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CAH: the CD

Started by Cynthia Celeste Miller, June 05, 2002, 07:51:21 PM

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Cynthia Celeste Miller

At the request of my local game store owner, we burned CAH onto 10 CDs so he can sell them.  

I know CD RPGs don't typically sell very good, so I'm curious as to how many of them will be purchased.  Rick (the store owner) seems positive that he can sell them all.  

In any case, it should be an interesting experiment.
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games

Ron Edwards


Data! At last, actual data! I am very interested in the results of this venture.

Glad to hear that the retailer is willing to promote the game. I suggest placing a link to his store website on the CAH site with appropriate fanfare, if you haven't already.


Cynthia Celeste Miller

Hiya, Ron!

Never let it be said that we're a timid lot.  ;)

Seriously though, I figure it's worth the small amount of cash to see if we can sell 10 of 'em.  If it fails, we're out virtually nothing, but if it succeeds, we'll know there may be a market for CD games.  Either way, we shall  find out if it's viable or not.  At least to some degree.

Anyway, yeah, we're adding a "Links" page so we can direct folks to pages we feel are worth a visit.  Our webmaster should have this ready soon.
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games


I bought one,  there is at least one of us willing to try it on cd
=P    (hehehe)

And Rick is a really nice guy =)

Cynthia Celeste Miller

I agree about Rick.  He's a genuine class act.  And thanks for buying CAH.

BTW, since you live here in Springfield and want to play, I've been running a near-weekly Warriors of the Cosmos series for CAH.  Let me know if you want to jump in.  :)
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games