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Starbucks rpg supplies... I $*&# you not!

Started by Lugaru, May 23, 2003, 12:47:49 PM

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You guy's wont believe this but dude... ok... I was doing my training today regarding the code we use to mark beverages and how to call them out and ring them up. I did a few excersises in a crappy manual where I pretended to write on cups and stuff.

Next it said: "With the aid of your starbucks training dice create some random beverages and transcribe the symbols" or something like that (I leave my manual at work, Im too lazy to bring it home with me).

Of course my "training coach" said its her first training and she's never heard of those dice before... but tomorrow Im so getting in touch with the manager to see if I can score me some.

Another thing... I need to take some digital pics of my manual because some of it is pretty geeky too... in one part its like

Positive attributes for a barista

God... I wonder who designed the training program. Probably some frelancer who does "some games on the side".

"You get 1 success per every Late you roll"
"3 successes... its a venti!"

Nah... my feeble mind still cant fit around it.

So is your head spining with ideas as if you would of had quad espresso shots or what?
"When I enter the barrio you know Im a warrior!"

Andy Kitkowski

If you design a roleplaying game around Starbucks Coffee Training Dice I will kiss you.

Or, if you can't, mail 'em to Jared, adn he'll have three in a week. :-)

Sorry, conversational and all. But, c'mon:


"The Agent reaches into his coat, slowly pulling out his Desert Eagle pistol."

"Oh no!  I run away, leaping over the debris in the street. Do I make it around the corner before he has a chance to fire?"


"...uh... 'Double Mocha' and 'Frappucino' "


Or, alternately, it could be the theme for the next Iron Chef tourney....
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Andy KitkowskiIf you design a roleplaying game around Starbucks Coffee Training Dice I will kiss you.

Or, if you can't, mail 'em to Jared, adn he'll have three in a week. :-)

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barristas.
jared a. sorensen /

Paul Czege

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans