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Topic: TMW:COTEC - More Trait/Ability Design Stuff
Started by: RobMuadib
Started on: 8/12/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/12/2003 at 7:24pm, RobMuadib wrote:
TMW:COTEC - More Trait/Ability Design Stuff

Hey All

So I have blown the dust of my Trait Design System notes and am
working on the system again. As of this moment, I have the following
Ability Charactertistics, which define a Trait, Meta-Type (META),
Detectability (DET), Target (TGT), Range (RNG), Time (TIME), Mechanics
(MECH), Effects (EFX), & Duration (DTN). Which determine various
mechanical elements of the use and definition of the ability (see previous
post for more info.) Now, what I find myself wanting to add is another
Ability Characteristic, Type (TYPE), inspired from the way Fudge defines
it's character Traits. Anyway, from my notes,...

Type (TYPE)

The Type Ability Characteristic divides Traits into five broad categories of
abilities. These abilities differ in the way an Entity possesses them and
whether or not they can gain or improve them. Traits types include
Attributes, Proficiencies, Advantages, Perks, and Metabilities. Each of the
Trait Types is explained below.

Attributes are the fundamental inherent abilities in the cardinal areas of
being evidenced by Entities. The cardinal abilities inherent to an Entity
depend on the type of the Entity. Personae are rated in three areas of
cardinal ability, Physical, Mental, and Empathic. Attributes have a Default
Trait Score, representing the typical ability in that area possessed by an
Entity of that type. This default is a base GP Score of ten (10), though
certain Attributes default to zero, in cases where all Entities possess
fundamental latent ability. Attributes can be improved, however,
depending on the Reality Rules in effect, this improvement will likely
involve a cost increase and require extraordinary in-game justification.

Proficiency Traits represent specific mundane abilities an Entity may have
that are a refined application of their fundamental abilities represented by
their Attributes; as such they require training, experience, education, or
practice to obtain. Proficiencies have a Default Trait Score of zero (0).
Proficiencies add to the aptitude provided by an Entities Attributes.
Proficiencies may be gained or improved by Entities that possess them, at
varying cost and difficulty, depending on the Reality Rules in effect, and
the means used to improve the proficiency.

Advantage Traits represent inherent mundane abilities that an entity may
possess, but which are not fundamental to that Type of Entity. In general
an Entity may neither gain nor improve Advantages through study, but
they may be gained or improved through other means. This is determined
by the Reality Rules in effect.

Perks represent extrinsic mundane abilities that an Entity may possess,
typically through social means. In general, they may be gained, lost or
improved through social means. The costs and requirements are defined
by the Reality Rules in effect.

Metabilities are a special category of abilities which provide abilities
beyond the mundane abilities represented by Attributes, Proficiencies,
Advantages, & Perks. Metabilities are not possessed by all Entities, and
differ in how they may be gained or lost, or improved as set by the
Reality Rules in effect.

Ok, so basically, as I see it, by assigning a Type characteristic to a
Trait/Ability you are attaching mechanics that define it's starting level, and
how it can be improved. And in the Case of Perks, assigning a Meta-Type
as well (Which is kind of messed up but necessary to work. Essentially
they are a subset of Advantages/Disadvantages with different rules on
gain/loss, kludgy I know.) Also, this defines a relationship between
Attributes & Proficiencies in terms of how they can be bought up, relative
to "governing" attributes, and bonus to Acting Score from inherent
aptitude. Finally, the type categories work with my Design Points system
by providing different amounts of points to buy various ability types the
more DP assigned to category.

So my question is, does this make sense. Can anyone think of a better
way to add in these "simulationist" effects/definitions to my basic ability design
system. Currently alot of this is retro-fitted to work with system design
concepts I already had. Basically, by adding this element, along with Meta-
Type, I am destroying the Trait is a Trait is a Trait element, and the pure
design for effect nature of system. This is fine with me as I want the
differentation in order to provide the sim focus I want for the game. (and
I can add in special modifiers to make a trait that removes these built in


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On 8/20/2003 at 1:57am, cruciel wrote:
RE: TMW:COTEC - More Trait/Ability Design Stuff

I don't see any problem with it. It makes sense - it's a set of default groupings for base value, advancement requirements, and the range of characters a trait is applicable to. I'm sure I could think up more groups if I had to, but I think you've covered your bases sufficiently.

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On 8/20/2003 at 1:27pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: TMW:COTEC - More Trait/Ability Design Stuff

Seems pretty straightforward, and standard. Really, the only thing that you've added here are breakdowns, the means of improvement of the categories, and the one link between proficiencies and attributes.

Why not have all attributes based at 0 as "average"? That makes for less math, and drops the exception. In any case, does the current system hav 0 meaning that the character has none of the statistic? If so, going from ) to 10 makes for a very short universal scale. You won't be able to differentiate mice from ants on a size scale, for instance. Hero system, which has it's base at 10 allows stats to go negative in rating them (which makes one wonder why they didn't change to a zero base, but anyhow). So, they're admitting that the scale isn't sufficient, even given their exponential expansion scheme.

Would magic be a proficiency, or a meta-ability? Or would that depend on the world?


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