The Forge Reference Project


Topic: whoops post (split from GNS & Social Contract)
Started by: Noon
Started on: 11/16/2003
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 11/16/2003 at 12:15am, Noon wrote:
whoops post (split from GNS & Social Contract)

The GM wrote: *snip*
Using GNS designations, the campaign swung wildly from one spectrum to the other, frequently mid-session as I, being the storyteller, purposefully provided aspects of each category to satisfy each player, myself included.
Now, the argument here is that someone had to give up game time for something they liked in order for someone else to get something they liked. THIS IS TRUE!

Roleplaying is actually pretty tiring, mentally. I get the feeling that if you focus on one players likes for awhile, they eventually wear out...and while they're tired they don't really notice the style has swung someone elses way. Once they perk up, swing it back to their style. If they keep getting the game they want when their 'concious', so to speak, they'll feel the whole session was in their style! SUCKERS! Well, suckers in a good, no one looses way.

EDIT : OH CRAP! I'm sure I got this link of the recent post links from the front page...I didn't mean to ressurect an ancient post! Christ, how did I end up here! Sorry all! :(

Message 8703#90624

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...from around 11/16/2003

On 11/16/2003 at 3:45pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: whoops post (split from GNS & Social Contract)

S'OK! Actually your edit made me laugh,

For reference, Noon (or the mischievous spirits guiding his motions) posted to GNS and Social Contract.

This thread, or post rather, is closed, unless someone really wants to continue from the specific point Noon is making.


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 8452

Message 8703#90655

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated GNS Model Discussion
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/16/2003