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[Dreamation 07] Indie Games Explosion travel guide

Started by Nathan P., January 22, 2007, 06:58:15 PM

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Nathan P.

(x-posted with Story Games)

Hey all y'all. I put together a pamphlet with all of the info and event descriptions for the indie games explosion at Dreamation. It still needs some tweaking, but I'd like to get some feedback on it as I continue to polish.

There's...uh...some assembly required. Which I will explain. But here's a link to the PDF file all 4 pages of it.

Ok. So. It's designed to fold into quarters. The first two pages of the doc are the front and back of the main pamphlet. You fold the two outside flaps of the "back" (friday 9-1 and friday 8-12) to meet at the middle, and then you fold the two sides (you should be looking at Thursday 8-12 and Sunday 9-1) towards each other. This creates a quarter page with a spine on the left-hand side, the Indie Games Explosion side on the front, and the list of publishers on the back.

Now, pages three and four are also front-and-back. You print those, and then cut it in half (So, to make two pamphlets, you need two pages with 1 and 2, but only one with 3 and 4). Unfold the main pamphlet, put the half-page in the middle of it so that Friday 2-6 and Friday 8-12 are on top, covering Saturday 9-1 and Saturday 8-12. Staple through the center crease. Refold.

So, what happens is you open it, and the full spread is all of Fridays games. Fold the left-hand interior flap to the right, and you have half of Saturdays games, and folding the right-hand flap to the left is the other half of those games.

It's a little messed up still (I need to reverse the columns of the Saturday side of the interior flap). But what you end up with is a small, portable pamphlet with enough descriptions of the events that you don't need to cross-reference with the main program, plus all of the websites and IPR info (long-tail sales).

So...thoughts? Too much effort? Confusing format? Does it seem to read ok? Blatent typos? etc.

I was thinking maybe everyone who digs it could put together 10 or 15 and bring them to the event, by the by.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Bret Gillan

No blatant typos that I can see, but I dream of a day where my name is spelled correctly. :)

Nathan P.

Heh, I fail. Thanks for the headsup.

There's definitely another proofreading in this things future. Anyone else?
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Adam Dray

I confoozed. I think I'd be less confused if I actually printed it out and followed along with your instructions though. Page numbers would help, cuz then I could verify that it was all in order once I had it assembled.
Adam Dray /
Verge -- cyberpunk role-playing on the brink
FoundryMUSH - indie chat and play at 7777

Michael S. Miller

Cross-posted on Story-Games.

Thanks for all the work, Nathan! The convention is nearly upon us. The con starts tomorrow! Kat and I anticipate arriving around 7pm on Thursday. Anyone who needs to get a hold of me should e-mail me TODAY at thebard AT incarnadine dot indie-rpgs dot com and I'll send you my cell number. If you include your cell number, that'd be helpful, too.

If you get there before I do and are making use of the suite, you need to find the hard-working Double Exposure folks who will be busy setting up the convention stuff. Tell them who you are, that you're with the Indie Games Explosion, and ask to speak with Vinnie or Becca about checking into the suite. If you're the first one there, it would be helpful if you went back down to registration and told them to send anyone else looking for the Indie Games Explosion suite to room # X. That should keep everybody from bothering Vinnie and Becca when they're super-busy.

Looking forward to a great con!
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Nathan P.

Yeh, assembly is required. There's not really a good way to paginate it....Indie Games Explosion is the front, the list of designers is the back, and there's a spine on the right hand side when its totally folded. Unfold it, and you see Thursday on your right and Sunday on your left. Unfold it again, and you see all of Friday. Then you flip the interior folded page both ways to reveal Saturday.

It has come to my attention that it's hard to fasten in the middle*. I've just been shooting staples through the center fold into a soft surface (my cutting mat), pulling up the whole unit and folding in the staple ends by hand. I don't have a large stapler. I don't know if a standard stapler is long enough.

I will pledge to assemble these on site, if people print them out and bring the pages. (Heh, we'll see how that goes....)

Oh, and the document has been finalized. Email me (n-dot-d-dot-paoletta-at-gmail-dot-com) if you want the PDF for printing.

*And that the whole thing is kinda crazy. Well, it's an experiment on multiple levels....lets just see how it plays out....
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Andrew Morris

Not to throw a last-minute wrench into the gears, but last I heard,TonyLB isn't going to be able to make the convention, so his game session(s) might be cancelled.
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