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What other Analog Games do you play?

Started by Andy Kitkowski, April 06, 2006, 02:47:49 PM

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Quote from: Mike Holmes on April 06, 2006, 08:17:57 PM
Quote from: talysman on April 06, 2006, 06:56:08 PM
Did it involve log sheets and a rulebook that would choke a horse?  Then it was Magic Realm.  Otherwise it was something else! :)

Realm rulez! Why does an inveterate RPG player play a fantasy boardgame that simulates being a RPG? I don't know! :-)
Yeah, I do seem to prefer the game-games that are closer to RPGs. That's why I bought Hack! and Munchkin. But they didn't quite work as well as I expected.
John Laviolette
(aka Talysman the Ur-Beatle)
rpg projects:

Joshua A.C. Newman

Holy fucks! How could I forget Mechaton? Right now, that's my favoritest tabletop game. It's up there with Formula Dé.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Bryan Hansel

Swipe (, Fill or Bust( for dice games. Swipe has some really cool dice.

Himalaya( is that last card game I played.  You have to climb to the top of Everest.

And every once in a great while, my own Quick and Dirty Plastic Soldier Warfare game.


For anybody looking for board game that has touchbacks to the RPG realm, and does work well, I highly recommend any of the Dungeoneer sets (Tomb of the Lich Lord, Vault of the Fiends, Haunted Woods of Malthorian, Dragons of the Forsaken Desert, etc).

(caution, do not confuse them with the recently released DugeonVILLE)

I describe Dungeoneer as "A card game that plays like a board game, with lots of well integrated RPG color".  There are two components to your turn, one in which your hero tries to complete quests by moving around on a map built up out of cards, and then using monsters and traps from your hand to pose challenges to other heros to make it harder for them to complete their quests.  There's also leveling up, and PvP if you want it.  Each set comes with 4-8 unique heros, and the art is really good.

A single Dungeoneer set is a great game in its own right.  You can combine it with different sets to have bigger adventures, in different environments.  Third of all, the designer is hard at work on a rules expansion that will allow Dungeoneer to be played as a full blown RPG.  You can get a beta version of these rules off Lulu.

Peter Nordstrand

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law



The ubiquitous Settlers of Catan (plus Seafarers, plus Cities and Knights)
Louis XIV
Aquire (this is a clever game)
Castle Risk (like Risk, but fun)
Apples to Apples
Shadows Over Camelot (another clever game, and one I think has a lot to teach us about cooperative board games)
Kill Dr. Lucky
Diceland (man, I love Diceland)
Ticket to Ride (and Europe)
Rumis (this is breathtakingly good)
Modern Art
Princes of Florence
Poker (a bit)
Liar's Dice (a game every roleplayer should know)
Attack Vector: Tactical

The list could go on for a while, but I'd actually have to start thinking about things.  These were all played recently enough to come to mind quickly.

Current projects: Caper, Trust and Betrayal, The Suburban Crucible


QuoteDiceland (man, I love Diceland)

Yes!  Diceland deserves so much more love than it gets.

I bought the Dragons set from James Ernest at Conquest NW.  I walk up to his table and say "I can't find these in stores", and he says "I can't put them in stores!" :(

Also glad to see another AV:T wonk.


Quote from: rafial on April 07, 2006, 07:42:15 PMAlso glad to see another AV:T wonk.

Yep!  Hey, I don't know where you live, but if you're not too far we should play, there aren't a lot of locals interested in a game that takes so long to play.  Feel free to toss me a PM.  I'm in Alabama, about two hours from Atlanta, GA.

Current projects: Caper, Trust and Betrayal, The Suburban Crucible