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Zombie / Horror artists sought - with pay!

Started by unodiablo, September 05, 2002, 10:39:16 PM

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Hey Forgites,

I got plenty of Playtester replies for Dead Meat 2, but I haven't gotten any replies from artists. Rather than bury the post in the new Destroy All Games forum, I thought I'd post here again.

Looking for a few good artists who want to do some gory zombie artwork. Black & white ink drawings, leaning toward a more gruesome modern comic or old EC comic style. I've got $20 per 1/4 page in my budget, and will need @ 10 pieces of various sizes, and I'd like to have all the art by Oct. 15th, 2002. Please reply to me via PM, or at

Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!



 I tried to send email but it got kicked back so I will give you my info here.

Check out my work at

 And contact me at if you ar einterested.



Colin the Riot


Your email seems to bounce back for me as well.  Here's the zombie picture we talked about.  

Hope you like it.

As for anyone else that likes it and wants to see more, I did some art for Clinton's Donjon, which you should buy because it's bad ass.  The game that is, not the art.  (Though the art is pretty good, if I don't mind tooting my own horn... which I don't.)
Colin Theriot,
a.k.a. Teh Clawring Crabe

Jared A. Sorensen

Bounce bounce bounce...

Colin, that is a cool pic.

I doodle -- mostly cartoon-ish dead-looking guys. Um, maybe I'll put some stuff up on my website.
jared a. sorensen /


OK, try:

I did get Colin's mail, but I remember sending an e-mail to Chris and not getting a reply. Dang free e-mail!

Colin, that is a great pic, e-mail reply sent!

Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!