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[Grinder] So what makes a good indie website?

Started by sandmanx, August 08, 2005, 02:22:21 AM

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Greetings Gamers,

I was noticing everybody had a website to go with their products.  What do you feel is important in a website?  I just started to build mine for the game I'm making.  Has anybody seen something really cool they would put on a website?  I included my url, but it is brand new. (not a lot of content yet)  I put a few hours into it, and of course it will develop as I get more feedback.

"In Grinder, you don't buy heros. Heros make themselves!"

Andrew Morris

I think one of the first things you should consider is the URL. Three things to remember: keep it short, keep it simple, and keep it short. While free sites with non-specific URLs might work early on, they really do convey a lack of professionalism. As Clinton says in his article How to Make Your Own Role-playing Game (Cheap), free sites lead to "the drug-addled madness that can occur such as '" To be blunt, that was the first thing I noticed about your way in hell am I ever going to remember that URL.

On the up side, your site is clean and easy to read, which is very important.
Download: Unistat


I say howdy hi.

The web-site thing can be a i admit im afraid to embark upon. if your going for a professional url (and you should...) then what im about to show you is prolly not the road you want to take....but if your not too anal about having a pro-domain, this may help you.

google ".tk"

its run by a small island community, they use a simple redirection link system that can allow people a short cut to any site. our band uses this, since the band is more of a hobby then a professional music endevor. will lead you t our geocities site...the real url is dredfully long, but the ".tk" site makes it easy to find my simply redirecting you. there will be one pop-up but other then that, you will be able to get a name like

check it out....if you care.

Jack Aidley

You need to unify your website, make it have a common look-and-feel and maintain the sidebar in all pages. At the moment it feels like a disconnected set of pages, each done in a conflicting style. The front page layout is ok, but you need to sort that graphic out so it looks right at that res.

And pay for a proper domain name, nothing screams clueless amateur like
- Jack Aidley, Great Ork Gods, Iron Game Chef (Fantasy): Chanter

Jack Aidley

And since I may as well put my money where my mouth is, check out the two links in my sig to see what I think a low budget indie website should look like.
- Jack Aidley, Great Ork Gods, Iron Game Chef (Fantasy): Chanter


Thanks for the tips so far.  The website you are looking at for Grinder is just a test run site.  Only you guys have the address.  The real site will go up shortly with the more professional name is acquired.  I will run to see some of the sites for advice.
"In Grinder, you don't buy heros. Heros make themselves!"