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The Forge R2

Started by Clinton R. Nixon, October 15, 2001, 07:21:00 PM

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no joking, "least popular" would be a decent category

over at" target="_top">The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy the front page has lists of the 5 latest articles, 5 most overlooked articles, and 5 busiest conversations

in the context of the Forge and the resources section this would translate into 5 latest links, 5 most overlooked links and 5 busiest forum conversations

obviously 5 most popular links and 5 latest conversations would be other options, although I think the thinking is that the popular links are going to be popular anyways



that the popular links are going to be popular anyways
Unfortunately, the Forge "popularity" links suffer the same problem as most other similar "top ten" lists: I can simply go and click my own link a hundred times and BAM! I'm a "popular" link.

The only reasonable way to construct a "top ten" is to get viewer input, not simply rate click-through.  That is: "Is this link worth clicking and why?" done on a non-anonymous basis.
A little "comment" button after the little "edit" button would be my preference.

Otherwise "popularity" is simply meaningless.

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
  Support Peace">

[ This Message was edited by: greyorm on 2001-10-22 10:35 ]
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio

Ron Edwards


Speaking strictly as a Forge member and not as any sort of authority-dude ... I really hate "most popular" indicators in these environments. I'd prefer that people would be able to explore the site and discover what interests them. I also think that those inclined to see "where the action is" can do so simply by looking at the number of posts and the dates.

I do like the "what's new" part, especially in regard to reviews and articles.


Matt Machell

I'm a bit concerned about anybody being able to edit any entry on the resources section. This leaves you wide open to somebody hacking the hell out of the index, and causing you lots of work.

We may not like to think that'll happen, but all it takes is one technically minded person who takes a dislike to the forge.


Clinton R. Nixon

To all:

a) 'Most popular' isn't going to be used - it's just a feature of the software I intend to delete.

b) No hacking's going to occur. Sweet Jesus, people worry around here. I have to approve all changes manually.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Hey Clinton, what about a "viewer comments" button...I think I would really like to see that regardless.  Feedback, feedback.

Course that is what the forums are supposed to be used for, but perhaps a little one for splurges?  "What you'll like/what you won't from my POV" kind of comments, max 250 words or something.

Just tossing ideas out here; I know the new search feature will allow searching posts about that subject, so one could always search on a game name.

Still, just the feedback-hog in me speaking out.

Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Thumbs up from me.

Imagination is the key to inner peace. Do you know which door it lies behind?

Don Lag

Definately an upgrade from the present library. I would however, suggest that the Forum user accounts were used in the game library also (for editing mainly). It seems both the forum and the new library are both based on third-party software (correct me if I'm wrong), and it's most probable that you don't ahave an easy way to share accounts across them.

If you also think this would be a good idea, I'd be glad to help you take a look at the code and see if there's anyway to acomplish this.

Oh, and I think you should get rid of the splash page too.. or at least leave a cookie s that returning users get hopped to the main page right away (unless you're against cookies or something).
Sebastian Acuña