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Topic: Magic Items Revisited
Started by: Morfedel
Started on: 8/28/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/28/2003 at 2:37pm, Morfedel wrote:
Magic Items Revisited

I see that this is the first post since april, so this is a very old thread I'm responding to, heh, but I had an idea, especially in regards to "corrupting" items.

What if you first had SAs that were freely given access to by the PCs for use? But the dice cannot be spent, and it has limits roughly equal to a matching SA from the PC?


Let's say that a sword called KingBreaker had the SA: Dethrone Kings (5).

However, you only get access to one die of it if you have no SAs in that same area. However, each time you use the sword for its intended purpose, you roll willpower against a TN of the Sword's SA + twice the dice used (in this case, 7). If you fail, you get a BRAND NEW SA, equal to the swords, with one die in it.

You can spend the dice, but you cannot remove the SA as it was a FREE gift. If ever you get in the same position again, and do NOT wish to use the sword for its intended purpose, you must roll your Willpower TN of the Swords' SA plus twice the number of dice available, or else you must use the SA of the sword and your own. Make willpower checks against a TN of the Sword's SA + twice the dice available, as before, or you are effectively inflicted with a flaw that forces your actions in this case while the situation lasts.

You always have access to 1 die; how do you get more? Each time the SA that matches the Sword's SA raises, you get access to another die (in other words, the number of dice you have access to is one higher than your matching SA); however, spending those SAs does not relieve you of its corrupting influence! Keep track of insight points gained seperately for spending these special SA points. Each time you would earn a "new level" on the insight chart for making a new character, it counts as if you had one die in that SA for purposes of what your die access to the sword is.

In other words, it becomes a downward spiral. The more you use the item, the more you have access to, but the less options you gain. And even spending your SAs does not rid it of its influence.

And what if you want to rid yourself of the item, and resist its call in the future? Again, willpower against a TN of the SA of the item plus twice the dice available.

So, to recap:

# of dice available from item's SA: current user's matching SA + 1, or # of item's corruption points, whichever is higher.

Corruption Points: number of "levels" gained on the insight chart for improving new character, only with points spent from character's SA.

To avoid gaining or increasing the SA matching the item just by using it: Willpower against SA of the sword + twice the number of dice available. first time will usually begin with SA of item + 2.

In situations where the SA of the item could apply, but the character does not wish to use it: roll Willpower against a TN of the item's SA + twice the dice available.

To get rid of and resist the call of the item: Willpower against a TN of SA of the item + twice the dice available, again.

Now, thats for corrupting items. I imagine there would be items that would offer its powers without corrupting its users.

Also, these items would often have other powers built in, such as, uhm, invisibility :). Such items might inhibit some of their powers to a level befitting the ammount of influence the item has over the person, if its a corrupting item.

This is to simulate the "one ring" corrupting that bilbo and frodo suffered, methinks. Certainly, Brian's idea of letting the PCs hang themselves is a fine one too, though. I think BOTH options can work, dependong on the feel you are looking for.

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On 8/28/2003 at 9:06pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Magic Items Revisited

Just a quick note - I split this post from this one, as that thread was old and should stay dead. Reference back to it for the ongoing discussion.


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