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Vi Åker Jeep

Started by Jason Morningstar, September 02, 2005, 01:20:06 PM

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Jason Morningstar

I'm friends with Olle Jonsson, who is a founding member of the Swedish freeform collective Vi Åker Jeep.  These guys are doing some very interesting things, and I really wanted to point out their dictionary page, which synthesizes a lot of their lessons learned.  Most of this is culled from their more elaborate wiki

Some cool stuff here.

QuoteA story can often benefit from having less lead characters than actual characters. There is no rule that says everyone should have equal direct impact on the story or equal screen-time.

QuoteHow you tell the story is as important as the story itself.
*cough* ritual *cough*

Anyway, I encourage you to check it out.


Josh Roby

Jason, can you translate what that group name means so I don't continue to think it has something to do with automobiles?
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


Quote from: Joshua BishopRoby on September 02, 2005, 05:07:37 PM
Jason, can you translate what that group name means so I don't continue to think it has something to do with automobiles?

(copy & pasted from the wiki, emphasis added by me)

I guess noone will be surprise when I say that Alcohol was involved. We were discussing RPG writing collectives, and what we were doing, and someone said, "We don't want to be famous or known as the best writers – we are more like 'We go by Jeep'". I don't think anyone knows exactly what this means, but all who were there agreed that was exactly how it was. Deciding to go by that name was just a natural extension.

All in all, what the Vi åker Jeep name signals to us, I guess, is a sense of not taking things too seriously. We shall try not to become pompous asses, which is a pretty easy thing to do in the sub-cultural setting such as ours. To everyone else, it is probably just a stupid name (as, indeed, it is).
Jukka Koskelin | merten at iki dot fi

Jason Morningstar

Thanks, Merten.  Yeah, it pretty much has to do with automobiles.  I know that John Kim played in one of their events at Fastival in Arhus this year.


Tobias Wrigstad

Quote from: jasonm on September 03, 2005, 01:30:05 AM
Thanks, Merten.  Yeah, it pretty much has to do with automobiles.  I know that John Kim played in one of their events at Fastival in Arhus this year.


Not that it matters much, but you got it slightly mixed up. We played with John Kim at the Knutpunkt role-playing conference in Norway in February. At Fastaval, we had a great time playing with Greg Costikyan.

Anyway, thanks for the push Jason, and thanks for the explanation Merten. It is a stupid name, but it is ours. Hope some the techniques etc. are valuable for someone. We'll add what few translated games we have to there shortly as examples of what we mean.


Jason Morningstar

Sorry for the mix-up, Tobias.  Looking forward to the translations.