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Rules for Cookie Fu posted here. Feedback strongly desired!

Started by bluekabuto, June 23, 2002, 02:03:42 AM

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A gun-fu die expansion would be very cool indead.  

Hmmm.... gun-fu die sides... gun, 2 guns, dive, magazine, shell casing, eye

Gun- shoot a gun
2 Guns- acts as 2 guns.
Dive- little siluoet of a diving man- evade an attack
Magazine- reload
Shall Casing- out of ammo!
Eye- aim... ignore a Dive when combined with a Gun

something like that...

or just reevaluate the fu-dice (fist=shoot, kick=dodge, grab=load, hold=out of ammo, chi=aim?)

I like the idea of getting an expansion pack that can work on several different levels- as a quick and dirty dice game, as a rpg setting/source expansion and as an adventure menu...  That is quite a bit of value in one package.  I always quite liked the CheapAss and TWERPS model...there is no reason such quick-and-dirty games need to be pure timewasters though... Your site indicates you wish to do some expansion into online publishing- publishing the role playing expansion for the store-sold Cookie Fu die game would be really cool.  Rarely does a product you buy get better after you rip open the package.  

As for skill, actualy you hit on exactly what I was thinking.  Say your typical Fu Warrior has 3 Skill dice.  He has a 1 in 6 shot of getting any one icon.  I think a difficulty scale of 1-3 is in order.  Diff 1 requires 1 icon to succede...diff 3 requires 3.  What if Chi was always a success?  Basicly a Lucky Break- jos shines on you through good chi.  

So basicly, you get a hit on a 2 out of 6 basis.  

Say you are a Kung Fu Getaway Driver (Chi 1, Fu 3, Skill 3) and you are trying to jump a slowly rising drawbridge to escape the cops chaising you.  Rev the engine of your supercharged GTO and GO!  FM (Fu Master) rules it pretty hard, so he assignes a Diff of 2.  Since it it driving, you need your fists on the wheel, so your icon is Fist.  Throw your skill dice, and you get a Chi, a Fist, and a Kick.  Through a combination of your awesome skills (your Fist die) and your good luck (your Chi die) you succede- describe the coolness with apropriate flair.  

Working out the odds for this and basing the skill mechanic on it will be the trick.


Quote from: BailywolfA gun-fu die expansion would be very cool indead.  

Hmmm.... gun-fu die sides... gun, 2 guns, dive, magazine, shell casing, eye

Gun- shoot a gun
2 Guns- acts as 2 guns.
Dive- little siluoet of a diving man- evade an attack
Magazine- reload
Shall Casing- out of ammo!
Eye- aim... ignore a Dive when combined with a Gun

something like that...

or just reevaluate the fu-dice (fist=shoot, kick=dodge, grab=load, hold=out of ammo, chi=aim?)

I like the idea of getting an expansion pack that can work on several different levels- as a quick and dirty dice game, as a rpg setting/source expansion and as an adventure menu...  That is quite a bit of value in one package.  I always quite liked the CheapAss and TWERPS model...there is no reason such quick-and-dirty games need to be pure timewasters though... Your site indicates you wish to do some expansion into online publishing- publishing the role playing expansion for the store-sold Cookie Fu die game would be really cool.  Rarely does a product you buy get better after you rip open the package.  

As for skill, actualy you hit on exactly what I was thinking.  Say your typical Fu Warrior has 3 Skill dice.  He has a 1 in 6 shot of getting any one icon.  I think a difficulty scale of 1-3 is in order.  Diff 1 requires 1 icon to succede...diff 3 requires 3.  What if Chi was always a success?  Basicly a Lucky Break- jos shines on you through good chi.  

So basicly, you get a hit on a 2 out of 6 basis.  

Say you are a Kung Fu Getaway Driver (Chi 1, Fu 3, Skill 3) and you are trying to jump a slowly rising drawbridge to escape the cops chaising you.  Rev the engine of your supercharged GTO and GO!  FM (Fu Master) rules it pretty hard, so he assignes a Diff of 2.  Since it it driving, you need your fists on the wheel, so your icon is Fist.  Throw your skill dice, and you get a Chi, a Fist, and a Kick.  Through a combination of your awesome skills (your Fist die) and your good luck (your Chi die) you succede- describe the coolness with apropriate flair.  

Working out the odds for this and basing the skill mechanic on it will be the trick.

It pretty scarry how we're thinking! ^_^

On the gun fu thing - I was thinking of having the guns dice (doesn't just have to be guns) have the following icons on them.

Strike - counts as a hit on your opponent
Block (or dive) counts as a defense either way
Click - out of ammo, need a reload to use again.
Reload - need this to fire again.

I like the idea of an aim, but you'd need to get a strike in order to do damage. Am I wrong here?

As for guns, this is what I figured -

small gun - 1 dice
medium gun -2 dice
big gun - 3 dice

hense, the bigger the gun - the more damage you could do and the harder it is to reload.

The results would be added to the Fu fighter's other rolls. That is, gun results are added onto his strike totals. A more powerful fighter can do more damage in combat.

Chi would be the lucky break, as I figured you should have at least 1 icon on the die that will give you an automatic success. - Are you a mind reader or what? ^_^

Yes, I'll need to breakdown the skill set and assign the appropriate icons to them. Probably "grab" on the steering wheel would have been better.

As for the skill mechanic, it doesn't really seem all that different fomr West End Game's setup for some of their d6 games. Uhm, hercules/xena I believe. The dice had icons on them and you needed to score a particular icon to get success at a task.

Difficulty numbers? - this works for 3 dice characters, but what happens when you use a 4,5, or 6 dice character? I'd have to make it like "levels" sorta and change the difficulty numbers accordingly. That is a 5 dice episode is tougher than a 2 or 3 dice episode.

all great stuff here. I looks good on paper, but will it work in playtest? That's the trick.
Ja Mata,
Bryan Kowalski ">Blue Kabuto
"Watashitachi no geimu sugoi yo! Oide, Oide"


I'd say that a sliding scale of difficulty might be in order, with 1 being a basic challange (diving through a window without injury) and 3 being super cinematic action (jumping through the window, falling 20 stories, landing in a swimming pool unhurt).  Beyond this, you get into Matrix style uber-stunts beyond anything even remotly possible.

For more genera-specific expansions (Wuxia! for example) then you can simply alter the difficulty scale (call it changing the Prices on the Stunt Menu).  Handouts like printed cards with the expansions Stunt Menu on the front and some apropriate skill descriptions on the back.... For a more gritty, "realistic" setting, raise the prices on the Stunt Menu.  

Some settings may have fairly conservative Stunt Menus, but have certain genera-specific "Specials" which are lower priced than they would otherwise be.  

Hell, imagine printing player hand-outs with brief genera descriptions, some references (movies and such), any special rules, the Stunt Menu, and character creation guidelines along with a place to write up a character... and print them all on a tri-fold Chinese-American takeout style menu!

For combat stunts, use Fu dice.  For non-combat stunts, use Skill.   Perhaps if you spend one of your banked Chi, you get to reroll?  

Offer Abort actions.  If I'm tearing twords that slowly rising bridge, and all I roll is one Grab, when I need 2... I shouldn't go crashing off into the water unless I don't roll any hits... perhaps instead of crashing, I chicken at the last minute, or see the bridge has gotten too high and I have to do a last ditch fish-tail turn...leaving me pointing directly at my persuers... what do I do?  Play chicken!  

In this kind of resisted stunt, the Stunt Cost would just be the hits rolled by the oposition- in this case the lead cop.  We'll see who's brass is the best polished- his badge or my balls!

I'm telling you- I would PLAY this game.

I think the reason we're thinking along the same lines, is that all this stuff is a natural extension on your really solid core- a potent little die mechanic which also happens to seem fun as hell on its own.


I finally got to see Brotherhood of the Wolf last night... woh damn!

This sort of lush dripping period horror/action could really come to life with a Cookie Fu suplement.  The scheme presented in the movie is ready made for a long-term campaign (baring character death, of course)- a small group of diversly trained roustabouts investigating weird and seditions stuff in a roaring swashbuckling 18th century filled with hints of supernatural menace, and all to real human evil.  For mood, how about a Rose die instead of a cookie die?  Rose Bud, Rose Bloom, Wilted Rose.  Bud beats Bloom beats Wilt beats Bud...

Weapons could add damage to certain attack icons or grant bonus blocks (a sword- +1 damage, a staff 1 free block?) with a Disarm being an alternate use for a Grab/Throw combo....

Or even Fencing Dice (for a more Count of Montecristo or The Princess Bride flair)... thrust, parry, slash, feint, bind, reposte...   with Witty Banter for each die played...

I can see comnining Fu dice with Fencing (or even Gun dice!) for those mix-o-crazy action scenes where the characters are shooting at each other, then get close tenought to kick each other in the head... of when sword fighters bind up their weapons only to throw a sneaky punch in the ribs- a stunt that doesn't make sense in most RPG combat systems (why punch?  why not just go for another stab?)  With like three Fencing dice and a Fu die, you could use your Fencing dice for defense, when use that one rolled Fist to nail the other guy in the gut... but damn, that could work SO well...

The more I think about Cookie Fu, the more I think it can be more than just a somewhat funny table game- it could be the core mechanic for a series of inexpensive, fun, and creative action-adventure role playing games.  I'm sold.

Matt Gwinn

I think Cookie Fu is a pretty cool idea.  I'd be tempted to buy it if I saw it in the store just for the name.

One problem I see is including a fortune cookie.  If you intend to put everything in a ziplock bag I guarantee the cookies will eventually break or be broken before the game is purchased.

Stores may buy a few at first, but once the first cookie breaks they will likely consider it too much of a risk.  Now, it seems that the cookie itself is irrelivant to the function of the game, but the store owner and customer don't necessarily know that and may think the game itself is unsellable.

I'd leave the cookie out.  It's not like they're hard to come by.  I get 6 or 7 for free every time I order chinese.


By the way, does anyone know by Baileywolf's last post says it was posted in August?
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Mike Holmes

Quote from: MattGwinnBy the way, does anyone know by Baileywolf's last post says it was posted in August?

Joined in August of 2001. Posted today.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Matt Gwinn

QuoteJoined in August of 2001. Posted today.

Why is it that I always notice these things 'after' I've made myself look like an idiot?

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at


Quote from: BailywolfI finally got to see Brotherhood of the Wolf last night... woh damn!

This sort of lush dripping period horror/action could really come to life with a Cookie Fu suplement.  The scheme presented in the movie is ready made for a long-term campaign (baring character death, of course)- a small group of diversly trained roustabouts investigating weird and seditions stuff in a roaring swashbuckling 18th century filled with hints of supernatural menace, and all to real human evil.  For mood, how about a Rose die instead of a cookie die?  Rose Bud, Rose Bloom, Wilted Rose.  Bud beats Bloom beats Wilt beats Bud...

Weapons could add damage to certain attack icons or grant bonus blocks (a sword- +1 damage, a staff 1 free block?) with a Disarm being an alternate use for a Grab/Throw combo....

Or even Fencing Dice (for a more Count of Montecristo or The Princess Bride flair)... thrust, parry, slash, feint, bind, reposte...   with Witty Banter for each die played...

I can see comnining Fu dice with Fencing (or even Gun dice!) for those mix-o-crazy action scenes where the characters are shooting at each other, then get close tenought to kick each other in the head... of when sword fighters bind up their weapons only to throw a sneaky punch in the ribs- a stunt that doesn't make sense in most RPG combat systems (why punch?  why not just go for another stab?)  With like three Fencing dice and a Fu die, you could use your Fencing dice for defense, when use that one rolled Fist to nail the other guy in the gut... but damn, that could work SO well...

The more I think about Cookie Fu, the more I think it can be more than just a somewhat funny table game- it could be the core mechanic for a series of inexpensive, fun, and creative action-adventure role playing games.  I'm sold.

You must seriously be reading my mind. For a point of reference, the Cookie Fu system was taken from the Ramen Raiders game. We had planned to do a few other titles using that system including:

Star Raiders
Freedom City (Supers)
Tomb Raiders (obviously not the name, but a qausi working title)
Gold and Gore (a fantasy type rpg)

The possibilites are endless to say the least. As for the included fortune cookie? Hmm, good points - perhaps a two player combo pack (pack in a chinese food pail) could include them.

On the fencing dice -
Weapons are also planned for Ramen Raiders. Perhaps break the "weapons" dice down into categories and the bigger/more powerful the weapon, the more dice it uses. (i.e. dagger/longkinfe = 1 dice, longsword =2 dice, greatsword = 3 dice, etc)

Categories could include:
Polearms (staves, halberds, etc)

Bailywolf sir? Have you playtested the cookie fu rules with anyone else?

What would be the most common Gun types for a hong Kong action style game? I am thinking w/respective icons:

Handguns (gun, gun, aim, dodge, click, reload)
Revolvers (gun, click, aim, dodge, click, reload)
Submachine guns (gun, gun, gun, dodge, click, reload)
Shotguns (gun, gun, click, dodge, click, reload)
Rifles (gun, gun, aim, aim, click, reload)

I think that covers all the basics, right?
Ja Mata,
Bryan Kowalski ">Blue Kabuto
"Watashitachi no geimu sugoi yo! Oide, Oide"


Unfortunatly, I've just been playing against myself with some mockup d6 (using little cut up pieces of name-tag stickers).  Adding Fight dice make a really good progression for fighter power... and by reinterpreting what the dice mean, you can get into some really cool and cinematic combat very very quickly and easily- no screwing around, lets rumble.  

Packaging a basic set into a take-out box is a brilliant idea- I love it!  Easy to carry, with room for more junk down the road.  What is your current thoughts on pricing?  Also, I'm just a little hazy one one point- are you going to actualy provide the dice themselves, or decals to afix to normal d6-ers?  I'm all for the dice myself- my little sticky lables keep peeling off.

I was watching some Zatoichi eariler in the week- one of my fave samuri movie series- and I though of Cookie Fu- for a chambara-style swords-n-yakuza style samuri game.

You could even produce generic Fight Dice (though with your Five Rings/Elements for RR it looks like you already have).  

I have to be honest- the only thing I have any reservations thusfar aboutt he system is the overt comic overtones- cookie fu, ramen raiders... will your expansions be more "serious" (excluding knuckknuck the genera embraces itself)?  

Star Raiders
Freedom City (Supers)
Tomb Raiders (obviously not the name, but a qausi working title)
Gold and Gore (a fantasy type rpg)

niiiiiiiiiice!  Star Raiders could make use of Tech dice (or some such) for high tech gear like blaster pistols and personl force shields...

Freedom City... now this has awesome possibilities!  A Fortune-style die for initiative, a few Clobberin! dice for slugfests, and a couple of Power! dice for superpowers.  Bricks (Hulk, the Thing) are bilt with lots of Clobberin! dice, while blasters and manipulators (like Cyclops or Dr Strange) are built with Power! dice.  

Toumb Raiders- Indiana Jones anyone?  A stunt system is seriously in order here- perhaps drawing from a central pool of 'stunt dice' with a character's star power determining how many he can draw for a scene?

Gold and Gore (G&G!!!!! I want to play it for that alone!).  Obviously, you need Fight dice, Mage dice, and Sneak dice.  Different classes get different combinations of dice.  A Mage gets 5 Mage dice, a Fighter 5 Fight dice, a Thief 5 Sneak dice.  Multicalss to mix dice types.  A Fighter Mage gets 3 Fight Dice and 2 Mage dice (or visverse).  

Sneak Dice: Sneak, Sneak, Steal, Stab, Evade (combine a Sneak with a Stab to backstab an enemy!)

Mage Dice:  blast, change, move, shield, mana, drain (blast to attack, change to alter something, move to tk or transport, mana gets you a point of magic energy, drain costs you a point of magical energy).  Change lets you change someone's die types- make a Fight die a Sneak die if you want to be harder to detect, for example.  Have a Menu of spell effects which for combinations of the above sides- a Fireball might call for 3 blasts, but instead of only affecting the guy you hit with it, it affects everyone in a big area with a 1 blast attack), 1 Move will let you jump or levetate slowly... 2 you can fly, 3 you can teleport etc.

More and more, this simple mechanic excites the hell out of me- I want to be as in the loop as possible.  Do you have a mailing list or Yahoo group yet?


Oh, for Handguns.  Drop the Aim (make that a Revolver special thing to ballance the 2 Clicks) and replace it with another Reload.  The Wu-Gun masters always reload these things lightning fast... or just ditch them and pull a new one- about the same thing.

Mike Holmes

I'm assuming that everyone who is interested in this has read and maybe even owns some "Throwing Stones". IF you have not, there are some ideas there that are very pertinent.

Handguns (gun, gun, aim, dodge, click, reload)
Revolvers (gun, click, aim, dodge, click, reload)

Hmmm. To balance automatics and revolvers, one of the Gun sides on the automatic should be relabeled "Jam". The main advantage touted about revolvers is that they cannot jam. "Jam" means that instead of needing a reload, that you need a "Gun" to clear it (or something cooler).

For small versions of both types, substitue another dodge for the aim.
Submachine guns (gun, gun, gun, dodge, click, reload)
Shotguns (gun, gun, click, dodge, click, reload)

Reverse these two. SMGs are always running out of ammo (due to autofire), and shotguns do more effective damage.

Also, replace one gun on the Shotgun with Spread, and one gun on the SMG with Full Auto. No, I don't know what they do yet. Anyone?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Quote from: Bailywolf

Adding Fight dice make a really good progression for fighter power... and by reinterpreting what the dice mean, you can get into some really cool and cinematic combat very very quickly and easily- no screwing around, lets rumble.  

It has a great scalabilty factor from what I see.

Quote from: Bailywolf

Also, I'm just a little hazy one one point- are you going to actualy provide the dice themselves, or decals to afix to normal d6-ers?  I'm all for the dice myself- my little sticky lables keep peeling off.

It all depends on price really.

Quote from: Bailywolf

I was watching some Zatoichi eariler in the week- one of my fave samuri movie series- and I though of Cookie Fu- for a chambara-style swords-n-yakuza style samuri game.

You could even produce generic Fight Dice (though with your Five Rings/Elements for RR it looks like you already have).  

Yup, Ramen Raiders.

Quote from: Bailywolf

I have to be honest- the only thing I have any reservations thusfar aboutt he system is the overt comic overtones- cookie fu, ramen raiders... will your expansions be more "serious" (excluding knuckknuck the genera embraces itself)?  

The first two (CF and RR) will ahve the comical overtones, CF mostly. RR is more anime like in the respect to fighting and theme. The other games will be more gritty.

You really have to stop reading my mind here. For the "other" games, they will have an element tied to the dice in a addition to the icons. For G&G expect to see:

and Everyman

Based upon what dice you pick, will determine what type of character you are. Excample (5 dice - 3 war, 1 gods, and 1 everyman = a paladin type,  3 gods, 1 war, and 1 everyman = cleric type, 4 mana, 1 everyman = mage type, etc, etc)

I would set up a yahoo groups, but wouldn't it only be you and I posting!!!
Ja Mata,
Bryan Kowalski ">Blue Kabuto
"Watashitachi no geimu sugoi yo! Oide, Oide"


Quote from: Mike HolmesI'm assuming that everyone who is interested in this has read and maybe even owns some "Throwing Stones". IF you have not, there are some ideas there that are very pertinent.

Handguns (gun, gun, aim, dodge, click, reload)
Revolvers (gun, click, aim, dodge, click, reload)

Hmmm. To balance automatics and revolvers, one of the Gun sides on the automatic should be relabeled "Jam". The main advantage touted about revolvers is that they cannot jam. "Jam" means that instead of needing a reload, that you need a "Gun" to clear it (or something cooler).

For small versions of both types, substitue another dodge for the aim.
Submachine guns (gun, gun, gun, dodge, click, reload)
Shotguns (gun, gun, click, dodge, click, reload)

Reverse these two. SMGs are always running out of ammo (due to autofire), and shotguns do more effective damage.

Also, replace one gun on the Shotgun with Spread, and one gun on the SMG with Full Auto. No, I don't know what they do yet. Anyone?


awesome I love it! The game hasn't even been released yet.  :)

The idea would be to have the gun dice generic that way you could use them for "any" gun. Thus adding icons for spread and autofire would be cool, but would require seperate dice for each type.

I also got a quote on the cost of dice back. Jeeezzzze! Looks like I am giving my first born son for this game.
Ja Mata,
Bryan Kowalski ">Blue Kabuto
"Watashitachi no geimu sugoi yo! Oide, Oide"


Frankly, good old d6ers are cheep as hell- I have a big ass beer stien full of them on my computer desk- and increasingly thay have become my fave die type.  cheep and so so so so available.  Perhaps is you could produce sheets of VERY sticky plasticy decalls?  I would be entirely happy with something like this if they can hold up to some abuse.  

It also allows for more dice customization- you could actualy make those gun dice fit the kind of gun you are using.

On a side note, what if instead of using differing/more/less dice for guns, just allow the kind of gun (or sword or spear) to Tweak the dice you get to roll- this keeps kickass-ness right in the lap of the character, not the weapon.  If I have 3 Gun dice and I've got a pair of baretta's cocked and loaded, and I'm facing a goon with only 1 dice using a machinengun, the genera dictates I have the advantage because I'm a 3 die badass and he's a 1 die goon... the weapons are sort of secondary to the mad skillz of the weilder... here are some fairly random thoughts:

Weapons Tweaks

Big Hurt (does +1 damage w/ successful hit)
Extra Defense (free block)
Quick (reroll Initiative die if you loose)
Entangle (oponent looses a die next round)
Break (successful attack does no damage, but breaks enemy's weapon)
Penetrate (ignore 1 level of Armor)

Weapon Drawbacks

Slow (reroll Initiative die if you win)
Cumbersome (only useful every other round)
Dangerous (if oponent blocks all your attacks, you suffer 1 point of backlash)
Ammo (if you roll no strikes, your weapon is out of ammo for the fight)
Weapons offer 1 Tweak for free, but additional Tweaks cause a Drawback.


Dagger (Quick)
Rapier (Quick)
Sia (break)
Whip (Entangle)
Sword (Big Hurt)
Bo Staff (Defense)

Great Sword (Big Hurt x2, Slow)
Barbed Whip (Big Hurt, Entangle, Dangerous)
Polearm (Defense, Big Hurt, Cumbersome)
Net (Entangle x2, Cumbersome)


Pistol (big hurt, quick, ammo)
ShotGun (big hurtx2, ammo)

Something like that.


Quote from: BailywolfFrankly, good old d6ers are cheep as hell- I have a big ass beer stien full of them on my computer desk- and increasingly thay have become my fave die type.  cheep and so so so so available.  Perhaps is you could produce sheets of VERY sticky plasticy decalls?  I would be entirely happy with something like this if they can hold up to some abuse.  

It also allows for more dice customization- you could actualy make those gun dice fit the kind of gun you are using.

On a side note, what if instead of using differing/more/less dice for guns, just allow the kind of gun (or sword or spear) to Tweak the dice you get to roll- this keeps kickass-ness right in the lap of the character, not the weapon.  If I have 3 Gun dice and I've got a pair of baretta's cocked and loaded, and I'm facing a goon with only 1 dice using a machinengun, the genera dictates I have the advantage because I'm a 3 die badass and he's a 1 die goon... the weapons are sort of secondary to the mad skillz of the weilder... here are some fairly random thoughts:

Weapons Tweaks

Big Hurt (does +1 damage w/ successful hit)
Extra Defense (free block)
Quick (reroll Initiative die if you loose)
Entangle (oponent looses a die next round)
Break (successful attack does no damage, but breaks enemy's weapon)
Penetrate (ignore 1 level of Armor)

Weapon Drawbacks

Slow (reroll Initiative die if you win)
Cumbersome (only useful every other round)
Dangerous (if oponent blocks all your attacks, you suffer 1 point of backlash)
Ammo (if you roll no strikes, your weapon is out of ammo for the fight)
Weapons offer 1 Tweak for free, but additional Tweaks cause a Drawback.


Dagger (Quick)
Rapier (Quick)
Sia (break)
Whip (Entangle)
Sword (Big Hurt)
Bo Staff (Defense)

Great Sword (Big Hurt x2, Slow)
Barbed Whip (Big Hurt, Entangle, Dangerous)
Polearm (Defense, Big Hurt, Cumbersome)
Net (Entangle x2, Cumbersome)


Pistol (big hurt, quick, ammo)
ShotGun (big hurtx2, ammo)

Something like that.

Ok, sorry - I was away for the last day or so. Let's talk more about cookie fu here shall we?

On the sticky labels thing - It really all comes down to cash :( I checked out many of the laminated sticker places online and I'd be spending more on the stckers then the whole game! The prices they give aren't bad, but that's only for one image. In the basic cookie fu rules, there's a total of 9 images for the dice icons. Hence, what might be a cool price for 1 sticker gets multiplied by 9 = not such a cool price anymore.

With the dice manufacturer we have in mind. We're looking at doing a limited promotional run of 300 copies of the game. As interest builds and we sell those units, we will produce more. And we definately want to produce more.

I'd rather not have the end user "stick" his own dice as there will be certain effects of the rules that cause a player to roll less dice and so forth. If player customized their dice and put all "strike" stickers on one dice, that totally meeses up the statistical probabilities of the game. So I don't think customizable dice are going to happen.

As for tweaking the dice for weapons -  Are you suggesting just using one dice for a weapon? instead of using more dice for a bigger weapon?

You wrote:

Big Hurt (does +1 damage w/ successful hit)
Extra Defense (free block)
Quick (reroll Initiative die if you loose)
Entangle (oponent looses a die next round)
Break (successful attack does no damage, but breaks enemy's weapon)
Penetrate (ignore 1 level of Armor)

So a shotgun, would only use one dice "gun dice" and have the following?
ShotGun (big hurtx2, ammo)

I would perhaps still use the more dice/more powerful weapon ideas, but apply these tweaks as well. Using that mindset, a 3 dice fighter with a shotgun (medium gun 2 dice) could do a total of 7 points of damage with a maximum hit. That's pretty impressive!

As for the - I have the advantage because I'm a 3 die badass and he's a 1 die goon...

You'd also have the advantage becuse you have a more powerful weapon and not just a mini uzi.

The "Quick" effect - I believe this would be determined by the character, not the actual weapon. Now we're getting into weapon speeds and such. I am not sure I want to get that complicated.

Remember, I am thinking 4 weapon types for melee/missle and maybe 4 weapon types for guns/etc.

If this is to become an rpg, there certainly needs to have a mechanic for the multiple version. A rock paper scissors will not work for 5 combatants in a fight. Thoughts?
Ja Mata,
Bryan Kowalski ">Blue Kabuto
"Watashitachi no geimu sugoi yo! Oide, Oide"