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GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Started by Troy_Costisick, July 22, 2006, 02:56:27 PM

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Shock: Social Science Fiction will be there, but you have to ask Joshua how much he's selling it for.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert


Just so you know, according to the current GenCon event schedule (updated April 24), all the Indie Games Explosion games are going to be in room 205.  The Games on Demand track has been given tables 7 and 8 in that room for the duration of the convention.  So you can get rid of those X's.

Current projects: Caper, Trust and Betrayal, The Suburban Crucible

Jonathan Walton

Yeah, there's also Push: New Thinking About Roleplaying whose genre should probably be "journal/zine." It retails for $17.


New draft of the menu is up. (You may need to refresh your browser - I'm overwriting the PDF as I go. This version is using a b/w Forge logo.)

Thanks again to everyone who's posted corrections, updates and confirmations.

Jason - my understanding (and I am - as ever - ready for corrections) is that the menu is a list of what is on sale. The idea being that people may wander off with a z-folded menu and crucify their wallets online later. Games that can be demoed will be indicated with an asterisk - see the latest version for how that might look. Of course, indicating which is which will be tied to the next phase, which is getting a list of games that each monkey can demo.


Stuff I Am Missing
1001 nights - Price (also, please confirm publisher)
kill puppies for satan - Price
Mechaton - Price
Shooting the Moon - Price
Dust Devils - Price (is the revision going to be at GenCon, Matt?)
Shock: Social Science Fiction - Price
Drowning and Falling - Price

Games I Thought I Would See And Don't, But I May Be Being Stupid
Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan!
Seadog Tuxedo

Stuff EVERYONE Should Do Now
Please check what I have listed for your games minutely at this point. If there is a typo here, it will likely persist. Also, please double- and triple-check your URLs. Let me know of any typos (or confirm that I am neurotically flawless), either here or in PMs, as you prefer.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14

John Harper design
Agon $20

Available for demo (I'll even have little demo flyer giveaway thingies)

Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!

Jonathan Walton

KKKKK and Seadog are casualies of the One Game Policy.  I might have limited numbers to sell to compadres, but it's not going to be for sale at the booth.


Nice job.  I know some other typos/errors have been pointed out (Veitnam,kill puppies, Forge logo truncated, Operation Quick Launch should be on one line, etc) and suggestions made, so please bear with me for one more:

It's Gen Con, not GenCon.  They get cranky about such things.  (I should know, I had my wrist slapped for an inaccurate press release!)

By the way, were you guys aware of the new no flyer rule?

An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")

Justin D. Jacobson

Quote from: Denise on July 25, 2006, 02:31:46 AM
By the way, were you guys aware of the new no flyer rule?

My understanding is that you can hand out flyers at the booth but not to random wandering convention goers. My understanding is that this menu is intended for the former.
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!


Thanks for the updates, all.

Denise - it sounds like you were looking at an older version of the menu: the current version doesn't mention Gen Con by name (yet - if it does, later, I'll be sure to get the name right!) Thanks, also, for reminding everyone that there are Gen Con policies, to which we - being good citizens - will all strive to conform. (Except possibly Keith: he's still acting out adolescent Pole fantasies.)

The Forge booth menu is intended as a reference for people who come to the booth, and would rather browse what is on offer at their leisure - perhaps online, even after the convention - than buy games then and there. Most of the small press and indie game designers represented at the booth are keen to have their games bought by people who will play them, so there's little perceived value in this community in the random distribution of marketing material. As a flyer, it would be a waste: the vast majority of Gen Con attendees are, alas, at the convention for other fare than that offered at the Forge booth. This document is really for those who have already drunk the Kool-Aid... or want their first taste.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14

Keith Senkowski

They are Faux Pole fantasies... get it right...

I know for fact that Dust Devils will not be at GenCon as we spoke today.
Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

Joshua A.C. Newman

I don't have time to read this whole thread tonight, as I just got home from martial arts class with a pulled ass muscle and have to go heal, but:

Shock: Social Science Fiction will retail for $23.

Under the Bed will retail for $16.

Thanks to Tim for pointing out this thread.

Now, to go nurse my butt.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.



I emailed you (on the 19th) a list of all the BTRC stuff for the flyer. Did you get it?



Fauxlack, Joe, Joshua - thanks (and sorry to hear about your busted arse, Joshua).

Greg, your email seems to have got lost in the transfer of information, when I took over on the 23rd - can you re-post it here, or in PM to me, please?

Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14


Latest version (again, refresh your browsers, if you must. This version includes BTRC for the first time.)

Stuff I Am Missing
1001 nights - Price (also, please confirm publisher)
kill puppies for satan - Price
Mechaton - Price
Shooting the Moon - Price

What You Should Do With the Menu. Now.
- Check that the games you are eligible and able to demo are correctly marked.
- If you have corrected something, check that I did not introduce errors in the correction.
- Check the spelling (again) of everything you publish.
- Check the URLs. Again. Really. Forget ye not ye longe tail.
- Start pointing out any general typos, design quibbles, and that sort of thing. Given that there are some markedly variable aesthetics on the Forge, mine will prevail.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14