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Lodging for GenCon

Started by timfire, June 29, 2005, 04:17:31 PM

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Hi everyone,

I know there was some talk earlier, but I still need to get my lodging worked out for GenCon. I would preferably like to keep things cheap, so I would be more than happy to share a room with a number of people.

Thanks! Feel free to PM me or reply here.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Clinton R. Nixon

Actually, let's please talk about it here. 'Cause I'm in the same situation: I'm desperately seeking housing, and I need it on the cheap.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Andrew Cooper

My wife, two friends, and I are going to GenCon.  Now my wife and I are sharing a room and I'm pretty sure that no one wants to share it with us (and I don't want you to either).  However, my two friends (both male and reasonably house-trained) would probably love to have 1 or 2 more people to help drive the cost of their room down.   I know these are unknown folks to you but if that doesn't bother you, let me know and I'll check on things.  I figure with 3 or 4 people in the room it will make the cost of the room at $20 or less a night.  That's fairly cheap.

Andrew Morris

I'm with Tim -- the cheaper the better. Actually, the cost for rooms will decide whether I attend GenCon or not, since I can get free airfare. So, I'd definitely like to split a room. Any idea what cost we'd be talking about?
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Keith Senkowski

Both you monkeys (Tim & Clinton) should have spoken up much sooner.  I had room (still do if you want floor space).  However, I am sure there are plenty other monkeys out there with more space.

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel


Floor space is fine with me.

Gaerik (not to confuse the other Andrew), that would probably work for me. I figure GenCon is a time for making new friends. BTW, is the room at the convention site?

Also, I should have said this earlier, but I want to invite everyone who still needs a room, and those with room to spare, to chime in. Hopefully other people in my situation can also get hooked up.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Clinton R. Nixon


Floor space is good with me, man. I'm on the floor of Keith S's!
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Andrew Cooper


I've been looking diligently and all the hotels in downtown (ie near the Convention Center) seem very expensive.  I'm leaning towards either the Quality Inn in East Indianapolis or the Knights Inn in South Indianapolis.  Both are within 8 miles of the Center.  They are also both around $60 a night.  That would mean that the cost would be about $20 a night if there are 3 people in the room.  I'm probably going to make reservations in the next week or so.

Andrew Morris

Tim, other Andrew-

You still working out the details? Because I still need a place, and $20/night sounds great to me.
Download: Unistat

Eric J. Boyd

I've currently got a room booked at the Fairfield Inn in East Indy from Wednesday night thru Sunday morning. It's a little over $75 a night. I'd be happy to offer floor space for $30 OBO a night to one person. Let me know if you're interested.


Andrew Cooper

Andrew Morris,

I will have all the details down by this weekend.  By details, I mean that I am cementing that everyone that told me they wanted to go is going.  Because once I get the room, it is non-refundable.  Thus, I'm insuring that my buddies are *really* going and not just saying they *want* to go.  I'm 99% sure they are going but I'm going to make them put up their part of the money this week, so I'll know for sure this weekend.

The room has 2 double beds so you don't have to sleep on the floor... unless sleeping in the same bed with a strange, hairy guy bothers you.  I can promise that neither of my buddies will try to get fresh with you or anything.


I'm also looking for people to split costs with.  It's looking like I'll be heading up with a buddy and we'll be paying $60~$75 a night.  I'll probably have a rental car, so we can drive to and from the con (not to mention pick people up from the airport).  Anyone looking for space, shout out.

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