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Started by Matt Snyder, April 24, 2002, 03:48:42 AM

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Matt Snyder

A few Forgers already know that I've been working on a game called Dreamspire. After putting it off for a number of reasons -- real life issues, day job, freelance work (yay!) -- I've finally got back into the groove.

I think part of reason I let my pet project slumber for a few weeks was that I tried to figure out what the game's really about, particularly in light of many ideas presented and discussed here at the Forge.

For those of you who don't know (and as a reminder for those who do), Dreamspire is set in a nightmarish dream realm called, not surprisingly, Dreamspire. The place is controlled by two rival royal families, and an arcane guild, the Clockworkers, operate behind the scenes to keep the world ticking . . . literally and figuratively. For some more brief info, and more of the look and feel of the game, check out Oh yes, the game's inspired by chess metaphors -- player characters are one of five archetypes: Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, and King. There is, you might guess, much more to it, and I'll share more in due time.

Now that's all well and dandy. The game oozes atmosphere, and to me that's crucial. I feel like sometimes the value of color is diminished or ignored in Forge discussions, but that's probably just the old genre-freak in me refusing to quit. At any rate, the game is thick with color . . .

At which point I can just hear Ron say, "Yeah, yeah. So what's the premise?" Jared say, "So what do you do in the game" and Mike Holmes say, among 100 other things, "Neat. Try this . . . "

So, without further ado . . .

"What is it like to be a pawn in the Great Game?"

The game is an exploration of what it's like to be trapped in a world controlled by two (well, three w/ the guild, kinda) factions, which are themselves fractious and byzantine.

What do you do in the game?
While it started out as something along the lines of a fantasy game in which anything from dungeon delving to horror to courtly intrigue was possible in that vague, sim-y kind of way, it has now focused much more on the intrigue and politicking. The game is about, well, the princes (as in Machiavelli's princes) play. So, characters are the pawns of the two royal houses and the guild. Their aim is to act according to the whim of one house or the other all in intriguing duel between families. This means they might: investigate assassinations, perform assassinations, rescue hostages, act as couriers, spy, uncover conspiracies, carry out conspiracies (!) and so on.

Neat. Try this . . .

The mechanics of the game are pretty straight forward. Characters have five Traits -- Wits, Passion, Prowess, Vigor, and Charm -- with number ratings from 0-6. This rating determines how many dice characters roll to resolve conflict. Characters also have a number of Talents. These are skills, supernatural abilities and other knacks a character might possess. Each talent is rated by a die type. So, in a given conflict, players determine their most relevant (or most interesting) Talent and most relevant Trait. Then, they roll the number of dice of type corresponding to the Talent and keep the die result of their choice in attempts to overcome a target number or opposed roll.

For example, Sergei (a Rook character -- Rooks are versatile fellows who excel at finding their way around the confusing Dreamspire citadel) has Wits 3 and a Navigator talent rating of d8. When trying to determine whether he can keep his course while his comrades battle a dream serpent, he might roll Wits x Navigator, which is 3d8. He then keeps any of the 3 dice he wishes to overcome the challenge (obviously, this will most often be the highest die result).

Ok, that's the basic conflict resolution mechanic. However, superceding all of this is a nifty meta-game mechanic, called Pawns. Pawns are currency, and can be used for a number of things, including improving die rolls, fending off "Checkmate" (basically character death), "powering" supernatural talents, etc. When players "spend" pawns, they're captured by the GM, who can use them in turn against the players (though once used by the GM, they're removed from the game).

The tricky bit is that players share a pool of Pawns, and they may draw from the pool any time they want or need. However, each time they draw a pawn, they lose voting power -- more on that in a bit.

The GM may assign pawns to NPCs (and even nasty places and terrors, a.k.a monsters) which he can use against players. Once "spent" by the GM, these pawns enter a pool from which all PCs may draw.

At the end of a session, any Pawns remaining in the pool are divided among the PCs as rewards  -- personal pawns the PCs need not share and which they may use to improve character abilities (or spend normally). However, how these pawns are divided is up to player voting/bidding. The more pawns a player took from the pool during play, the less his vote is worth / the less he can bid.

While some more work needs to be doen, you can see that this metagame mechanic reallyencourages political scheming, conniving and even cooperation both during play and "after."

Lately, I've been describing the game as "Machiavelli meets Mervyn Peake." Has a nice ring to it. I'll leave it there for now. Looking forward to comments.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Jason L Blair

>>I feel like sometimes the value of color is diminished or ignored in Forge discussions, but that’s probably just the old genre-freak in me refusing to quit.

Just as an aside, I agree, mate. As a system un-monkey, I don't really get jazzed about mechanics that much. But color, wooooh baby. Pass me a big ol' plate o' that.

Anyway, I'll let ya'll get back to your discussion.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer



I'm glad you've finally seen the light and turned your attention to something reasonable.  A game about Norse mythology and fate just wasn't cutting it.  ;)

Seriously, Paul and I were just talking about exactly this sort of game.  Of course, we were discussing Amber and Nobilis, and how the machiavellian politicking just didn't do it for us.  I shouldn't speak for Paul though, so take everything I say here as my own personal preference, and only as that.

I would beef up the "What do you do?" stuff.  As I envision it - and I could be way off on this - the game would probably boil down to the players sitting around engaging in banter (only some of which will actually be witty) and trying to outdo each other in a game of characterization one-upsmanship.  Maybe that's not how the game would play out, or maybe it is and that's the way you want it.  If so, great.  If not, I'd add another question to your list...

What do you want the players to care about in Dreamspire?

The conspiracies their characters perpetuate?  Besting each other in courtly intrigue and verbal sparring?  A tenuous connection their characters may have to the real, waking world?  Something else entirely?

And just so I don't come across wrong, I think Dreamspire is an awesome project.  I've admired it since our days in Target Audience, and I've said as much before.  I look forward to seeing it in its finished form.

And I love your use of color.

Take care,

Matt Machell

I love the pawns use as a metagame mechanic, mechanics that mirror setting colour always appeal to me. The whole chess motif is lovely (I seem to remember you talking about it on RPG.NET a while ago, actually)

I dislike using multiple types of dice, something about it just jars.

Matt (the other one)

Matt Snyder

Responding to Moose . . .

Quote from: hardcoremoose
I'm glad you've finally seen the light and turned your attention to something reasonable.  A game about Norse mythology and fate just wasn't cutting it.  ;)


What do you want the players to care about in Dreamspire?

Heh, point taken. Hence the title of this thread. I've been sitting on the Dreamspire egg far too long -- it's time to get cracking! What was I thinking!?!

As for what players care about in the game . . . what players should care about is their character. Ok, so that's not terribly profound, stay w/ me. Recall that in Dreamspire, every player has a "Quest" -- think of it as kicker for now (it's sort of like Devil in Dust Devils, too). The Quest should be created in such a way that there's some doubt as to whether it can be accomplished given the tumultuous environment. Ideally, Quest should also be something noble, something meaningful that a character might achieve. Given his/her situation in a back-biting, terror filled nightmare world, the real challenge will be rising above the levels of vengeance, ploys, assassinations, etc and doing something worthwhile.

In other words, players should care about swimming upstream against strong, dark currents to achieve something decent in a place filled with dark corners and hidden daggers.

Whaddya think, Moose, that cover it sufficiently?

And responding to the "other" Matt . . .

Quote from: Matt
I dislike using multiple types of dice, something about it just jars.

Matt (the other one)

I find that comment very interesting, because one player in my group has exactly the opposite mentality. Games that use just one type of die drive him nuts.

Just to inform, the reason there are multiple die types is related to the chess imagery. In character creation, players assign dice to Talents that correspond to the "back row" of chess. So, d4 = Rook; d6 = Knight; d8 = Bishop; d10 = Queen; d12 = King. This means players can select and assign 2 d4s, 2 d6s, 2 d8s, a single d10 and a single d12 -- the same number of "pieces" that form the back row on a chess board.

Oh, and Whaddya mean the other one?!? There must be about 6 other ones! I think I'm the other one.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Matt Machell

Obviously, I was refering to my otherworldly quality :)

On to business. One of the biggest complaints I heard about Deadlands, Earthdawn etc was their use of lots dice types. Possibly because people don't always have 4D4 (and besides they don't roll well), or maybe because it somehow seems inelegant or requires new players to fork out for loads of new dice.

Course this is just my experience.


Ron Edwards


I'm sticking with that business about what the players care about ... big surprise, right? Premise-man, up in the sky or lurking in the alleys, swoop swoop.

"About their characters" doesn't cut it for me. Or rather, it would, if we were talking about something like Unknown Armies, in which character mechanics are colorful enough to be interesting on their own. So your character basically spirals into madness of one sort of another, go! Post-modern Cthulhu.

If you're going that route, then you need personality mechanics all over the place, especially if they go kerflooey on you in a variety of ways (like the madness meters in UA). That'll get you Character Exploration as the priority of play, and the players get to "care about their characters" all they want; all the GM has to do is keep throwing opponents and twists at them.

But something you said sounds a little different ... that bit about "swimming upstream," the Quest, doing something worthwhile. Now wait a minute. How is that "something" determined? By the game or by the player? When - at character creation or during play? How might the crunch between the usual vengeance/awfulness and the rise-above Higher Thing be made unavoidable?

(Note: the diminishment of Coincidence and the rise of Guts in Extreme Vengeance; [when it's available] the impact of Endgame in Violence Future; the numerical flip in Swashbuckler when one's Reputation score "takes over" the skill scores; the choice between incompatible Spiritual Attributes in The Riddle of Steel. Note: Humanity in Sorcerer, once you hit 2 or 1.)

That's what you'll need if you're looking for a more Narrativist approach. That's why, when I read, "Wits, Passion, Prowess, Vigor, and Charm," as well as skills and talents and all that, I go, "Blahdy blah blah." I don't care about that stuff in a highly focused Narrativist game; if they're there, fine, but I only care about how they affect or are affected by the Other Thing - that crunch.


Matt Snyder

Ok, I must admit that Ron's called me on a good point (and a weak answer to Moose). He's right that it's not enough to say "Players care about their characters." Isn't that the case in most, if not all RPGs. Poor answer.

So, while I think I answer Moose's question somewhat after making that silly remark, I'll reiterate. Players care because they (that is, their characters) are in a situation that challenges their humanity, their decency. The world, while fantastic to look at and explore, is really a rotten place of fear, revenge, terror, and immorality. The reason players should care is that they want to know or explore whether they can maintain their dignity, their humanity.

Then, Ron goes on to say, while refering to character attributes & mechanics, "That's what you'll need if you're looking for a more Narrativist approch."

To which I say, "A-ha! Gotcha, you narrativists, you." I didn'te say this was a narrativist game. It isn't. It's a simulationist game. It's emphasis is really Exploration of Situation. Remember, the premise I posted earlier was: "What's it like to be a pawn in the Great Game?" Seems a straightforward Sim. premise to me. Dreamspire does indeed encourage players and the GM to "narrate" scenes, by which I mean being descriptive, taking an authorial stance and coloring the scene. (Warning: My grasp of stances if far weaker than my grasp of GNS and Premise, so if I'm off here, call me on it.)

Now, I'm just teasing Ron, but he raises excellent points. All those Traits and Talents he referes to are pretty typical RPG stuff. But they aren't what characters are about. They're just tools to operate in the world/situation. What's really important in playing a character, in terms of mechanics, is Quest as well as the expenditure of pawns. These mechanics are what your charters is "about."

(An aside: You can probably tell that those crucial mechanics are still "unfinished." That's because I think I recognized their great importance to the meaning of the game, how it's played, and why players give a damn. So, I've little compunction about discussing them even in their current, admittedly vague form precisely because they're so important.)

Now, I think a discussion of whether this game is Narrativist or Simulationist is fair game. I held Dreamspire close to the vest these past few months while I've been participating on the Forge partly because I wasn't sure where it stood. It practically stradles the line between simulationist and narrativist, and it's still young enough to have such an identity crisis.

Ron, what I'm trying to do w/ Dreamspire might be analagous to what you're up to with Trollbabe. Dreamspire has many "traditional" RPG elements, but it herds players toward that narrative side of the spectrum. Is this Drift? Not sure I grok Drift well enough to say, but probably so. Is this bad? God, I hope not!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Matt Snyder

Doh, I forgot to reply to several of Ron's excellent questions.

Quote from: Ron EdwardsBut something you said sounds a little different ... that bit about "swimming upstream," the Quest, doing something worthwhile. Now wait a minute. How is that "something" determined? By the game or by the player? When - at character creation or during play? How might the crunch between the usual vengeance/awfulness and the rise-above Higher Thing be made unavoidable?

Quest is determined during character creation by the player, though the GM should have a hand in shaping the Quest, as might other players.

How the conflict between the awfulness of the place/situation and the character's Quest can be accentuated is the Best Question of the Day. You've nailed it, Ron. That's absolutely pivotal to the way this game will be played.

In reply, I offer the Worst Answer of the Day: I don't know just yet. Clearly, I need to figure out a way for the game to really help players & GM enforce that conflict and make it the main motivation in play.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Ron Edwards


Teasing you back: you ain't gotcha me, not by a million miles. I presented you with two options, one for if it's Sim/Char, and one for if it's Narrativism. Your accusation of "Narrativist bias" goes in the blender; hit frappe.

Okay, now for the serious stuff, which is to decide if Dreamspire is "Narr or Sim."

[Note that Trollbabe isn't "transitional," like Scattershot is (and arguably, maybe, The Riddle of Steel as well). It's tits-front Narrativist, just painless.]

Who can answer this? You. Just you. If it's "about" Experiencing Character in Crisis, then review Unknown Armies and go for that. If it's "about" Moral Decisions as Statements, then review some of the Narrativist games I listed above. (And see whether Dav will sling you a copy of the current draft of Violence Future; it's so totally about this stuff.)

Don't ask us for help on this one - you anticipated Jared, me, and Mike perfectly. Now come clean.


Matt Snyder

Ron, true you did present me with two options, but, if I read those rightly, one option was Simulation Exploration of Character, a la Unknown Armies. The other was Narrativist exploration of Morality and Statements? Something to that effect, anyway.

I guess the reason I "flinched" is that Dreamspire, as I see it, is neither, yet very close to both options. As I said earlier, it's Exploration of Situation in a Simulationist game. So, it's much more in line with the "about Moral Decisions and Statements" line, but it remains a simulationist game. Whereas you refered to several Narrativist games for examples of that style, I'm trying to accomplish something similar in a Simulationist way. I'm not sure what games out there do this. Any examples, anyone? If there are few, or even none, then I can't help feel like I'm heading in the right direction. I belive there's good cause to expand the "borders" of GNS, giving people practical, playable games to play in all of the categories. Now, I summon Mike Holmes, Champion of Simulationism! To arms, man, lend me your voice!  ;)

By the way, when I said Trollbabe was analogous, I meant in it's "sneaky" approach, not in it's Transitional (or lack thereof!) approach. Dreamspire is similar in that it might appear to have trappings of other games -- say, WW games. It has splats, I guess, so the similarity's there. But, I hope it does something different. Sneaky in that it draws gamers I know and play with, and gamers I see comment on various d-groups, into a game that challenges their notion of what a "normal" RPG is supposed to do, and helps them have a good time in that challenge.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Ron Edwards

Hey Matt,

I think your next step is to become a student of Scattershot and The Riddle of Steel, both of which are doing exactly what you describe, in different ways.


Blake Hutchins

Hi Matt,

Dreamspire sounds exciting to me, though I agree with the comments regarding Premise.  How about extending your Chess analogy into Premise Country?  When I play Chess, the core components are Manipulation (bluff or feint), Anticipation (What's he gonna do next?  What can I do NOW to prepare for that possibility?), and Sacrifice (my Pawn for your Bishop).  Seems to me you can extract a meaningful Premise from working with those aspects of the game.

Possible Premise Angles:
- Free will v. Society
- What are you willing to sacrifice for freedom?
- What constitutes true sacrifice?
- Deceit v. Truth
- What does it take to be safe in this world?
- Who are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals?
- Is winning everything?

These are just a few initial ideas.  Some are better than others, and if you incorporate knightly/quest elements, you might get to an interesting fusion.



Jürgen Mayer

Quoteplayers should care about swimming upstream against strong, dark currents to achieve something decent in a place filled with dark corners and hidden daggers.
How the conflict between the awfulness of the place/situation and the character's Quest can be accentuated is the Best Question of the Day.

So, if I got this right, it's all about making the right moral decisions, i.e. "being good" in a dark world where most others don't care about others?

Here's an idea: All PCs have a "Check" rating (check as in the King being attacked.) If they do something "bad" to someone else, e.g. Ron (it doesn't matter if Ron has done them wrong first), their Check rating increases (they also note on the character sheet "Checked by Ron").

This has two consequences:
1. "Checked by Ron:" Ron is now out for revenge. This is mostly a reminder for the GM that the PC has now an enemy in Ron, and should be used as such during the story.
2. The Check Rating would be a meta-game mechanic which should put the player at a disadvantage. Frex, the Check Rating could substract from the player's votes at the end of the game, which would mean that if you're more ruthless, you'll prolly get fewer Pawns, which means slower character advancement, which means it'll take you longer to achieve your Quest.

The Check Rating can only decrease if you somehow manage to get along with Ron, i.e. you apologize to him and he accepts, or you work out a compromise with him, or you help him later and he isn't your enemy any more, etc. If you can pull this off, and only then, your Check Rating decreases again and you can delete the "Checked by Ron" from the charsheet.

Does that make any sense?
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

Matt Snyder

Quote from: Jürgen Mayer
So, if I got this right, it's all about making the right moral decisions, i.e. "being good" in a dark world where most others don't care about others?

Here's an idea: All PCs have a "Check" rating  ... <snip>

Does that make any sense?

First, Jürgen, you've got it right. The only thing I'd change about what you said is rather than "being good" characters are seeking to "be human." The only (subtle) distinction, I argue, is that "being good" seems to imply one must be ever virtuous, and likely uninteresting. I'd rather people be "human," which I mean they're good, yet fallible. Small point, as I suspect everybody already understands that.

As for Check ratings and whether it makes sense, well, yes, absolutely it makes sense. It's not precisely the way I intend to go. However, your post reminds me to really evaluate what puts characters in "Check" and what puts them in "Checkmate." In it's "original" version, characters went into Check and Checkmate only through combat or injury. Not so anymore -- being absolutely outmanuevered by a political foe, for example, could put a person into Checkmate (so, it might be described as exile, for example).

See some of the posts we had recently on character expiration as well as Fate & Death for some more thoughts on that.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra