would grow in time as people who realized there was a certain term they were using would create an entry and add their working definition to it. There wouldn't need to be a huge and ultimately futile attempt to reach total consensus as their was with the failed faq attempt.

Think GNS/Forge Cliff Notes as opposed to dictionary, IMO.

Message 3650#35552

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On 10/4/2002 at 1:17pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Very good suggestion Ralph. That makes sense!

Message 3650#35561

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On 10/4/2002 at 3:10pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Why Not?

Okay, we all seem to be pretty much in the 'yeah' mode together.


How do we get started?

More importantly, why don't we start today?

And as a secondary issue, a few of us have said, "yeah, I'll do a word," who will (or wants to) despense those to us? Likewise, shouldn't we have a separate running conversation about what words should or should not be put into the glossary? Without some guidance, the glossary would have no reason not to turn into a full dictionary covering every conceivable word.

Let's not start with the 'I wanna do this word, approach' expectation. After the first few choice words get going, nobody will want to do the 'hard work' with the less than choice. We've got to have a steady stream of 'give a word' people and a 'leader' to dispense the words or I see this project foundering quite quickly. (Don't get me wrong, a list of 'who wants these words' might be quite desirable, but there has to be 'teeth' to the system; perhaps if they don't get snagged off the 'most wanted definitions' list in a coupla weeks, they can be assigned.)

Let's not forget 'victory conditions.' How will we know when we're 'mostly done' (you can never really finish this project like this). Staring into the maw of 'so many to do' without even the vaguest idea of what 'done' would look like will get intimidating in the long term. (I've been there.)

Lastly, do we need a 'Glossary' Forum?

Okay, that's my bit. Now, "What's my word?"

Fang Langford

Message 3650#35589

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On 10/4/2002 at 3:43pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Well, to me it seems the starting place is deciding on the technology that makes it that WIKI...i don't know. Never used it. Once there is a place for entries to be entered (the way you can with the Resource Library), than people can go an browse and put up their own entries.

That seems to me to be the starting point.

Message 3650#35598

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On 10/4/2002 at 5:12pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Ron and I are discussing what we're going to implement, and will let you know early next week.

Message 3650#35623

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On 10/15/2002 at 9:56pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Does Anyone Remember This One?

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: Ron and I are discussing what we're going to implement, and will let you know early next week.


Fang Langford

p. s. Am I the only one still interested? ;)

Message 3650#37302

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On 10/16/2002 at 5:15pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I'm still interested.

In fact, I've been pretty close to deciding to step into the word-dispensing role (knowing that that also, as I said to Christoffer, requires being the progress-haranguer, and probably leads to being sucked into other editorial functions as well). I'm just waiting to see what the target format will be.

- Walt

Message 3650#37397

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On 10/16/2002 at 6:07pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I'm just waiting to see what the target format will be.

For what it's worth, I like Christoffer's original proposed format better than any of the suggested variants.


Message 3650#37406

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On 10/16/2002 at 6:12pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I'm pretty much waiting to hear what software solution Clinton and Ron will decide on. Like I said if there is programming to do I could volunteer for that.

Message 3650#37407

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On 10/17/2002 at 5:59pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I just found this thread today, and am not necessarily an expert on anything, but I would love to lend my energy to the project.

It would be great for new-comers, and also, I think, would help focus discussion in general. This would also help in the handing on the baton Ron asked for in the "Lots of Folks on the Forge" thread. If we can all direct people to the glossary, none of us has to either feel like an Authority on a term to define it, or take the time and energy to write, yet again, a description of a term, or find the links that pertain.

Forge Glossary, go, go, go!

--Emily Care

Message 3650#37587

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On 10/17/2002 at 10:18pm, Eric J. wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Very interesting. I don't feel competant to do a word, but my job category included "dictionary editor," so I would be willing to help in any way I could.

Message 3650#37657

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On 10/18/2002 at 3:45am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Sample entry...

Having only recently stumbled upon this thread I thought I'd try to answer some questions while posing one. That question being: Is this the sort of entry (it's cyclopedic) which you had in mind Pale Fire?

The GNS Theory

As outlined by Ron Edwards in his essay, “GNS and Other Matters of Role-Playing Theory”, a essential underlying premise native to basic role-playing methodology that refers specifically to the styles of actual play. Per the GNS model these styles of play are trefold and defined as follows:

Gamism (Gamist): That style of role-playing which stresses direct competition amongst players. Per Mr. Edwards this approach is primarily defined by the setting of victory conditions, such as those typically found present in table top war games or traditional board games.

Simulationism (Simulationist): That style of game play typified by the assumption of predefined roles for the purposes of in-game exploration of roles, sometimes in the pursuit of set objectives. Mr. Edwards defines this objective as being focused upon “Exploration as the priority of play” in relation to “the internal logic and experiential consistency” of the game world being explored.

Narrativism (Dramatist): That style of role-playing in which story telling takes precedence over all other aspects of game play. This method of role-playing is plainly described by Mr. Edwards as being “expressed by the creation, via role-playing, of a story with a recognizable theme” and as set within one of the classic milieus of the literary genre. (IE: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etcetera.) However, being a game, the basic principles of the Pulp genre seem to also be a necessary integer of the formulae. Thus there is usually some form of conflict and conflict resolution involved in the story telling process, of which the players are often directly made a part.

Mr. Edwards original article may be accessed in full here. Articles pertaining to this trefold model of role-playing can also be found here “Styles of Roleplaying“ while other related articles may be found here “Role-Playing Games: Theory and Practice" and… This is just a beginning, more links can be added once located.

Sample entry provided by: Kester Pelagius

Creating an entry like the above can be rather simple. 1st step is to identify the word/concept to be defined. 2nd step is to locate the originating source and paraphrase using your own words. Which, of course, does require one to know what sort of terms The Forge dictionary/encyclopedia should have. I chose the obvious. :)

So I second (or is it third?) the motion for the creation of a master lists of terms which need definitions created for them. Until then let me know how you would like me to reformat the above. Did I leave anything out? Are there better links available?

Kind Regards.

Forge Reference Links:

Message 3650#37698

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On 10/18/2002 at 4:28am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Chris, I think the first posting pretty much explained what I was thinking of. It has to be a short definition followed by references and comments. The problem with the GNS eassay is that it's hard to grasp. There are numerous posts explaining things in detail. It would be great not only to have the definition but also links to places where it is defined and elaborated on, so you don't need to have people explaining the same thing over and over again.

Message 3650#37704

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On 10/18/2002 at 6:43am, Kester Pelagius wrote:

Pale Fire wrote: Chris, I think the first posting pretty much explained what I was thinking of. It has to be a short definition followed by references and comments. The problem with the GNS eassay is that it's hard to grasp. There are numerous posts explaining things in detail. It would be great not only to have the definition but also links to places where it is defined and elaborated on, so you don't need to have people explaining the same thing over and over again.


From what I read it sounded like you were wanting a master glossary with dictionary/cyclopedia references containing pointers to articles. (I didn't really think about linking to posts. Sorry.) Sounds like what you really want is a master file with hyperlinks to all the pertiennt information extant within this site?


If all you want is hyperlinks wouldn't it be easier to set up a dynamic boolean search installed to allow visitors to search the entire site for specific terms, catch phrases, etcetera which provides up-to-date links?
Or something?

Otherwise, if my initial write up wasn't too bad, what you're saying is it would need to have way more links to practical information? Point taken. Problem is if said information could be easily found there wouldn't be much need for such a glossary. Too, what one person may consider practical another might not.

It is a interesting dilemma.

Message 3650#37720

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On 10/18/2002 at 12:54pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Hmm...But When?

Kester Pelagius wrote: If all you want is hyperlinks wouldn't it be easier to set up a dynamic boolean search installed to allow visitors to search the entire site for specific terms, catch phrases, etcetera which provides up-to-date links?

There is a search installed, the problem with using it for a glossary, and I think I'm not alone on this one, is that it brings up too much chaff with the wheat. The idea, I thought, was to write a crisp definition and follow it with links to the postings that elaborate on it (and not the arguments that obscure it).

That way, when someone seems to be getting it wrong, you can link to the glossay saying, "Oh, I meant this...." The trick, socially speaking, is to keep it from seeming like, "You're wrong, only the Forge Glossary holds the true meaning." The glossary sounds like a tool of consensus, sorta "Here's how we've agreed to speak" kinda thing.

Personally (time available), I'm really pumped to get this going. Walt's all but agreed to hand out the assignments; all we need is site moderator authorization and software direction.

Come on, let's get this going before the embers die again!

Fang Langford

Message 3650#37738

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On 10/18/2002 at 2:58pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Gamist (alternative names: G)
First defined by:
Originally appeared in: frp.advocacy FAQ
Basic definition:
fjeifie ije fiejwfojieijfoiewjf oie oi
fiejfew oijfoiejfoie owjfiejoeij fejoiewj wfew
Reference articles and threads:
The GNS Essay
Another Thread
A third thread
Other comments:
Pale Fire: I think yada yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda
yadda yadda yadda
Box12398: Or you could also say yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda
yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

Going back to Chris' original format seems best.

Forgive the above attribution if it's incorrect; did it arise on another forum before Advocacy? But quoting Chris brought up an issue for me. A lot of these definitions predate the Forge. Ron formulated Narrativism, but G/D/S, the stances and so on came from online conversations back in the mid-90's. It makes sense for us to give credit where possible. For those unfamiliar, here is John Kim's frp.advocacy FAQ. And the Threefold Model (G/D/S). For historical curiosity.

The definitions in the glossary, of course, are what have found consensus here on the Forge, so it may be more appropriate to quote current sources, and simply give credit to those who went before.

Or we can skip the "originated with" credit altogether? I'm not fond of that, though it may be more practical.

--Emily Care

Message 3650#37764

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On 10/18/2002 at 3:29pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Emily, when I wrote "First defined by" I was thinking mostly that this would be Forge members. That would mean that the person credited could be contacted at the Forge for further discussion and so on.

We could maybe changed that to "Suggested by" and only provide the attribution if it's a) well established and b) is a forge member willing to have her/his name there. That would fill the same role.

Message 3650#37773

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On 10/18/2002 at 4:34pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Pale Fire wrote: We could maybe changed that to "Suggested by" and only provide the attribution if it's a) well established and b) is a forge member willing to have her/his name there. That would fill the same role.

Sounds good.

"Suggested by" will help remind us that all of the definitions are works in progress, open to input by all, rather than the Word of Go--I mean, Ron.

--Emily Care

Message 3650#37797

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On 10/18/2002 at 4:36pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time


So, from what I've been reading, I am not certain what peoples thoughts are about the actual sample entry I posted. So let me expand:

It took a little under 15 minutes to compile, not including the search for the links. All this talk about avoiding arguments talking "about" the information in a negative way is fine and dandy, point well taken even, but it really doesn't tell me much one way or the other. Just point me to the pertinent information and a cyclopedic entry will follow.

Of course, you know us tempermental authors...

Should I invest another 15 minutes to flesh the entry out and make it a proper cyclopedic entry?

Or should I just wander off into the dark forest and find a nice barrow mound to sleep in?

Message 3650#37798

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On 10/18/2002 at 4:55pm, Emily Care wrote:
Re: Sample entry...

Don't go burying yourself yet, young master. I'm sure the silence regarding the content of your definition is quite a positive thing. If anyone had problems with it, you'd have been corrected, politely but firmly already, I am sure.

Anyway, the issue with your entry is form, not content. (And if I'm wrong, I'm sure I will be corrected.

Kester Pelagius wrote: Gamism (Gamist): That style of role-playing which stresses direct competition amongst players. [T]his approach is primarily defined by the setting of victory conditions, such as those typically found present in table top war games or traditional board games.

Could be followed by:

Suggested by: Ron Edwards
Source/First Appeared in:“GNS and Other Matters of Role-Playing Theory” by Ron Edwards
Reference Articles and Threads:
GNS Essay
“Styles of Roleplaying“
“Role-Playing Games: Theory and Practice"
More links here.
Other Comments:

--Emily Care who hangs her head in shame for not noticing that Kester had already referenced the Three-fold Model....

Forge Reference Links:

Message 3650#37806

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On 10/18/2002 at 6:02pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Re: Sample entry...

Emily Care wrote: Don't go burying yourself yet, young master. I'm sure the silence regarding the content of your definition is quite a positive thing. If anyone had problems with it, you'd have been corrected, politely but firmly already, I am sure.

Anyway, the issue with your entry is form, not content. (And if I'm wrong, I'm sure I will be corrected.

Kester Pelagius wrote: Gamism (Gamist): That style of role-playing which stresses direct competition amongst players. [T]his approach is primarily defined by the setting of victory conditions, such as those typically found present in table top war games or traditional board games.

Could be followed by:

Suggested by: Ron Edwards
Source/First Appeared in:“GNS and Other Matters of Role-Playing Theory” by Ron Edwards
Reference Articles and Threads:
GNS Essay
“Styles of Roleplaying“
“Role-Playing Games: Theory and Practice"
More links here.
Other Comments:

--Emily Care who hangs her head in shame for not noticing that Kester had already referenced the Three-fold Model....

Yeah, sorry about that. I put all my references at the end.

Now the problem with the above, as I see it:

If I left my entry "as is" that would be fine. But, as I said, I really did that up in about 15 minutes. I would like to expand it into a proper cyclopedic entry, with references hyperlinked of course, but to do so under this format would literally mean I'd be tripling the size of the entry.

Then again, I'd also be using non-Forge originating material, which I do not think defeats Pale Fire's original intent. But to properly define what I chose-- lucky me, eh? ;)-- this is almost required.

Still your points are well taken. Will consider them while working on the entry, thanks much.

(laughing) Anything to distract me from the frustrating mess Crypt Fiends Revenge has become.

Forge Reference Links:

Message 3650#37841

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On 10/18/2002 at 6:49pm, Seth L. Blumberg wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Kester Pelagius wrote: I would like to expand it into a proper cyclopedic entry....

Encyclopedic references don't seem to be the consensus intent here. A handy index of past discussions on the subject is more the Forge style.

The problem with an encyclopedic reference is that it assumes an authoritative stance on the subject. There is no authority on GNS; Ron's opinion (as originator of the theory) is given substantial weight, but can be, and often is, gainsaid. Many other common Forge terms are in a similar state. To provide a complete definition of all the common terms would be to circumscribe discussion in exactly the way that many of us would like to avoid.

Message 3650#37852

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On 10/18/2002 at 9:01pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I think these terms have to be hard and fast and iron clad. Without having defnitive terms all discussions willl disolve into semantic arguments.

1. The entries should avoid regular language whenever possible. Just as story-oriented is stricken, so should be "creation of story."

2. Some hard-core terms are generally misleading (Simulationist which doesn't pertain to the simulation of anything ... Dramatist about which no one can truly agree). In these cases the disagreement or confusing nature of the language needs to be simply noted.

3. This will prevent certain types of discussions--but that's happening now. Can I "Create story" without narrativist gaming? Is an adventure about "Assault on Mt. Everest" 'railroading' because the plot moves up and down? All of these questions can be answered without debate by the encyclopedia--and should be.

My answers would be:
a) Yes--because in the general sense story is created by any act of play. In the specific sense, no--but that's using a non-standard intuitive definition of 'story' that I'd like to see removed from the lexicon.

b) No--railroading is a term for a kind of "dysfunction." A linear, imutable plot is not railroading if no one involved dislikes it.


Message 3650#37889

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On 10/19/2002 at 4:52am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
The Grand old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men...


Going over what Emily Care, Seth L. Blumberg, and Marco had to say in recent posts I have one comment. There’s a lot of great brainstorming going on here!

Let me just preface my comments by saying my idea for an cyclopedia entry is really something apart from this, but which could be used in conjunction with it. That and I wanted to find out what sort of direction this was going to go. Too, I saw so many posts requesting info about GNS that, well, uh….

In relation to Pale Fire’s original suggestion, sounds like what we are (ultimately) aiming at is something which will allow input by members of The Forge and provide an output that perhaps looks something like this in a master database/list (?):


The GNS Theory (Threefold Model)

First Outlined by: Ron Edwards
Originated in: a online essay @ The Forge
Basic Definition: GNS, acronym for "Gamist Narrativist Simulationist", a titular given the model of gaming theory describing what has been identified as three basic "styles" of role-playing.
Primary Reference Articles and Threads:
Ron Edward’s GNS Essay
The Forge’s GNS Discussion Forum
"Styles of Roleplaying"
"Role-Playing Games: Theory and Practice"



I shortened the field descriptors. If this is going to be embedded the shorter the field for the hard coded text the better. Also I put in bold text and color (green for URLs) where I thought color would be warranted, though the latter may be more difficult to code in. (A way around that might be to allow the board’s native codes to be usable in the database, though the end result might not be uniform if everyone decides to use their own colors for different things. I‘ve seen this one happen in ancient of days, in the Land of BBS.) Of course the actual end result will reside in the nimble fingers of the coders. Also I put spaces between the header and the “Comments:” section, though I am not sure the latter is really necessary.

Of course that is assuming the local coding wizards in residence decide to code something like this. In ancient of days it would require fossil drivers to allow access to the door, but I imagine it should be much easier to implement now. Right?

On the other hand a list could probably be compiled by hand in the meantime. [entering bad English accent mode] Pale Fire, old boy, I do believe that, as the instigator of this fine program that the wonderful joy of editing would fall into your hands. Eh, wot. Kipper? Toasted scone?[/exiting bad English accent mode]

(Looking at expression on Pale Fire’s face.)

(Rolling against my “Run Like a Frightened English School Girl” Skill. ;) )

Kind and Humorous Regards,

Kester Pelagius.

Forge Reference Links:
Board 3

Message 3650#37949

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On 10/20/2002 at 1:56pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

I'm a little confused here by the entries you wrote up Kester.

What I was thinking of was a cgi style program with two main functions:

1. Search for terms in a database to get the current definition(s) and links to relevant documents (possibly off-site) as well as forge forum postings relating to it.

2. Allow input of new terms, adding new links and revising the old, editing definitions and so on.

This program would either be written by someone (I could even volunteer to do so if Clinton or someone tells me what I could write it in. Since my language of choice is Java and I've done a lot of jsp, I'd prefer that. Pearl is acceptable but my code is a mess (although it gets the work done). Other types I'd pretty much have to read up on) or we could use some prewritten thing.

What I'm currently waiting for is Clinton or Ron to decide what software they want to run this thing on.

Editing and writing up definitions of terms is kind of uninteresting to me before we have a program working. I can accept the role of making sure everyone has something to write and nag if they don't finish it, but first there has to be that cgi program.

Ok, so sure, we could put a forum which is only definitions and stuff, but that is hideously impractical for someone who wants to look up more than one definition. I'd say make a program for it.

But as I said: I'm still waiting for the admins to decide what they want...

Message 3650#38031

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On 10/20/2002 at 3:44pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Hell, you wouldn't even need CGI. You could write this this up completely in ASP pages and VBscript, pulling the information out of an MS Access database (or whatever kind you wanted to use; I'm most familiar with Access). You could even add data through submittable forms and have them stuck into the database, retrievable by the next person to use it.

Hell, _I_ could set this up, with the little knowledge I've gained from CS 339 this semester. All I'd need is a list of the fields people wanted in the database and I could have it up and running as long as there was a server available that supported that stuff.


Message 3650#38051

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On 10/20/2002 at 5:20pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time


Pale Fire wrote: I'm a little confused here by the entries you wrote up Kester.

At first I thought what you wanted were a few pre-written cyclopdeic/glossary style entries to be collated into a database.

Then I realized, after reading a bit further, the consensus was for a more dynamic registry/input mechanism whereby the glossary (as it were) could be built up by members of The Forge on the fly.

Thus my second entry. Which was more a "hey, any programmers out there, is this sort of thing doable" post.

Pale Fire wrote: Editing and writing up definitions of terms is kind of uninteresting to me before we have a program working. I can accept the role of making sure everyone has something to write and nag if they don't finish it, but first there has to be that cgi program.

That's fine. According to your outline goal the program will really be the begin and end all of what you have outlined.

However, in so for as a glossary goes, it is always best to start with a list of terms. Define them. Collate them. Check them for basic grammar and other things requiring basic editing. Then to compile them into a master list.

Which, as I said, was what I thought you initially wanted. But I now realise it isn't.

No harm done. (My fault really, I'm used to reading posts in sequence, responding one post at a time, not taking in a whole thread then answering everyone at once.)

Pale Fire wrote: Ok, so sure, we could put a forum which is only definitions and stuff, but that is hideously impractical for someone who wants to look up more than one definition. I'd say make a program for it.

An HTML document would be better, if you were going the glossary route, which you have stated is not your design goal.

The creating of the sort of program you want is, or should be, relatively simple. In the ancient of days when the Land of BBS was more than a mere myth such programs were like stink on a pig. Mostly they existed as "Walls", meaning simple programs that allowed users to post a message, usually as a frontdoor program. Of course there were also a few that had hard coded fields that allowed for the creation of lists just of the sort you are speaking.

Alas I have long since deleted any such source codes I may have had, which is why I posted my post, in the hopes a real honest to goodness programmer would come along, see it, understand, and go "Hey! I can do that. It's sooooo simple, you know, really guys. Here it is!"

Pale Fire wrote: But as I said: I'm still waiting for the admins to decide what they want...

Yep. Until you know what medium this needs to be coded in it's all really hypothetical fodder for discussion, debate, and pillow fights.

In closing I'd like to apologize if I confused anyone. Wasn't my intent, then again who was it that said the road to Hell is paved with good intentions?

Kind Regards.

Message 3650#38061

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On 10/20/2002 at 5:22pm, Adam wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Jonathan Walton wrote: Hell, you wouldn't even need CGI. You could write this this up completely in ASP pages and VBscript, pulling the information out of an MS Access database (or whatever kind you wanted to use; I'm most familiar with Access). You could even add data through submittable forms and have them stuck into the database, retrievable by the next person to use it.

Just to be pedantic, because I am - ASP is just another method of programming CGI [Common Gateway Interface] scripts.

Message 3650#38062

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On 10/20/2002 at 5:26pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:

Greetings Jonathan,

Welcome the wonderful world of The Forge.

And if you've an old hat, well, welcome to this thread.

Jonathan Walton wrote: Hell, _I_ could set this up, with the little knowledge I've gained from CS 339 this semester. All I'd need is a list of the fields people wanted in the database and I could have it up and running as long as there was a server available that supported that stuff.


See what I mean?

I write up an entire post, answering a post, then the next one is almost precisely the sort of thing I was talking about...

Makes me feel like what I posted was a insane rant now.

Then again "ask and you shall recieve" comes to mind.

(Kester skips off into the Dark Forest fingering the triggar on his elmer fudd while muttering about hunting "sabre toothed rabbits".)

Message 3650#38063

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On 10/20/2002 at 6:09pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Forge vocab one more time

Adam wrote: Just to be pedantic, because I am - ASP is just another method of programming CGI [Common Gateway Interface] scripts.

Well, I said I hadn't learned much in that class... ;)


Message 3650#38068

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