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[GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Recruitment pitching

Started by iago, May 08, 2008, 08:01:20 PM

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Hey folks, don't forget that we need to *hear from you* and get your commitment (and cash) before June 1st.  That's a little over three weeks away.  Don't miss out!

Eero Tuovinen

I thought that Ron specifically didn't want declarations here, but rather, just money.

Well, if it's going to be just IPR, Ron and us, I guess we should discuss rebalancing the booth costs. And I'll need to bring more copies of my zombie game ;)
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.


Quote from: Eero Tuovinen on May 08, 2008, 08:37:10 PM
I thought that Ron specifically didn't want declarations here, but rather, just money.

Sure. I probably should have been more specific, that Ron needs to hear from folks.  Thing is, *I* hear from him that he hasn't been hearing from more than a meager handful of folks. :)

Justin D. Jacobson

Perhaps the two-year rule is serving as an unwelcome restriction at this point?
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!


Well, I'm coming, I just haven't shot him an e-mail/payment yet. I'll be taking care of that within the next week.
Check out Fae Noir, a game of 1920's fantasy.

Ron Edwards

Cool! Thanks guys.

Justin J, the two-year rule is instated for good. Whatever eventually happens to the booth on that basis, happens. The whole point of the booth, always, was to help get people started and to create a new atmosphere/approach for convention presence, not to gather a community to myself like glue.

If you, actually, have a beef with the policy, say so - don't hide behind a hypothetical suggestion about what third parties might be thinking.

The issue right now is only a matter of recruiting from the right-stage publishers: past the point of the Ashcan Front, and (sensibly) not ready to sink thousands of dollars into an individual booth. The booth needs to be the best deal it can for exactly these people and no others.

Best, Ron

Ron Edwards

Good news! A whole bunch of people are on board now. Most of them were in the "oh yeah, I was planning on it, so I should pay then, shouldn't I" mode. Thanks to everyone.

I'll clarify this thread: it's mainly a reminder, but also a way for anyone who's not sure about the point, or whether they should or shouldn't sign up, to ask questions.

Best, Ron

Ron Edwards

Signups have been proceeding well! Here is the line-up so far.

Dark Omen Games
Legends of Alyria

Green Fairy Games
Fae Noir

EABA, Infinite Armies, F*ck This

Planet Thirteen

Arkenstone Publishing
Zombies at the Door

Dogtown Games
Story Cards

Neoplastic Press
Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium

Tasty Bacon Games
Thou Art But a Warrior

Other Court Games

Best, Ron

Eero Tuovinen

I find it both excellent and interesting that I have no clue who or what half of these games or people are. Hopefully we'll have some introductory threads and such for these products to faciliate salesmanship at some point.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Steve Segedy

The recent tradition has been to do a "demo-fest" on Wednesday night to learn about everyone's games.  Last year I believe this was done in the Embassy Suites lobby from 6:30-8:30pm, but I might be misremembering.  In any case, I plan to help organize it this year, because it really makes things go more smoothly in the booth to know as much about the games as you can.
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach and Grey Ranks, available now at IPR!


Hi Ron, we're going to be bringing a new game named Candycreeps this year as well. Real life got in the way of the other game we were working on. :(
Check out Fae Noir, a game of 1920's fantasy.

Adam Riemenschneider

Sadly, I don't think I'll be there in time on Wednesday night to make the "demo fest." It's a long drive from Minneapolis to Indianapolis. If I'm lucky, I'll be there 10pm ish? I'd like to get some kind of preview of the other games that will be there, even if it's merely forum-based.
Creator and Publisher of Other Court Games.

Steve Segedy

Hey Ron,

Any chance you could post an updated list of the folks who've bought into the booth?
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach and Grey Ranks, available now at IPR!

Ron Edwards


I just had some major hard-drive issues and am reconstructing this mainly from memory, so if I've forgotten anyone or messed up some details, let me know.


Ron Edwards, Adept Press
Tim C. Koppang, TCK Role-playing
Fred Hicks, Lenny Balsera, Rob Donoghue, Evilhat Games
James Brown, Blankshield Press
Jason Morningstar, Steve Segedy, Bully Pulpit Games


Greg Porter, John Kolb, BTRC - EABA, F*ck This, Infinite Armies
Justin Bow, Green Fairy Games - Candycreeps, Fae Noir
Seth Ben-Ezra, Dark Omen Games - Legends of Alyria
Eero Tuovinen, Jari Tuovinen, Markku Tuovinen, Arkenstone Publishing - Zombies at the Door
Adam Riemenschneider, Other Court Games - Factions
Anna Kreider, - Thou Art But a Warrior
Rafael Chandler, - Dread
Tony Dowler, Planet Thirteen - How to Host a Dungeon
Carl Klutzke, - StoryCards
Josh Roby, Kallisti Press - Full Light Full Steam, Sons of Liberty


Nathan Russell, Peril Planet - Space Rat

Best, Ron

edited to fix a mistaken company name


I'll also have Dirty Secrets and A Flower for Mara available.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown