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Gen Con Cash Register

Started by Valamir, July 25, 2006, 12:25:13 AM

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Once again I'm providing the cash register that will be used at GenCon.  This year, instead of being staffed by overworked underpaid volunteers, Brennan of IPR will be providing the manpower to run it.

However, I will be programming it prior to GenCon (because its a PITA to program on site).

That means if you're selling product at GenCon, I need to know the pricing information, name, publisher, and name of the person (presumeably you) who will be collecting the money.

Over in The Menu thread  Alexander is putting together the game menu.  I'm intending to use that menu to program in all of the prices in the cash register, so if you aren't on it yet, get on it.

Also if you're intending to sell anything that isn't going to be on the menu (T-shirts, buttons, whatever) let me know in this thread seperately.  I highly discourage such practice as its tended to waste alot of space with little sales but I'll leave that call to Luke. 

Bottom line is, if it isn't on the menu and it isn't in this thread, it isn't getting put in the Cash Register.

If it isn't in the cash register, it isn't getting sold at Gen Con.

Last year I had to hunt some folks down to get the information.  This year, I don't intend to do so. 


Unless it's veto'd by the aformentioned Luke, I will be also selling "I play dead people" T-shirts for $20 each.  Same as last year.


I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Keith Senkowski


I will also be selling art prints for $10 a piece.
Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

Matt Snyder

Ralph, to confim, my one and only product this year will be:

Nine Worlds

Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Brennan Taylor


I will have a mostly complete list for you shortly.


Good thing Rob pointed this out to me -- I don't check the forge regularly enough. :)

Don't Rest Your Head should be arriving on IPR's doorstep today (tracking says it's out for delivery).

Cover price: $15 ($14.95, but why necessitate nickels)


Thanks folks.

Just to be clear...if your game is going to be on the game menu (link at the top of this thread) that Iskander is putting together, you don't need to announce it to me seperately.  If its on that menu, I'll get it off of that menu. 

The only thing I need you let me know seperately is anything that won't be on that menu, such as:

Non game items (like T-shirts, buttons, whatever)
IPR or Wicked Dead games that will be available but not part of the Forge menu.
Any other game that is going to be sold via the IPR booth but which is not part of the Forge demo menu (which as far as I know shouldn't be any unless there's special dispensation from Luke).

John Harper

I'm selling Agon, $20. It's listed in the menu under " design" (which is correct), but the money should go to me, John Harper.

Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!