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24Hour Games/Iron Game Chef

Started by Simon W, June 23, 2003, 10:42:04 PM

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Simon W

Just wondering whether anyone who got games together for the above competitions have done anything more on their games. I know vs Monsters has been available on RPG.mall for free and Pace has had some playtesting and results written up on here in the Actual Play - but have any of the others been worked on, playtested or available anywhere or whatever?

I guess I'm someone who got excited by some of those original ideas and doesn't want the best ones to just fall by the wayside.


Jared A. Sorensen

jared a. sorensen /


My own Blood Songs of the Volcanic Sphere will be getting some work after I wrap up Thugs and Thieves sometime in the next few months.

Simon W

Jared said:
QuoteTooth & Claw is here:

I say:

Very nice it looks too! (Haven't got around to reading it properly yet, but it looks eminently playable and fun).

Simon W
PS You'll find both of my games by following the link above

Matt Machell

My entry for Iron Chef: Gamist- Suliman's Court - is on my site. My aborted entry for Simulationist - Synthetic Blood - is still being mulled over at the back of my mind.



I have an endgame thought up for Toward One, my Iron Chef Gamist entry, but I haven't written it down yet.  One of these days.



I've written a new sentance for Sunrise about once a week. Mostly improving the parts of the rules set that are meant to support the premise, ie the Corruption rules for using violent powers, and a bit more on expanding the effects-first power combinations.
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

Simon W

I've done absolutely nothing so far with SuperCity (Iron Game Chef) but updated and playtested 1940 - England Invaded, and it has been tremendous fun so far. Perhaps I ought to write up the sessions for Actual Play.

Anyway, I'd still like to hear about the others!

The Home of Lashings of Ginger Beer!

Walt Freitag

Precious Fluid is coming along. What's holding it up is that I'm attempting to tie in a larger and longer-term project, a gamemastering system for faclilitating "no-myth" play using recombinable modular plot elements; essentially, a completely new kind of game resource halfway between a 100-different-somethings sourcebook and a module.

I realize this is kind of like delaying the market release of a new electric toothbrush so that its battery can be replaced by an experimental hydrogen fuel cell. But Precious Fluid is a crime-solving game, which would normally make it dependent for successful play on either effective illusionism, participationism, free-form no-myth gamemastering, or (InSpectres style) overt consensual shared authoring. As I don't want the latter for this game, and the other three are unreliable (great if the group is amenable and/or the GM is talented, but doomed to failure otherwise), looking for an alternative seems justified.

- Walt
Wandering in the diasporosphere

Mike Holmes

Sounds cool, Walt. I have an inkling of what it might look like. And in my minds eye it looks pretty cool. I'm excited to see what you come up with.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Thomas Tamblyn

I finished a 24hr game but never actually got round to posting it.  As soon as some semblance of stability returns to my life (about to graduate from university and moving between houses) I'll post the polished version for scrutiny.

The game is 13th Rune, a game of Mythic adventures.

It plays about with exactly how much a game can command from the players and Gm.  In this case every series has the same plot, structure and (sort of) the same antagonists. (one day I fully intend to make a game where the rules are not just designed for play style X or genre X but for pregenerated character X)

It's main other feature is 'the rule of failure', where once you've failed a task you cannot attempt it again until some major event has occurred.  I know it doesn't sound much, but it seems to work well.


Criminal Element has suffered greatly in the wake of the dissolution of my original gaming group.  my new group, while greatly loved and appreciated, is currently playing a Nobilis game of my own running and isn't really into hard-boiled crime action.  I have been playing with the format of it and have pretty much completed a new chapter on running the game, i'm not comfortable sending it out there without proper playtesting and good website support, seeing as how i haven't been able to put the money together for a website yet.  hopefully, better news of this game will be available shortly.  


Michael P. O'Sullivan
Criminal Element
Desperate People, Desperate Deeds
available at Fullmotor Productions


Quote from: GideonJust wondering whether anyone who got games together for the above competitions have done anything more on their games.

I haven't been working on rpgs for the last few weeks, so they are in a bit of a stasis. in addition to rpg design, I am also involved in animation and video editing, and I have a few projects in that category to keep me busy for a while.

however, here's where things stand right now:

Iron Chef Gamist entry: Court of 9 Chambers -- I need to make one terminology change and it's ready for playtesting.

24 hour game: Troubadours of Verticaille -- no current development, but I've thought of rewriting at least one of the rules, or possibly even trashing the system completely and adapting it to a variant of Daemons of Strife and Love's system.

Iron Chef Simulationist entry: Daemons of Strife and Love -- I need to jiggle a couple tables, but otherwise it's ready for playtesting. I will need to add more material to the game, but I figure playtesting is the best way to develop that material.
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects: