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Forge Midwest 2008?

Started by GamerChick, September 05, 2007, 05:46:33 PM

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I realize it's way early, since this has taken place in April in the past... but hey, I wanted to get discussion started.  I had an amazing, fantastical, terrific time last year, and I want more!  More, do you hear me?!


Ron Edwards


I do hear you. I also had a fantastic time and would like Forge Midwest to continue. Its roots lie in DemonCon (my little activity/club thing at my university, 2002-2004) and in the Embassy Suites scene at GenCon, and I'd like to see what can be grown from that.

Here are some of the hassles, though. I'm hoping to overcome some of them for 2008.

1. People want to be able to visit Chicago conveniently during their visit, and they also want not to pay an arm and a leg for hotel space. This combination is ... well, not impossible, but it's pretty difficult. A related issue is that the actual space has to be appropriate: a decent room, nice tables, pitchers of water, generally a comfortable place to be with plenty of room, not claustrophobic or tucked away in some 8th floor or whatever.

2. We need a decent promotional effort, not just on-line, but also locally. For it to work, we have to make sure that the unique features of Forge Midwest get articulated and showcased.

3. We might need additional features. Personally, I'd like at least one evening to turn into a real knock-down drag-out party with a live band, but that's just me. (I am old and belong to the generation that thinks that air-guitaring is not at all stupid-looking.) I think some workshops and endeavor-style activities would be cool too.

4. I'd like to see some commerce there, for publishers. However, it's key to the whole idea that there's no distinction among anyone; you show up and pay and that's that. So no official vendor status is involved, or reserving tables, or anything like that. But still, the idea that you can buy games at Forge Midwest seems like a good idea to me.

5. It has to be affordable, overall. I really want to keep costs down for an individual attendee, I mean, way down. But obviously, the thing has to pay for itself and not put its organizers a bezillion into the hole, nor hit people with unexpected costs for attending.

So yeah. I'm thinkin' about it, and so are Ralph and Matt, and anyone else who wants to. I have really, really enjoyed myself both years and want to keep it going.

Best, Ron


Have you thought about trying to find either (1) a game store to host it or (2) a college at which to hold it?  Those seem like they might be alternatives to the GenCon "rent a space and sell badges" model.


Thor Olavsrud

I agree with most of your points Ron, but I'm uncertain about the need for promotional efforts beyond what's been done in the past, and disagree with making it a commercial event. For me, the draw is a weekend spent playing games with friends, and having a chance to actually spend time speaking with them. And it's nice to visit Chicago.

The draw of Forge Midwest for me is that it is small and has no commercial element. It's about connecting face-to-face. No one is there to sell a game or work. Forge Midwest reminds me of a family reunion that's grown too big to be held at someone's house, and I'd like to preserve that feeling.

That's not to say that I feel new folks should be discouraged from attending. I'm all for making new friends (like Clyde, whom I met for the first time at a Forge Midwest).

Workshops and a party sound like wonderful ideas though.

Oh, and a big thank you to Matt S. and Paul and Danielle and everyone else who helped make the past Forge Midwest a great time!

Paul's Girl

Hi folks,

Ironically, I was gathering information together to propose that Forge Midwest be moved to the Detroit area next year. I have one place I'm looking into that is close to multiple restaurants (bars too) and easy to get to from the airport. I was getting info about the meeting room space and multiple room bookings before I presented the change of location idea. Well, let's throw out the idea of a change and discuss it.

Thanks, Danielle

Thor, thanks for the nod as far as the other two F.M., but Paul & I weren't really involved. Credit should go to those who did, they did do a great job.
A haiku inspired by Gen Con 2002:

Oh, Great Bowl of dice
Unearth the die of my dreams
Wicked 12 sider



Hey Guys-

I work at a Clarion Suites in Madison, WI.  I've been talking with the management, and I may be able to discounts on rooms, and meeting space.  I'm talking a decent sized gaming hall, nice rooms right in the hotel at conventioneer prices.

The only caveat is that I have to have a date so the sales guys can nail it down.  I was looking at the second weekend in April (11-13).  Would there be any interest in this?

Ron Edwards

Whoa! That might be it!

Matt, Ralph, and I will consult quicky-quick and let you know, Willow. You're a hero.

Best, Ron

Jason Morningstar

Just a note on commerce - at Camp Nerdly we had a specific time (Sunday during breakfast) when there was a bazaar - people could bring whatever they wanted to sell, trade, or give away.  There were games, but also hand-made crafts, paperbacks to swap, all kinds of stuff.  It kept the buying-and-selling under control and worked out quite well.  Since we all knew in advance who was coming, there were also quite a few hand deliveries and trades happening. 

Matt Snyder

That date and place works for me, Willow. Thanks for offering this.

FOLKS! I am not CONFIRMING this is where Forge Midwest will be just yet. Like Ron says, he, Ralph and I will put our heads together. It IS a very good option, however. Madison is a way cool town! (Not sure what, if any, airport option there is for out-of-townies.)
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


I'll be talking to our sales manager tomorrow to see what we can set up.

Madison is served by the Dane Country Regional Airport-
The hotel has a free shuttle to/from the airport.

Ron Edwards

Hi Jason,

Thank you! That really helps; the Camp Nerdly commerce-model is close to what I had in mind. I'm thinking, definitely a designated space for sales, and possibly a designated time or times.

I definitely recognize that "maybe I can make a sale" will change the tone and content of play, if it's present as an ongoing issue. I also recognize, and want to promote, that people want to buy and sell games. So that seems like a good compromise. More stuff to put our heads together about.

Best, Ron

Darcy Burgess


I know that April is the traditional time of the year for Forge midwest.  However, some local universties in my area (Ottawa, Ontario) will book out residence rooms for super-cheap rates, so long as you do it in the off season.  Due to the way most residences are laid out, you usually get one or more lounges for free.  I'm certain that they'd be willing to consider providing and/or staffing a cafeteria as well.

If moving the date is an option, this could really drive costs down.

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.

Larry L.

Madison is actually pretty convenient for me. I know people in Madison. Also, Madison has a nice brewpub.

Oh, I'm interested in seeing this "live band" thing happen.

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Willow,

Is that the Clarion on Rimrock road, by the Alliant Energy Center?

Hi everyone,

Madison really is a nice place. We've got most everything your big city's have, like all the food of the Earth, (Indian, Korean, Japanese, African, Inca, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Jamaican, tons of Veggie options including an all Veg Restaurant) but we're smaller and prettier. Well... not me personally, but the city. We have a population of around 400,000 in the Madison metro, and have 3 Brick and Mortar stores (maybe four). There's cultural stuff, and a cement skate park, there's probrably a kitchen sink to be thrown in also. We have quite a few Indie inclined folks who didn't come down to Chicago last year for whatever reason. If the decision is made to come here I will gather all the info, about restaurants, travel, hotels, etc in one place so you can plan out a trip, and I'll personally take on hitting the local gaming community with flyerage, and an e-campaign. (Although I expect Tim will beat me to it.) I can't do that for Chicago, or Detroit.

I'll also offer up some of my 950 sq foot apartment I live in for the poor people, and I'll make a 6 quart pot of Veggie pasta sauce, plus pasta.

No matter where it is, I'll advertise it on my show also.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.


Yup, the Clarion's on Rimrock.

So, I've been talking to our sales manager.

Yes, we can get the big meeting room available, which has plenty of room for gaming.  (It's often used for wedding receptions.)  This is free if we book enough rooms, so we don't need to worry about charging for convention attendance.

The rates would be based on expected attendance- what kind of turnout has Forge Midwest traditionally drawn?