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[GenCon 2005] Scheduled Events?

Started by Michael S. Miller, February 07, 2005, 05:33:26 PM

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Ron Edwards


In the past, buy-in folks agree to be at the booth for half of each day they're at the con, minimum. That seems like a reasonable expectation.



You'll need a crow-bar to pry me away from the booth.  I can run things after hours.  I'll talk to my prospective ninja.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Michael S. Miller

Alright, the next update of the Gen Con website is 2/21/05. I will submit everyone's events on 2/19/05. That means I need everyone's events on 2/18/05 at the latest--that's 10 days including today. After that, you can register as Independent.

Who qualifies: Anyone running any RPG that will be sold at the Adept Press/Burning Wheel/etc. booth. I'll be the Event Coordinator.

How to register: Go to 2005 Indy GM Information

1) Read the "Event Host Policies Indy '05" PDF.
2) Then read the "Instructions for Event Submission Form (More than 5 events) Indy '05" document.
3) Then download the "Event Submission Form (More than 5 events) Indy '05"
4) Fill out the Event Submission form as directed and e-mail it to me: TheBard AT incarnadine dot indie-rpgs dot com  Please keep Ron's guidelines in mind when scheduling your events (i.e., no exhibitors running games between 10am and 6pm).
5) In the e-mail, include your name, address, phone number and whether you will be getting an exhibitor badge or a GM's badge.

I will send all the events in together on 2/19/05. You will need to check the accuracy of your events beginning on 2/22/05 and send me an e-mail confirming that they are correct.

Everything else can be handled closer to the convention. Any questions, post 'em here or PM me.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!


what do we list in the company/gaming group slot?


Michael S. Miller

Quote from: abzuwhat do we list in the company/gaming group slot?
List "Indie RPG Explosion" (unless someone demands a better name). I'll standardize that throughout everyone's, as well as adding my name as Event organizer, etc.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Matt Gwinn

QuoteWho qualifies: Anyone running any RPG that will be sold at the Adept Press/Burning Wheel/etc. booth. I'll be the Event Coordinator.

What about indie games that will not be for sale, but have been in the past?  I plan to work the booth and would like to run a game or two of Kayfabe even though I most likely will not be selling it this year.

It seems to me that any Forge influenced game should qualify, not just the ones for sale.  I understand not running demos at the booth, but what does it hurt to include other indie games outside the exhibit hall?  The more sessions we have the more likely we will have an entire room devoted to us.

,Matt Gwinn
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at


Would listing my card game events along with the RP events be a problem? I'm going to have my Imp Game present as noted, but also have a number of events for my CG Final Twilight as Beginner events (Learn to play! Get something cool!) and mini-tournaments, as well as some sessions for using the custom-rules that will be out for GenCon as well.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

Matt Gwinn

Just wondering if anyone is going to answer my question so I know whether or not I should schedule my games through the Gen Con site or through Mike.

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Mike Holmes

Only two days left, and Matt needs an answer. I'd like to know, too, actually.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Michael S. Miller

Terribly sorry. Bad week at work.

Matt, Mike, Jared, etc. bring on those games! If you're committed to selling at the booth this year, or have sold at the booth in years previous, or not for sale at all, send in your events to me and we'll all list them as part of the Indie RPG Explosion. If you have any question about a particular game that straddles categories, contact me right away.

One other thing: I made a mistake in the instructions above. You must fill out the Form for 1 to 5 events and e-mail it to me. I will then copy and paste everyone's info into a single copy of the Form for more than 5 events.

For those folks who have already sent me the form I incorrectly requested, I will fix them myself. You don't need to send them again.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!



I have two days to get my shit together and file games that I am going to run through you?


Jared A. Sorensen

Wicked Dead is going to be at GenCon with our own booth but we'd welcome anyone who wants to run our games during the show. Send me a PM or an email (email gets checked more often) for the down-low.

- Jared
jared a. sorensen /

Michael S. Miller

Quote from: PakaI have two days to get my shit together and file games that I am going to run through you?

In short, yes. Please get your event descriptions to me by midnight on Friday. Thank you.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Michael S. Miller

This is a reminder. PLEASE get your forms to me by the end of the day Friday. Thanks.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!


Quote from: Michael S. MillerThis is a reminder. PLEASE get your forms to me by the end of the day Friday. Thanks.

Sent and done, Master.

Don't hurt Wolfgang....he is a good servant!