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Another RPGNet TROS thread

Started by Valamir, May 19, 2003, 04:56:47 PM

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This one currently has a somewhat "big whoop" negative flavor to it so a few well placed comments might be a good idea.  I'd caution against any bum rush of fanboy praise, however.

Eamon Voss

Ahhh..., the great refuge of armchair experts and social and sexual deviants from all over the world.  Remember, if you read it on the Internet or the European Press, it must be true!
Realism in a melee game is not a matter of critical hit charts, but rather the ability to impart upon the player the dynamism of combat.


Look every one at how smart I am; I can pick apart any RPG from any angle.  And I've made my own rules that are far more superior than any out there, as am I, but which I will never allow any to ever see!

People like that are even worth my time to read their silly comments nor comment on their stupid remarks, so take some advise from some one who has all ready made two mistakes today... don't bother.

Eamon is probably right in his estimation, and these guys are so starved for any kind of real human contact that arguing with them will only provide them with what they really want IMHO.

I personally can't help but picture the "Comicbook Store Guy" from the Simpson's when I saw "The Enlightened One" written under that one guy's name.
Tony Hamilton

Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror.  Horror and moral terror are your friends.  If they are not then they are enemies to be feared.  They are truly enemies.

Furious D

Quote from: Durgil
I personally can't help but picture the "Comicbook Store Guy" from the Simpson's when I saw "The Enlightened One" written under that one guy's name.

Actually, "Enlightened One" is just the default title that RPGNet gives a poster once they have made 100 posts (they are "Adept" before that).

Alot of folks change it to something clever, but some just don't bother.

It's not a terribly negative thread, really (I've seen much worse).  We may love the game, but it's not for everyone.

Ashren Va'Hale

The return of gleichman...

Would someone buy that man a good dose of common ettiquette? I swear that I for one am sick of his half ass commentary.
Philosophy: Take whatever is not nailed down, for the rest, well thats what movement is for!


Quote from: Furious DActually, "Enlightened One" is just the default title that RPGNet gives a poster once they have made 100 posts (they are "Adept" before that).
I just realized this and was about to delete my entire post, when you responded to it.  Oh well, live and learn, and disregard.
Tony Hamilton

Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror.  Horror and moral terror are your friends.  If they are not then they are enemies to be feared.  They are truly enemies.


Quote from: Ashren Va'HaleThe return of gleichman...

Would someone buy that man a good dose of common ettiquette? I swear that I for one am sick of his half ass commentary.
That's the guy I'm referring to in my original post!
Tony Hamilton

Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror.  Horror and moral terror are your friends.  If they are not then they are enemies to be feared.  They are truly enemies.

Ashren Va'Hale

Gleichman's intelligent commentary (read with healthy sarcasm) has not endeared him to most people on this board.
He once wrote some stuff that had us question not only his ability to argue a point but also his eligibility to be lumped in with the rest of humanity as a sentient being.
Philosophy: Take whatever is not nailed down, for the rest, well thats what movement is for!


Hi Folks,

As much as Mr. Gleichman has caused me to stop frequenting the boards, I'd say talking garbage about him behind his back does very little to help our cause.



In this I agree with Chris.

My post here was not at all meant to spawn this kind of thread.  The RPG thread, even without Brian's input was one largely of an "I don't get why people like this game" and I thought one or two fans would help explain it.

I'm rather sorry I brought it up, because quite frankly this thread is pretty embarrassing, and not at all up to the usual standards of this forum or the Forge in general.

For the record I think Brian has ALOT of very inciteful and intelligent things to say.  The articles on tactical gaming he wrote for RPGNet are excellent pieces of work that everyone should read.  Its unfortuneate that his irrational hatred for anything related to the Forge turns him into slathering attack dog any time the Forge, Indie Games, GNS or a game featured here comes up as a topic of conversation, but lets try not to stoop to the same tactics.  This thread really serves only as an example justifying his feelings about us, and that's not a good thing.


On note of something a bit more productive-

I personally attribute the "eh, so  what attitude" to folks who either haven't played TROS, or folks who play it without actually using the Spiritual Attributes as written.  This sort of thing often occurs because most folks are used to rpgs working "a single way", just with different dice, stats, kewl powers, and probabilities, and skim the game and "assume" how things work.

This sort of stuff is the same thing that happens when folks play Sorcerer without giving protagonism over to the players...

I first put forth this idea right here:

I know for a lot of folks they were less than pleased with the "New! Different!  Innovative!" comments in the book, but for TROS, I'm forgiving because the  words are true :)


Ashren Va'Hale

I was not intending to badmouth gleichman behind his back, I just meant to badmouth him. Had I caught his stuff earlier I might have said something on the forum but arguing with him is like fighting with a chimpanze with down syndrome and a hangover.

Ok that was harsh, I apologize to all handicaped chimpanzees for that comparison.
Philosophy: Take whatever is not nailed down, for the rest, well thats what movement is for!


Hello in IMHO  ,any press is good press. RPG net has a large fan base(obveously), the more people hear about TROS the more its going to sell.
Actually RPG net is where I first heard of the game. And from what I have read here and on other boards RPG net has helped TROS to spread in popularity.(and sales!)
One thing that always drove me crazy about RPG net is the constant bickering about different systems.
Anyways just pitty the close minded and continue to enjoy TROS.
"That wich we do in life echoes in eternity!!"

Lance D. Allen

The point, gentlemen, in replying, is not to attempt to convince this Gleichman fellow. It has been made abundantly clear to me that he is irrationally against TRoS, and most anything else from the Forge.

His loss.

The point in replying is to not allow his opinion of this game, and any other that he may badmouth over there, to go unchallenged in the eyes of the gaming public. His mind may not be capable of being swayed, but the readers who have yet to try TRoS may be convinced against buying this game by his negativity, unless they are given eloquent, sensible and moving examples of why they should buy this game.

That is the point in replying. If this Gleichman fellow is as bad as put forth, why waste the time and the webspace here talking about him? The best revenge one can have upon one's enemies is to allow them to be forgotten.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls


As a frequent poster to, and indeed someone who has posted to the thread in question, I'd just like to say that this kind of thread is precisely the kind of thing most likely to put people off the game.

I see snide comments, sweeping criticisms of the site and all on it, personal attacks which utterly ignore posters' actual comments, nothing remotely positive about the game itself.

Eamon, Durgil, thanks for the comments about sexual deviancy and being starved of all human contact.  As someone who posts more frequently on than on the Forge and as someone who raised criticisms of the game on that thread I feel it is reasonable to assume I fell within those comments.  Quite seriously, how do you think that suggesting that I and those I princiipally choose to interact with online are socially maladroit sexual deviants helps promote or encourage play of the Riddle of Steel?

The answer to criticism is to engage with honest posts about why you like the game and how you had fun with it.  If a poster appears to be under a misapprehension about how an aspect of the game works in actual play you can politely explain how your experience does not support that misapprehension.  If you read the thread in question you will see Valamir do this with concerns I raised, politely and helpfully.  I am more likely to play now because of his approach.  Do you think your approach would also make me more likely to play?

Valamir is right, the responses here fall vastly below the quality of normal discourse at the Forge.  Eamon, Durgil, you have both managed to make me highly likely to disregard your posts in future rather than have to wade through more insulting nonsense like that you posted here.  Way to go guys.
AKA max