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Last Call for Origins?

Started by Jake Norwood, June 25, 2007, 12:18:12 PM

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Jake Norwood

Hey all. Just poppin' in one more time to see if there will be any forge-ites up for some pick up games or just hanging out at Origins. I'll be there with the Burning Wheel crew, and I know Ralph (Valamir) will be there.

If you're interested in a game of something-or-other or just wanna hang out, post your name and what you want to play into this thread.

I want to play:

Burning Wheel
Robots and Rapiers
My Life with Master
Kill Puppies
Dogs in the Vinyard

and whatever the hot games are on the Forge lately. I don't spend as much time here as I used to...::blush::

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant

Nathan P.

I'll be there, manning the IPR booth. But I'm always up for anything in the after-hours...
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters


I echo Nathan.  I'm there as a part of the IPR booth, and while I have a few committed meet-ups with folks in the after-hours, I am otherwise (deliberately) unstructured.


I'll see you guys there.  The list of stuff I want to play is far too long to post, but I'll mention Legends of Alyria, Burning Anything and Agon.  I also totally want to talk to those people who have current projects about them (Nathan that means you!).

Are the BW and IPR booths together or near each other this year?

Jake Norwood

LOL, I have no idea if they are or not! I'm mostly just bumming off of the BW guys, lending a hand and being a nuisance.

But I'll be sure to come by and hang out at IPR some while I'm there.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant

Jared A. Sorensen

I will be there and will try to remember to bring agent record sheets for InSpectres and Lacuna Part I. Also, Darkpages perhaps?
jared a. sorensen /

Clyde L. Rhoer

I'll be there, besides doing a few interviews, and recording Luke's design seminars, my time is pretty open. I'd like to add carry, to the game list. I'm looking at you Nathan. Let's add Don't Rest Your Head also. I've got a dark character idea for that game I'd love to get an opportunity to use. Jared if you forget Lacuna sheets, I'll have some, they are one of the standard sheets in my Trapper Keeper.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.


I *may* run DRYH for a small, tight groups of players (no more than 3).  I've already committed to one group; I'll have to be roped in or bribed in some fashion to run more than that.  I'm looking for more socializing-around-gaming this con than gaming-around-socializing, if that makes any sense. :)

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hey Fred,

No worries.

Hey Everybody,

Is there a meeting place somewhat equivalent to the Embassy Suites is for Gen Con? Where should we be looking for each other?
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Jared A. Sorensen

jared a. sorensen /