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Chimera Creative at Gamicon -- INDIE PUBLISHERS READ TOO!

Started by Matt Snyder, February 23, 2005, 04:08:42 PM

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Matt Snyder

I'll be attending Gamicon in Iowa City this weekend. There, I'll be selling Dust Devils and Nine Worlds, and running demos for both. My scheduled demo for Dust Devils is at 8 p.m. Friday night. My scheduled demo for Nine Worlds is 8 a.m. Saturday morning. I will make efforts to run quick and dirty demos at the table where I'm selling my books.

I don't know how big this convention is. Probably not huge. It's in my own old college town, though I've never attended the con.

Promoting Indie games

I intend to bring hard copies of all indie games I own for display, and also make a freely available flyer with a paragraph about each game, its cost, how to buy it, and a web address. I will be able to easily print several copies of this flyer.

What I need

I'd like everyone who can to supply a paragraph about their game, the price, and the best way to get it. Maybe it's just a paragraph from your book. Whatever. Post a paragraph about your game here in this thread. I'll use that content to make the flyer for this weekend. If the flyer is something others can use, I'll make a PDF available as well.

What I have

Games I own hard copies of that will be on display for people to look over:

Enemy Gods
Sorcerer + supplements, possibly
Dogs in the Vineyard
My Life With Master
The Shadow of Yesterday
Burning Wheel books
The Riddle of Steel
Little Fears

I am probably forgetting one or two I own. I regret not owning copies of Primetime Adventures and Conspiracy of Shadows and some other Forge-related games. Need to get those, definitely, among others. I do have a couple games in PDF, and I'm thinking about making nice PDFs for those if I have time (especially Trollbabe).
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Matt Snyder


If your game is NOT on the list above, SUMBIT A PARAGRAPH ANYWAY!!! I am not trying to exclude anyone. I am merely showing which games I'll have physical copies of at my table.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


"Capes is a superhero game with heart. As you play you will show the amazing things that your hero can do and, just as important, their inspiring reasons for doing them. The game poses the question "Power is fun, but do you deserve it?" The rules will lead you constantly from the joy of super-powers to the determination to show your worth. You'll find what success means to your character, and also what failure means.

Superhero stories are made of both thrilling victory and devastating failure. Capes rewards you for telling both sides of such stories: Defeat of the character isn't a defeat for the player. It is a different kind of victory, and sometimes the most valuable kind. It gives you more ability to control the story as it moves forward."

Ordering information available at:
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Keith Senkowski

Man this probably needs to be revised.  Here is the 25 word pitch, which I think makes more sense than a paragraph...

In Conspiracy of Shadows you are people bound by the knowledge of a hidden evil and driven by a desire to thwart it.
Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

Paul Czege

    *Winner of the 2004 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming*

    My Life with Master
    The life of a minion is a hard one. The horrific things you do make it difficult to feel good about yourself. If only someone loved you...

    Available direct from Half Meme Press for $13 plus postage/handling, or as a pdf download for $8.95:[/list:u]Thanks Matt,
    My Life with Master knows codependence.
    And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

    Michael S. Miller

    Hey, Matt. Thanks for getting the word out. I'd like a copy of the flyer when done, so I can do the same thing.

    With Great Power...

    You can save the world, but are you willing to pay the price?

    There's more to a hero than a costume, a battlecry, and powers beyond those of mortal men. Superheroes are about triumph over heart-rending tragedy and shouldering the burden, no matter how great, of saving everthing that means something to you. Do you have what it takes to stand back up?

    Available from the Incarnadine Press website:
    Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
    Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

    Keith Senkowski

    Quote from: Bob GoatMan this probably needs to be revised.  Here is the 25 word pitch, which I think makes more sense than a paragraph...

    In Conspiracy of Shadows you are people bound by the knowledge of a hidden evil and driven by a desire to thwart it.

    I'm a dumbasss...  It should read:

    Conspiracy of Shadows
    In Conspiracy of Shadows you are people bound together by the knowledge of a hidden evil and driven by a desire to thwart it.

    Bound by the knowledge?  What is the knowledge holding them down to a table?

    Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
    Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
    ~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

    M. J. Young

    You're wrenched from the world you've always known and thrown into an alien universe. Gradually you discover that all the worlds that were ever imagined are out there, somewhere, and you may eventually visit them all. You now longer age, and death has become merely the doorway to the next world; everything you ever imagined is possible, somewhere. You can reinvent yourself a thousand times. The one thing you cannot do is go home. What will you do next? This is Multiverser, available directly from Valdron Inc and through most online book retailers and many better book stores. Visit for more information and links.

    --M. J. Young

    P.S.--I might like that PDF as well; I'm expecting to be at Ubercon in a few weeks.


    The Burning Wheel:
    An award-winning, gritty fantasy roleplaying game that focuses on a player's decisions and the consequences of those choices in the game. Using a d6 die pool resolution system, play is fast, fluid and as furious as a fist fight.


    Michael S. Miller

    Can't forget this:

    The No-Press Anthology

    Eight complete role-playing games in a single volume, The No-Press Anthology spans styles from psychedelic Sixties monster hunting, to pushing-the-envelope experimentation, to fast-paced Chinese Wuxia, to the first role-playing drinking game. If you want something decidedly different, look no further.
    Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
    Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!


    Ah heck-

    Final Twilight - Trinity
    Enter a world of reality and fantasy, science and magic, a world of Twilight!
    In Final Twilight, enter a war that rages in the shadows of the sprawling city of New Metropolis in this exciting and easy to pick up and play card game!
    Order the core decks for $8 each and get ready to play or expand your deck with a preconstructed booster pack for $2.50 with everything you need to take the war to the next level! (Decks contain 54 cards, rules and 1 six sided die, Boosters contain 12 cards: four copies of three new cards)
    Order online through or!
    Nate Petersen / daMoose
    Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

    Matt Snyder

    Damn, damn DAMN!

    I got half way on my 100+ mile jaunt to Iowa City when my car broke down. Now, I've got a car in a repair shop halfway between home and the con, and I had my dad come and take me home.

    So, the bad news is I'm stuck away from the con. Very frustrating (to say nothing of what the bill will be for repair). Ugh.

    The good news, I guess, is that I've got a working copy of a flyer with many games on it. I'll be sharing it, and I'll be contacting people about their promotional wording. Then, I'll make it freely available to everyone for convention hand-outs and the like.
    Matt Snyder

    "The future ain't what it used to be."
    --Yogi Berra


    Yowza!  Condolences on the car trouble... and on the immense frustration of having circumstances so effectively consipre against you.  It's crazy-making, and the only advice ("don't make yourself crazy") rings awfully hollow in the moment.
    Just published: Capes
    New Project:  Misery Bubblegum