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GenCon 07 Games On Demand / IGE

Started by Michael S. Miller, March 19, 2007, 10:55:24 AM

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Kat Miller

Hi Matt Good Questions:

I'll be providing timers. 

The Gms seemed to have a good idea if they were going to finish a game in 2 or 4 hours, so there wasn't a problem with people playing over.  And there is some leeway.  If a Game is 15 minutes away from a satisfying ending let it pass.  Many Registered games run over time.  But if we're crunched for table space AND these guys are over an hour after the end time for that game, then they need to play another ticket.

There will be mini whiteboards for each game.  When you settle a game at a table. You'll provide them with a whiteboard and the gm will end what time he thinks the game will end.  so if its 2:46 and he's thinking a nice 4 hr run of dogs, then he'll write 6:46 on his white board.  Then it'll be up to the GM to run his game in that time.   There was really no trouble with this at all last time.

This is not a replacement for the Open gaming area since Gen Con is always nice about supplying some and it is in our best interest to find out just where that is so that we can direct others where they can go if the tables are too full.

For now GoD needs to stay as indie as possible.  Thing is there are lots and lots of DND and WOD games being offered at Gencon.  I have the same impulse as you do and Ideally GoD would be able to handle all forms of Gaming at Gencon.  But the number of indie games being run at Gen Con is rather sparse and sad to say I'm actually offering LESS registered indie games in the Indie Games Explosion, then I did last year.  Everyone keeps hearing about these Great Indie games, but in the Exhibit hall you can only get a taste of them the competition to get one of those seats to an indie game is very high.  That's why GoD must stay Indie for now.

kat Miller

Nev the Deranged

I am planning on spending a lot of time at IGE this year. Unfortunately I don't have enough experience yet to be a custodian or GM, but I really want to focus on playing more this year than working. You've said competition for seats at these game is high, so what do you recommend as far as trying to secure myself some of those seats (without being greedy, of course)?

Matt Gwinn

My recommendation for Games On Demand is to simpy not leave the room.  Since GoD games require generic tickets, seats will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

For the "scheduled" IGE games, be sure to preregister.

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
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Jasper the Mimbo

I'll do the Table Custodian thing as well. I hesitate to put times down yet, but I'm pretty flexible. What I'll probably do is take a look at the slots that haven't been filled and see where I'm needed most.
List of people to kill. (So far.)

1. Andy Kitowski
2. Vincent Baker
3. Ben Lehman
4. Ron Edwards
5. Ron Edwards (once isn't enough)

If you're on the list, you know why.

Nev the Deranged

ok, supposedly, event registration opened today at noon pacific. I can't find it on the official site... what am I missing?


Quote from: Nev the Deranged on May 08, 2007, 12:07:31 AM
ok, supposedly, event registration opened today at noon pacific. I can't find it on the official site... what am I missing?

If you go here:, you can download an events catalogue, which will give you listings of all registered events, but you must log in (and have a badge) to register for events.

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Nev the Deranged

Ah... there it is. I must not have been logged in before or something. Or possibly I'm just blind.


Nev the Deranged

I would like to note that Don Corcoran's DRYH game is listed in the Friday section of the IGE schedule page, but the link to it gives a Thursday timeslot. GenCon's schedule has it on Friday. And of course, full, like all my other first choices. =\

Thank GOD for.. well, GOD.

Nev the Deranged

slight correction: the link from the IGE schedule lists the DRYH game on Thursday and Saturday, when in fact it is only on Friday.

Nev the Deranged

Next question: WGP: A League of Their Own is listed on the GenCon schedule as: Thursday 3-7 and Sunday 10-2, with "Issue #2" running Friday 12-4 and Saturday 10-2.

Shouldn't that be Issue #1 Thursday and Friday or Thursday and Saturday, with #2 running Friday and Sunday or Saturday and Sunday?

Robert Bohl

Do I have to worry about anything here or have my GOD games been organized for me?
Misspent Youth: Ocean's 11 + Avatar: The Last Airbender + Snow Crash
Oo! Let's Make a Game!: Joshua A.C. Newman and I make a transhumanist RPG

Nev the Deranged

Quote from: Nev the Deranged on May 08, 2007, 02:04:29 AM
Next question: WGP: A League of Their Own is listed on the GenCon schedule as: Thursday 3-7 and Sunday 10-2, with "Issue #2" running Friday 12-4 and Saturday 10-2.

Shouldn't that be Issue #1 Thursday and Friday or Thursday and Saturday, with #2 running Friday and Sunday or Saturday and Sunday?

I need an answer to this one so I can decide how to organize my time. Anybody know what the deal is?

Also, what's the policy on signing up for a game that ends up not happening or not having enough people or whatever? You just out the three bucks or do you get a ticket back or what?

Nev the Deranged

Okay, well, I guess it doesn't matter now, they're full. I should have been more aggressive in figuring it out myself. My bad.

At this point, my option is to get a bunch of generic tickets and sit in the GOD room trying to get something going, is that right?

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Dave,

That's what I did last year, it wasn't very difficult to get a game started at the GOD tables.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Nev the Deranged

Well, that's good to know. How many tickets do you recommend getting? And can I safely wait and purchase them onsite?