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Started by Ben Lehman, April 05, 2006, 04:55:52 AM

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Ben Lehman

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Fo-orge
Happy birthday to you

Add your own favorite birthday songs.  Or other songs.  Or new languages for this one.  Whatever.  It's the Birthday forum.

Nathan P.

This is your birthday song.

It isn't very long.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Ron Edwards

I got the GNS pneumonia
And functional play blues


    the air is getting colder
    because of that beholder
    thank plugh my power's growing
    and I learned black pudding throwing

    but hey
    I can use this holiday
    I'll rise up another level
    and kill another devil
    and let him pay!

(self-promotion, I know, but I love that song...)
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects:

Peter Nordstrand

Ja må hon leva,
ja må hon leva,
ja må hon leva uti hundrade år.
Ja visst, ska hon leva,
ja visst, ska hon leva,
visst, ska hon leva uti hundrade år.

Och när hon har levat,
och när hon har levat,
och när hon har levat, uti hundrade år.
Ja då ska hon skjutas,
ja då ska hon skjutas,
ja då ska hon skjutas på en skottkärra fram.

Ett fyrfaldigt leve för The Forge! Hon leve, hipp, hipp


Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Joel P. Shempert

Es tas son las Manjanitas que cantado del David,
A las muchachas bonitas
something something aqui!

(no, I don't speak Spanish.)
Story by the Throat! Relentlessly pursuing story in roleplaying, art and life.

Ben Lehman

I'm going to do the Chinese birthday song!  Now, listen carefully.


To the tune you're all familiar with.


This shit is bananas!

Larry L.

Careful, Ben. You don't want to get sued.

EDIT: I'm so happy edit's on for Bday.

Hey Ben, the Forge is in ISO-8859-1. Could we get that in Pinyin?

Ben Lehman

It's not my fault we're not running on modern enough software.  :-)

It's quite simple, really.  The tune, like I said, is standard.

nide shengri kuaile
nide shengri kuaile
nide shengri kuaile-e
nide shengri kuaile


Pronounciation guide for the curious.
The song has one phrase, which is made of three words of two characters each, and repeated four times.  The third line draws the last syllable out of two notes.  Here's how it goes (tones not included because tones aren't sung.)

First character = ni (pronounced like the English "knee" as in "I was running and hurt my knee")  This means "you."
Second character = de (pronounced like the English "duh" as in "system matters -- duh")  This character modifies the previous noun to make it possessive.

Together, these characters form the first word, pronounced "knee-duh," and it means "your."

Third character = sheng (rhymes with English "hung" as in "by the time the Dogs came into down, they'd already hung old Mr. Withers)  This means "birth" or "fresh."
Fourth character = ri (starts with an "r"esque sound, rhymes with "her" as in "you could tell she was a sorcerer by looking at her tattoos.")  This means "sun" or "day" or "Japanese."

Together, these characters form the second word, pronounced "shung-rer," and it means "birthday."

Fifth character = kuai (which starts with qu sound and rhymes with "eye" as in "The Master requires her left eye for his research."  Quai.)  This means "fast"
Sixth and last character = le (rhymes with "duh," again) This means "happiness" or "joy."

Together, these characters form the third word, prononced "quai-luh," and it means "happiness."

So, stringing to together, we get:  "knee-duh shung-rer quai-luh."  Your birthday happy, literally.

Let's sing it together this time!

nide shengri kuaile
nide shengri kuaile
nide shengri kuaile-e
nide shengri kuaile



Sto lat! Sto lat! Niech żyje, żyje nam.
Sto lat! Sto lat! Niech żyje, żyje nam.
Jeszcze raz! Jeszcze raz! Niech żyje, żyje nam.
Niech żyje nam.

Niech ci gwiazdka pomyślności nigdy nie zagaśnie, nigdy nie zagaśnie!
A kto zdrowia nie wypije, niech pod stołem zaśnie.
A kto zdrowia nie wypije, niech pod stołem zaśnie.
Niech ci gwiazdka pomyślności nigdy nie zagaśnie, nigdy nie zagaśnie!
A kto z nami nie wypije, niech go piorun trzaśnie.
A kto z nami nie wypije, niech go piorun trzaśnie.

I jeszcze jeden, i jeszcze raz! Sto lat, sto lat niech żyje nam.
Sto lat, sto lat, sto lat niech żyje nam.
I już!

This is a polish birthday song, so there is a lot of drinking references like:

"A kto zdrowia nie wypije, niech pod stołem zaśnie." - and the one who will not drink for your wellbeing, will sleep under the table!
"A kto z nami nie wypije, niech go piorun trzaśnie." - and the one who will not drink with us, will be struck by a lightning!


What does Sto-Lat mean?

And yes, I'm such a Discworld geek.
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010


Quote from: Thunder_God on April 06, 2006, 04:20:06 PM
What does Sto-Lat mean?

And yes, I'm such a Discworld geek.

Sto (hundred) lat (years), so
"Sto lat! Sto lat! Niech żyje, żyje nam." means - "hundred years! hundred years! Let him/her live, live with us"

Jared A. Sorensen

First singalongs, then you have to shave your head and wear black Nikes.

You hippies aren't gonna get me.
jared a. sorensen /

Bryan Hansel


K'weeyou n'gah meedjin.
K'waeyaun n'gah beeskaun.

and in Klingon:

Quchjaj qoSlIj!