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Updated Wish Lists for 2006

Started by Spooky Fanboy, April 04, 2006, 10:40:43 PM

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Ron Edwards

Space Rat
Violence Future
Trollbabe (yeah, me too)
Troy's games
Robots & Rapiers
The Great Ork Gods
Acts of Evil

... and probably a ton more that I'm just not remembering at the moment

Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: Peter Nordstrand on April 05, 2006, 12:26:35 AM
Jesus. I wrote that death list nonsense without seeing Andy's post right above mine. So it was not a reference to his post at all.

I am sorry, Andy.

Hey dude, it's totally cool, man!  Yeah, no bother on that, didn't mean to put a damper on things. Seriously.
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Delta Green dual-stat.
Weapons of the Gods Companion.
Magitech book for Exalted.
Stranger Things.
Cthulhutech(if only...)
My list is huge, and it has many games by the bigger companies :)
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010


that Knights Templar game that John is working on whose name escapes me at the moment
It Was a Mutual Decision
9 Worlds

Andy Kitkowski

I forget a lot of what's coming out, but I'm looking forward to at least glancing through almost everything.

But mostly, I'm looking forward to games that play out like mixes between board games and RPGs.  These hybrids, when making use of more than parlor narration, are What's Hot in 2006. They said so on EXTRA! tonight.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Lisa Padol


Quote from: Lisa Padol on April 05, 2006, 04:25:25 AM
Dictionary of Mu.


Yay!  Thanks, Lisa.

For me, off the top of my head:

Stranger Things
Drifter's Escape
Shock: Social Science Fiction
Luke's Sooper Seekrit Projekt
Conspiracy of Rainbows: Apocolypse
Dust Devils Revised

Keith Senkowski


It is Conspiracy of Rainbows: Apoclypso.  I'm looking to get sued by Mel Gibson.
Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel


Hoy, :)

El Fuego's Full Light Full Steam.

João Mendes
Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Gamer

Ben Lehman

I just hope I can actually finish what I'm working on.

Joel P. Shempert

Didn't somebody say there was a non-setting-specific version of Heroquest in the works? I'd like me a piece of that.
Story by the Throat! Relentlessly pursuing story in roleplaying, art and life.

Shreyas Sampat

A really tasty crunchy storygame.
A bacon storygame, if you will.
With flying swordsmen and/or ninjas and/or pirates, of course. Monkeys and robots strictly optional.

GB Steve

Cold City
darkpages (the new concept)
Lacuna (April Fools edition)

I'd like to see a Daniel Clowes based RPG too. Is that possible? I don't know.

GB Steve

I'd like to see a reinvigorated Places to Go, People to Be too.


Quote from: Andy Kitkowski on April 05, 2006, 03:50:05 AM
I forget a lot of what's coming out, but I'm looking forward to at least glancing through almost everything.

But mostly, I'm looking forward to games that play out like mixes between board games and RPGs.  These hybrids, when making use of more than parlor narration, are What's Hot in 2006. They said so on EXTRA! tonight.


I said so on this very forum and on various PMs.
You've heard it from me first! Just look at Cranium Rats and when I aired the idea to see where it all began! Well, me and Paranoia :D And Rune, and maybe Capes.
But me, me!
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010