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Nine Worlds: availability status

Started by Dean Chung, August 02, 2008, 01:37:23 PM

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Dean Chung

A friend of mine (who I have run a Nine Worlds campaign with alternative background) enjoyed it so much that she would like to run a campaign of it.  However, she found that it was out of stock at IPR.  Will there be more copies of the book available soon there or elsewhere?

Moreno R.

This was posted by Malcom Craig at storygames:

"Matt advised us that he wouldn't have any stock on hand for Gen Con, hence the non-inclusion in our con information, I think there are a handful copies still available through IPR and Matt has advised he'll be doing a reprint at some point after Gen Con"

There is a pdf edition still available, too.

(Excuse my errors, English is not my native language. I'm Italian.)

Moreno R.

Checking the same thread where Malcom Craig posted that, I see that there is a follow-up explanation posted by Matt Snyder:

"You may not have much luck. Currently, there are only about 5 copies for sale anywhere, as far as I know. has those 5 copies. I assume they will bring whatever stock they have to GenCon. But, it's possible they'll sell out by then, or that they won't make the ride since there are so few available currently.

Malcolm's explanation above is correct. The Play Collective will not feature Nine Worlds strictly because it's nearly out of print and I personally have no stock on hand.

I will reprint the book as soon as the Chimera Creative coffers can afford it! Certainly within the year, though it may be a couple months."

(Excuse my errors, English is not my native language. I'm Italian.)

Matt Snyder

Hello, Dean. Thanks for your inquiry. Moreno has correctly explained the status of Nine Worlds. It is not "out of print" as in "forever." Rather, it's simply that my current round of printings has run out. I do small numbers (100-200 at a time) of print runs. With the current GenCon season, I've got my funds currently tied up in convention stuff! So, I want to get through the con first before I pay for another run.

Rest assured, there WILL be another printing of Nine Worlds, likely a couple months down the road. It is not going away.

If you like, have your friend contact me via email and I'll see if I can work something out with her to help her start a game. I'm VERY interested in people playing Nine Worlds, and I'd much rather work something out with her now and strike while the interest is high!

Please send me an email at: matt -at-

Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra