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JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Started by Andy Kitkowski, June 05, 2003, 05:52:39 PM

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Michael Hopcroft

Quote from: Michael HopcroftSeraphim gaurd jsut released HeartQuest Diceless at RPGnow and so far we've had modest but better-than-anticipated success with it. We should have a couple more e-books coming out this summer, but HeartQuest 2nd Edition is being delayed until September to take advanatge of the new D20 rules from GenCon.

Sorry to quote myself, but HQ2E is now looking like a late August-early September release.

Some of the other books are being delayed until after that release. I'm sure glad I don;t pre-announce exact release dates. Basically, a book si done when it;s doen, ready when it;s ready, and published to RPGNow when it;s available.

If you;re going to Genon, Sperahim Guard products can be found at the booth along with PIGames' Active Exploits cire rules, which you will need to play HeartQuest Diceless.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!


Well, knowing my luck it'll probably get pushed back. But i'm aiming for a late august/early september release for Untitled. A horror game where reality is an ever present threat to the players and antagonist's alike. I'm not great at pitching anything in particular, so I guess i'll let it speak for itself. It'll be a 5$ download when it arrives.


Simon W

Well, Lashings of Ginger Beer is now finished. I'm considering my options on publication (which wil be before September) but at the moment selling hardcopy locally at Cons and so on. Would mail if there is the interest.

The home of Beyond Belief RPG's


Orbit will be in book form at the end of July (if the printer's schedule holds true).  Though I'm thinking more like first week in August.

260 pages, perfect bound full color cover with b&w and full color interior art.  Visit the site for a peek at actual art, more info on the system and setting and how to pre-order your copy.


Well, Dead Inside is currently in the Layout process; we hope to release in early August, both PDF and PoD formats.

For more info, you can check my Live Journal (there are interspersed teaser texts) or the Ads/Promo board of (where most if not all of the same teaser texts are availble, plus some discussion).

Chad Underkoffler []

Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Available Now: Truth & Justice

Jake Norwood

Of Beasts and Men, for The Riddle of Steel, comes out this week.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant

Simon W

Lashings of Ginger Beer is out now at RPGNow.

Now working on a supplement/sourcebook for it tentatively called Enhanted Realms allowing the kids to travel to the lands of the imagination.


Fate (which is free) will be putting out a Fudgeless and likely OGL'ed version of itself sometime in August, if the stars do not align against us again.