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Torturing the Youngest in the Group's PC

Started by Judd, September 30, 2005, 11:41:45 PM

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Callan S.

Umm, I'm trying to frame the occurance in some jargon, because as already noted this is often a tremendously contentious issue "Bastard GM X tortured my character!". When it ends up so bad, why can't we see this coming? Here, I'm trying to look for detailed instructions so as to avoid the problem, beyond just the intial "I felt uncomfortable so I did this" advice. It's possible I'm being a bit too scientific...rather than just taking it that a remedy works, I'd like to know why it works and perhaps figure out the cure for something else.

PS: I said it could be a creative focus or gamist penatly. I wasn't infering big bad gamism is in this example, just noting that the technique is neutral and could just as easily be used in gamism.
Philosopher Gamer


Quote from: Callan S. on October 06, 2005, 07:24:41 AM
PS: I said it could be a creative focus or gamist penatly. I wasn't infering big bad gamism is in this example, just noting that the technique is neutral and could just as easily be used in gamism.

I'm just not comfortable enough with the terms to easily put this situation into them.  I'm not calling gamism an ogre or anything of that nature.

I would imagine it has something to do with that there social contract, though.