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Sorcerer & Sword review

Started by Jared A. Sorensen, January 25, 2002, 01:33:32 PM

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Jared A. Sorensen

Ken pretty much nails it (and sounds as though it nailed him right back...ONE INCH PUNCH!). Cool.

Kudos, Ron. Between this and the SciFi magazine review of Schism, it sounds like more Sorcerer will be getting out there into people's hands.
jared a. sorensen /

Ron Edwards

Thanks, Jared. Realms is also presenting a short Sorcerer review in its February issue, I believe.

I confess to anticipating the combined attack of reading all three books - now that Soul has left the printers - on the intelligentsia of established gamer culture. (We being, in comparison, the hooligan-artist fringe or street gamer culture, I suppose.)

I would very much like to get a review library set up at the Forge, that is, not our home-grown reviews by me or Clinton, but access to the reviews of games in the game library on other sites or sources. Thus if I call up the library, the reference to a particular game also includes a "list of reviews" to check out.

This wasn't a request though (Clinton has earned enough "Forge look, Forge function" creds for a lifetime just in the last month). Just dreamin' out loud. Maybe library links could be edited by the helpful whenever they run across a review link, as an ongoing process.


Clinton R. Nixon

Quote from: Ron Edwards
I would very much like to get a review library set up at the Forge, that is, not our home-grown reviews by me or Clinton, but access to the reviews of games in the game library on other sites or sources. Thus if I call up the library, the reference to a particular game also includes a "list of reviews" to check out.

This wasn't a request though (Clinton has earned enough "Forge look, Forge function" creds for a lifetime just in the last month). Just dreamin' out loud. Maybe library links could be edited by the helpful whenever they run across a review link, as an ongoing process.

First, thanks. :) Second - easier done than said, in this case. What I'm going to do is set up a category in the resource library (link above) for "Reviews of Independent Games." People can submit at will.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


I am always pleased to see a review of something where the reviewer actually gets.  I rarely care if the reviewer likes it or accept its or agrees with it, just so long as they get it.  And he certainly got it.

Quote from: Ron Edwards
I confess to anticipating the combined attack of reading all three books - now that Soul has left the printers - on the intelligentsia of established gamer culture. (We being, in comparison, the hooligan-artist fringe or street gamer culture, I suppose.)

That's kind of funny.  I always thought of US as being the intelligentsia and everyone else just being plain 'established gamer culture.'  Go figure.


Ron Edwards

Hi Jesse,

Careful o' that hubris, good buddy. Alarums & Excursions, a classic old-style APA, has been running for decades, and is well-frequented by the cognoscenti of RPG publishing. There was also the short-lived but classy Interactive Imagination journal, which got out four issues (I think) of high-powered stuff - that was basically a Wallis, Laws, Tynes sort of crew, with articles from a lot of people from The Chaosium and similar.

We're still a pretty grungy crew in comparison, especially given our internet-chitchat context and the PDF-y, or maybe loose-leaves fallin' out of the notebook, nature of the stuff we kick around.

Mind you, I like it this way, and I do think light years of innovation have arisen here and similar places (Gaming Outpost,, but we ain't the only ones, or anywhere near the most "august" of the lot.


Zak Arntson

Quote from: Ron Edwards
Mind you, I like it this way, and I do think light years of innovation have arisen here and similar places (Gaming Outpost,, but we ain't the only ones, or anywhere near the most "august" of the lot.

I also enjoy the relaxed nature of the Forge, where you can be as erudite or easy-to-read as you want, and people will still discuss.

So ... is there a list somewhere of indie gaming websites/publications?  I'd like to see a page with links (and possible notes) on rpgnet, GO, A&E, and all the others I'm sure we all know or maybe know about (I didn't ever know about the Chaosium crew one, and I'm always forgetting the name of A&E .. I don't even know what A&E is like other than "some gaming publication that's been around forever").

Maybe the Forge could host the list? (or just a new thing in the Resource Library)

Ron Edwards

Hey Zak,

Links at the library sound like a good idea. I'll hasten to add, too, that I'm pretty sure The Forge is the only venue that overtly specializes (for design and review, anyway) in creator ownership.
