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Two Weeks

Started by hive, July 12, 2002, 05:07:55 PM

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I'm going to be having a couple of weeks off from the company job and looking to take up some freelance work. Naturally, i'm most interested in doing indie work to help support those of you out there that might not have either the cash nor the connections for illustrators.

So here's the deal. If you would like some artwork done for your book or PDF, just email me at, tell me what you would like done (cover or interior) and we'll work out the arrangements. The work will be considered Pro Bono* with First Time** copyrights granted (just make sure you send me a comp copy for compensation).

You can view samples of game artwork at or


*that means free
**that means that you can print/publish it for the first time with open rights to the artwork.

Matt Machell

That's got to be one of the best deals I've heard all year.

Much kudos to you for making the offer.

Expect an e-mail soon.


Matt Snyder

Quote from: hiveI'm going to be having a couple of weeks off from the company job and looking to take up some freelance work. Naturally, i'm most interested in doing indie work to help support those of you out there that might not have either the cash nor the connections for illustrators.

So here's the deal. If you would like some artwork done for your book or PDF, just email me at, tell me what you would like done (cover or interior) and we'll work out the arrangements. The work will be considered Pro Bono* with First Time** copyrights granted (just make sure you send me a comp copy for compensation).

You can view samples of game artwork at or


*that means free
**that means that you can print/publish it for the first time with open rights to the artwork.

Hive, man, I'm flooding your email inbox as we speak! To the rest of you, stay back! Either you'll take Krispy Kreme donut bribes, or we can kick box.

Seriously, this is a great opportunity folks, pro bono or otherwise. Hive's art is great stuff. If you've got games in progress, here's your chance! I can't wait to have a shot at doing a layout with some of his work.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Mike Holmes

(said in my best Kyle immitation)
No way dude! You can't hog him!

The Krisp Kremes are tempting, but I'm afraid we'll have to box, Matt. Did I mention that I go about 280lbs? :-)

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


You're responses have been overwhelming to say the least and from the looks of my mailbox the love is there. If you get your request in before noonish Saturday i can still get you in under the wire. There are two new conditions though:

1). If you're going to GenCon, meet myself and my gorgeous fiance. I'll be doing a cover signing for 'Little Fears' and will be labeled with a patented 'hive' tshirt.

2). If you are not going to GenCon, I like creme-filled krispy kreme donuts. Spend a fiver and impress me.


Ron Edwards


You are a gentleman and an amazing Forge-helping dude. Speaking as one of your clients, thanks and thanks again.

I'll see you at GenCon. It'll be great to have one of the major Sorcerer and Little Fears artists right there at the booth.


Clinton R. Nixon

I want to echo Ron's sentiments - Hive hooked me up with an amazing cover for Paladin.

- Clinton
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


In the mad dash to respond to all the request entries, i hopefully got all the confirmation emails out to everyone. Below is the schedule listing for the next two weeks so if you emailed me and haven't gotten a response, fear not true're request is in.

Dread RPG
Paladin RPG
Dreamspire RPG
Sorcery & Space RPG
The Agency RPG
Legends of Alyria RPG
Der Letzte Exodus RPG
Unsung RPG
The Colonies RPG

If you don't see your project in the list, give me a wakeup email.




Think you will be able to handle your paying work in the meantime? :) Your contract is off to you next week...

Caias Ward
DreamSide: the roleplaying game of Dreams and Nightmares