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Forge Midwest 2010 Planning Thread

Started by Willow, January 05, 2010, 01:52:58 AM

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I have some friends asking: what are costs going to be like this year? (Room cost and Convention fee)
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio

Nev the Deranged

Games I'd like to *play* at FMW this year (in no particular numerical order):

1) Polaris - Pretty sure I've got one player who will want in, so 2 more to fill the circle would be nice, especially if one of them has played before.
2) PTA - I have yet to play the second edition rules with the cards. I'd like to get a feel for how easy it is to Produce, so I can run it locally.
3) Don't Rest Your Head - I've run this plenty of times, but the one game I played in was... unsatisfactory. I'd love to get another shot at the Mad City.
4) Houses of the Blooded - Been jonesing to try this since before it came out.
5) Bliss Stage - Ditto for this one.

I'm always up for old standbys like It Was a Mutual Decision, The Mountain Witch, Hero's Banner, etc. And I wouldn't mind being a part of A Flower for Mara again, I think I've just about recovered from the first time.

Kagematsu, or Lacuna wouldn't be amiss either.

Okay, I'm gonna stop now.


See y'all there ^_^

Tim C Koppang

Taking a cue from Dave, I will come ready to run My Life With Master and at least one other game besides Hero's Banner and Mars Colony.  This is in addition to the games I can run more casually.  I like Dave's suggestions, especially Kagematsu, and I'd also like to play some Grey Ranks.

So Dave, what are *you* going to run?

Ron Edwards

I don't know about the rooms, although as I recall, last year there was a very reasonable convention-only room rate. I hope Willow can organize that again for this year.

Regarding the convention fee, the way we did it last year, there was simply a donation jar. The take served to cover the convention room cost very nicely, and, as it turned out, with very little left over. So I'm inclined to do the same this year. Willow, all thoughts on that matter are welcome, either here in public or privately by email.

Best, Ron


Quote from: Tim C Koppang on January 26, 2010, 04:22:42 AM
Taking a cue from Dave, I will come ready to run My Life With Master and at least one other game besides Hero's Banner and Mars Colony

I'd be interested in a MLWM game with you and Dave (and anyone else).
A.k.a., Mark Delsing

Ben Lehman

Is there anyone willing to:
1) Give me a ride from Chicago?
2) Let me sleep on their hotel room floor for a nominal fee? (alternatively, if the hotel isn't outrageous, split a room)


Clyde L. Rhoer

Ben if you don't get an offer, the Van Galder bus goes from several places in Chicago, (Ohare, Midway, Union Station) for around $20 to $30. It tends to be a much better experience over Greyhound. It drops you at UW Madison and if you walk a few blocks the 6 bus I believe gets right by the hotel. I could even hang out if I knew what bus you were on, and help you get there via our fairly nice bus system.

I believe rooms outside of the special pricing, (I didn't get in on block pricing,) were about a hundred dollars a night last year for two beds... plus couch? The rooms also have medium sized refrigerators and microwaves.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.

Ron Edwards

I'm available for Chicago lodgings, car trip, and Madison room space, Ben. Get in touch by phone.

Best, Ron

Nev the Deranged

Excellent. Looks like MLwM is a go ^_^

What am I prepared to run? Hm. Good question. I can run DRYH, facilitate IWaMD, probably facilitate Universalis if I have a few minutes to refresh myself... Ditto for Shock:, Zombie Cinema, maybe a few others of the "no prep" persuasion. I can run Rumble, even though it's not really an RPG, it's still pretty fun. And of course I will happily teach anyone who's interested to play Dominion, Race for the Galaxy, and Jungle Speed.

Mostly, though, I prefer playing to running.

S/Lay W/Me might be fun to try, too. And Sign In Stranger. Maybe Ghost/Echo. I could probably be on either side of that table. Lacuna could be fun.

And maybe Ralph's got a new version of BRS ready to try?

Ben, I would have offered you a ride, but it looks like Ron's got it handled. Glad you'll be able to come, though.

Speaking of roomage, it doesn't look like any of my usual roomies are gonna make it this year, so any non-snorers who want to share, let me know and we'll work something out.


So... is there something special with pricing? Are we waiting to hear something, or should we just reserve rooms?


Just created an account (but have lurked for a while) to ask a question.  My fiancee and I live in Madison.  We are huge indie fans who run and play many of the games discussed on this site.  We are not, however, game designers (at least, not yet), and not active on the forge community.  Is this con mostly for dedicated forge members, or are members of the general community welcomed? 
My fiancee at least would be willing to run Lacuna.



Quote from: kate on February 08, 2010, 02:41:51 AM
Just created an account (but have lurked for a while) to ask a question.  My fiancee and I live in Madison.  We are huge indie fans who run and play many of the games discussed on this site.  We are not, however, game designers (at least, not yet), and not active on the forge community.  Is this con mostly for dedicated forge members, or are members of the general community welcomed? 
My fiancee at least would be willing to run Lacuna.

It's for anyone who wants to come and play some cool games. I'm neither a designer nor a frequent Forge visitor (I lurk), and I've gone the last two years. Hella fun!
A.k.a., Mark Delsing


If you're in Madison and you're an indie fan, then go. There isn't any downside—other than enjoying it so much that you want to go when you're not in Madison. I'm mostly a lurker here; I've gone the last two years, loved it. I went last year after telling myself I couldn't really afford it. I won't be going this year, and am disappointed about it.

The vibe is really just a bunch of friends getting together in two very large living rooms.
Gods & Monsters


Thanks all!  I will be checking this for updates, but it sounds awesome.  I just finished Con of the North, so its good to have another Con to look forward too.  Looking forward to it!