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[GenCon 2006] First thread about it

Started by Ron Edwards, April 11, 2006, 02:46:02 AM

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Nev the Deranged

Um... well, to monkey or not to monkey makes a huge difference to some of us. Cuz nonmonkeys (without Adept Press badges) can't get into the hall to help set up/tear down, etc. Nonmonkeys have no reason at all to be in Indianapolis on Wednesday. Which makes a considerably impact on hotel costs, vacation days taken, and general plans all around.

So, I don't know about anyone else, but I kind of need to know the deal before I make the plans. And since August is a popular time to take vacations and I they are first come first serve, the sooner I know, the better.

I gotta be honest, monkeying is 75% of my reason for coming to GenCon. For what it's worth. I understand, especially in light of last year, when I didn't get to be nearly as helpful as I had hoped, that monkeying may be a dying art. But it's still the real reason I show up at all. Again, for what it's worth.

But bottom line, the sooner I know whether I'm needed in a monkey way or not, the sooner I can make adjustments to my plans, budget, etc. It'd cost me somwehat less for 3 days of hotel rather than 4, and save me an extra vacation day I can use elsewhere. All of which I am more than willing to spend, but not unless I need to, obviously.


Ron Edwards

THEN CONTACT ME ABOUT THAT. Jeez! Is this not clear? It's not a public-discussion thing.

Best, Ron

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Ron Edwards on April 11, 2006, 02:46:02 AM
Now, that last 10' by 10' is separated from the play-space by a waist-high partition, and actually, it's not "part" of the booth, or I guess it is, or not, depending on how anyone wants to interpret the finances or play semantics. This space has been reserved by another gaming company who will be our neighbors, friends, countrymen, and other such things. I'll inject a drumroll for the announcement of who this is.

Forgot to jump in here...


Wicked Dead Brewing Company is co-sponsoring the peninsula with the aforementioned folks. John and I will be in the other 10x10' space, along with our crew.
- J
jared a. sorensen /


Quote from: Jared A. Sorensen on April 28, 2006, 07:12:33 PM

Forgot to jump in here...


Wicked Dead Brewing Company is co-sponsoring the peninsula with the aforementioned folks. John and I will be in the other 10x10' space, along with our crew.
- J

Very cool!

If I can help promote the Forge/Indie Press Revolution/Wicked Dead booth and games on Flames Rising let me know.


"What Are You Afraid Of?"

Jonathan Walton

I've tried to closely follow the threads lead up to GenCon this year, as well as reviewing the threads about last year's booth and the rule about newbies only being allowed to sell a single product surprised me.  Is this a new development? 

This kinda pours a ton of cold water on some of my retailing plans and it sounds like it could possibly infringe on Jason Morningstar's ability to sell Drowning & Falling, which would royally suck.

I realize you folks have a lot on your plate and I apologize if I missed an earlier announcement about this.  I also realize that you have no real responsibility to tell us anything before we really need to know.  Still, I'm having to rethink things yet again now.