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Narrativist Scenario Writing

Started by Peter Nordstrand, June 01, 2003, 12:30:56 PM

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Peter Nordstrand

Quote from: ChrisI was rather thinking of the military ratings as something abstract such as, "5W3 worth of fighting men", or some such, but exact numbers work well also.

Oh. Yes, of course. That is a great idea! I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. I'll write it all up using the Mass Effort rules of HeroQuest. Now we are beginning to use the full potential of the game system. (You can find Mass Efforts in the Narrating chapter, I think, for those of you who wish to look it up when the game is published...oh so soon...)

Quote from: ChrisI'm currently revising the Bangs and doing up artwork. I'll go hunting for a family name as well. Etienne's father has been dubbed Jacques for lack of originality at the moment.

Jacques eh? Hm ... yes I know I told you to use French names, but I think we need some variation here. Rename him Deliam (after an ancient and forgotten King of Seshnela).


/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Hi Peter,

QuoteOh. Yes, of course. That is a great idea! I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. I'll write it all up using the Mass Effort rules of HeroQuest. Now we are beginning to use the full potential of the game system.

From the old HW books, as soon as I saw the rating chart that rated things from tribes to kingdoms to Gods, I instantly figured on just rating things along those lines, including stuff like "popularity", "cultural cohesion", etc.  My idea for WoS might be something like a small addition to each character stat block such as adding Father Rance's congregation info along with his stats, and the short description you have, plus their own stats.  I had assumed that everybody playing HW was operating along the same lines :)

QuoteJacques eh? Hm ... yes I know I told you to use French names, but I think we need some variation here. Rename him Deliam (after an ancient and forgotten King of Seshnela)

Deliam it is!

Also, I should have the small character portrait sketchs for the NPCs completed in about a week.  


Peter Nordstrand

Hi Chris,

Yes, the concept of Mass Efforts and communities and stuff has been there from the start, sort of, but ... well ... it is so much more streamlined, so much clearer, so much better in HeroQuest!

Go buy the game goddamit! It's fantastic!


Sorry about that.

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Peter Nordstrand

Hi folks,

Here are a list of concerns. Sorry for not considering this before. I don't think it will cause much trouble, however.

-Blood Moon Eclipse

I agree that it sounds cool. For various Gloranthan reasons, I don't think it is appropriate. Let me know if you want me to list them. Alternate suggestion: The sons' make their wishes at a time of transition, such as equinox, midsummer, or mid winter. This is also the time when Dark Ivo (aka Rascarl of the Slippery Dark) is strongest, so I think it fits.

- The People?

Several of the characters have relations to "the people." Who are the people exactly? Are they the commoners of the realm? But why would members of the knightly caste, like Alfan and Guilbert, fraternize with mere peasants? Also, I don't believe in the concept of 'people.' I believe in merchants, knights, lords, clerics, noblewomen, barrelmakers, and peasants. People? A modern construction. (BTW. I *do* believe in subjects, but that is something else entirely.)

- Knights and sergeants

I just realized, there are only four knights in Spring Fountain: Serge, Old Maslin, and the knights of Biche and Stalos. Only landholders are called knights in Seshnela. Non-landed members of the knightly caste are known as sergeants. So the army statistics must be changed a little bit. Some of the knights are sergeants.

- Lord Eustef

I suggest we promote Eustef to Lord, and that we do not call him Sir at all.

- Militia?

I'm not entirely happy with the term. It is too modern. We are talking about the peasant infantry garrisoning Wells, right? Can we not come up with a more appropriate name for these poorly equipped and poorly motivated men?

- The Well of Souls, how to use this scenario

Quote from: 4th paragraphThere are no "hooks" in this scenario. If you decide to run this scenario, both you and your players must agree to hook in the PCs. The PCs may already know folks in Spring Fountain, they might have arrived a few weeks ago and just made friends, it doesn't matter. Everyone has to agree to have emotional ties with some NPCs in Spring Fountain, aside from that, its open game.
Chris, perhaps you should add a few more sentences here. Earlier in this thread you gave a little more specific advice regarding how to hook the player heroes:
QuoteI'd give the standard HW 2 page culture summary, and the R-map (with very basic info about the NPCS given). Then I'd say, here's the situation: Sir Eustef is in a coma. Make a character connected to some of these NPCs, preferably 3. Players would then make characters as a group, launching suggestions, advice, perhaps coordinating ("Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we were brothers, after the same girl?" "Yeah!")

I believe that "show the players the R-map" is great advice. It is also something that no narrator schooled in the Don't Tell the Players Tradition would ever think of. Perhaps we should include a Players' Relationship Map as a handout?


/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Hi Peter,

Excellent input, and exactly the sort of stuff I've been waiting to hear as far as Gloranthan specifics.  

-Winter Solstice?  

Works for me.  I just figured any game that pulls out stuff like "10-Demon Bag" earned funky holy day names.  If one sounds appropriate to the Rokari Church, by all means suggest it.

-The People?

Obviously we're not talking about a "voting" situation here, but rather a couple of things:  The folks with political power, such as the merchants, the church, guilds, knights, etc.  We can already see a lot of division in terms of who favors who in that regard.  

But!  Lord Eustef also has managed to earn a good reputation with the folks who make up his conscripts, the infantry.  He has treated them (comparatively, for feudal heirarchy), well and just, thereby earning a higher morale, and has not treated them as cannon fodder.  This has given him a little extra military oomph that has helped keep the neighboring lords with hungry eyes at bay.  Plus it never hurts that the peasants always seem to have a good information network...

In terms of Guilbert, his son, many of the churchgoers and upper class folks see him either working with Josette or Etienne, so he has many connections there.  He has support from those folks in that regard.

Does that clarify the people I'm speaking about?


All acceptable by me.  


Conscripts?  I'm not sure about the exact term used for these folks, but basically their role is to keep down banditry, attempt to enforce some form of social stability in more populated areas, and are called up as soldiers in actual combat.  Anyone have the term we're looking for?

Aside from that, one of the points that I wanted to make about Lord Eustef is that he has wisely made excellent use of his conscripts, instead of crippling them(in terms of supplies and training) to prevent rebellion, he's earned their respect and loyalty, and has given them better training than the neighboring areas have for their peasant troops.  He also tends to conserve his troops, earning their respect and also allowing more folks to survive and gain battle experience.  These guys are better motivated than the standard conscript group.

Does Lord Eustef do this out of compassion, or raw Machevellian political need?  That depends on how you want to play him.  He's a smart man though.


I'll add some more to that, although the two concepts are not contradictory.  Traditional hooks are basically "I can't believe its not railroading" sort of things, like "The man in the dark cloak meets you in the bar and offers you money for a you take it?"  Here, the players are freely deciding how they want to enter the scenario, so I'll add some more on that.


Peter Nordstrand


Here is the draft for the third party characters. Please note that I have changed Ratier's occupation a little bit. He works for the church, but not as a priest.

Father Rance
Keywords: Clergyman 8W, Liturgist 20.
Significant Abilities: Quote Scripture 14W.
Relationships: Leader of Wells Congregation 2W, Spritual Advisor to FAMILYNAME 6W.
Followers: Retainer 2W (Meines: Assistant Liturgist 17).

Raoul de Nesle
Keywords: Merchant 14W, Orderly of Saint Mistandar 4W.
Significant Abilities: Feign Sincere Interest 6W.
    The Ledgers of Credit (possesses talismans for Convincing Offer, Sense Others' Wealth, Strengthen Lock).[/list:u]
Relationships: Contacts in [Nearest Big City] 4W, Rival to Deliam 20, Leader of the de Nestle Family 15W.

Ecclesiastical Assessor Ratier
Keywords: Church Official 4W, Member of the School of Saint Rokar 5W.
    Use The Abiding Book 7W (possesses talismans for Banish Daimon 3W, Calm Horse 6W, Calm Serpent 1W, Encourage Bravery 6W, Exert Will 19, Memorize Text 10W).
    Use Saint Rokar's Third Encyclical 20 (possesses talismans for Burn Pagan Writings 20, Enter Library 15, Find Right Book 20, Read Book 1W).[/list:u]
Relationships: Attracted to Josette 18, Jealous of Guilbert 5W, Member of the Order of Rokar 3W, Works For the Bishop 4W.

Keywords: Foot Soldier 3W.
Significant Abilities: Archery 2W, Lead Men 6W, Spear Fighting 8W (+64 AP from followers).
Weapons and Armor: Spear +3, bow +3, leather and shield +4.
Relationships: Leader of Garrison 7W, Loyal to Eustef 2W.
Followers: Four Retainers 9W (Foot Soldiers 16).

Lady Noella
Keywords: Noblewoman 16W2.
Significant Abilities: Assess Social Standing 4W3, Canny 3W, Command Inferior 5W.
Followers: Sidekick 9W (Daughter Aimee: Bashful 5W, Naive 17, Pretty 19).
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


I'm not sure its cultureally appropriate to the region you are in but Fyrdmen is would otherwise be a good replacement for militia.  I believe it simply means "free men".

Peter Nordstrand

Hi folks,

I know this is all 'just' stats, but please read carefully, since it will have an impact on play. Also, Chris, the stats contain information that may or may not contradict what have in mind.

One thing: Who are the idealistic young men hanging out with Guilbert? I have no idea what stats to give them.

Hotheaded Eldest Son

Other Keywords: Seshnegi 1W, Petty Noble 4W.
Significant Abilities: Charismatic 7W, Dueling 1W, Energetic 16, Etiquette 1W, Love Eustef 3W, Political Strategy 15.
Weapons and Armor: Fancy sword +2, chainmail and shield +4.
Flaws: Hotheaded 1W, Overconfident 15.
Hero Points: 4.
Personal Augments:
Enhance Appearance talent (+2 to Etiquette or Charismatic)
   Stay Awake talent (+2 to Energetic)

Keywords: Lay Member of the Rokari Church 18, Merchant 13.
Significant Abilities: Bargain 16, Eloquent 19, Find the Fun 12W, Persuasive 19.

Sister Josette
Keywords: Orderly of Saint Xemela 6W, Nun 19.
Significant Abilities: Administration 2W, Enamored with Gilbert 11W, Recognize Talent 16.

[two lines]
Contest Synopsis
Have a Good Time (Etienne): 12W.
Dueling (Guilbert): 6W (+6 AP).
Persuade (Guilbert): 9W (+20 AP).

[one line]
Lay Member of the Rokari Church 16

[two lines]
Liked by the People of Spring Fountain 5W

[three lines]
Leader of Rowdy Idealistic Young Men 15
Typical Idealistic Young Man
Keywords: ???
Weapons and Armor: ???

[two lines]
Personal Time

/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Peter Nordstrand

Hi again,

Sorry for not posting more exiting things. I know already that these stats will be revised. However I will revise them only after posting it all here, and then I'll send the complete revised stats to Chris to be included in the final thing.

Right now, I am considering having only two leader sheets, for example: Hugo and Serge, but we'll see.

Also, I have NOT forgotten about the other issues being discussed, such as what to call the foot soldiers, etc. Once the first draft for the stats are finished, I will return to more interesting issues.

Sir Serge of the Crescent Sword
Hard Liner

Sir Serge
Significant Abilities: Lance Charge 9W2, Sword Fighting 6W2, Lead Troops in Battle 13W2.
Weapons and Armor: The Crescent Sword +6, lance +5, chainmail and shield +4.
Personality: Merciless 20.
Personal Augments:
///YEAH, YEAH, I KNOW...///

Kerioc Oxheart
Keywords: Cavalry Soldier 2W2.
Significant Abilities: Archery 20W.
Weapons and Armor: Sword +3, lance +5, longbow +3, lamellar armor and shield +4.

Marcior Without Mercy
Keywords: Cavalry Soldier 13W.
Significant Abilities: Cruel 7W, Mace Fighting 19W.
Weapons and Armor: Huge mace +5, lance +5, longbow +3, chainmail armor +3.

Little Ionni
Keywords: Squire 17.
Significant Abilities: First Aid 10W, Horsemanship 5W, Strong 18.
Equipment: First aid kit +3.

Contest Synopsis
Lance Charge (Serge): 20W2 (+92 AP).
Close Combat (Serge): 18W2 (+99 AP).
Archery (Kerioc): 6W2 (+36 AP).
First Aid (Ionni): 13W.

[one line]
Lay Member of the Rokari Church 19

[two lines]
Holder of Boyenne 5W

[four lines]
Cavalry Soldier (Shock) 20W
Leader of Men-at-Arms 5W.
(includes time commitment to followers)
Typical Man-at-arms
Keywords: Foot Soldier 14.
Weapons and Armor: Spear +3, bow +1, leather armor and shield +2.

[two lines]
Solving Problems for Eustef

[one lines]
Personal Time
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Peter Nordstrand

Here we go. The last of the stats posts, I think. Please note that the stats posted above have already been altered somewhat, but unless someone have some actual comments, I will send the final version to Chris directly, rather than taking up more space here.

Hugo and his supporters are posted below for the sake of completeness.

Hugo's Supporters
Keywords: Petty Noble 20.
Significant Abilities: Assess Personality 5W, Perceptive 10W, Political Strategy 3W, Sword Fighting 14W.
Weapons and Armor: Hand-and-a-half sword +3, hardened leather +1.
Relationships: Care for the People of Spring Fountain 5W, Love Eustef 1W, Member of Wells Congregation 1W.
Hero Points: 4.

Keywords: Cavalry Soldier (Regular) 8W.
Significant Abilities: Archery 13W, Spear and Shield Fighting 17W2, Sword Fighting 16W2, Sword and Shield Fighting 18W2, Teach Fighting Techniques 12W2.
Weapons and Armor: Iron sword +6, ringmail and shield +4.
Relationships: Backs Hugo 12W, Member of Wells Congregation 4W, Militia Trainer 9W.

Keywords: Servant 14.
Relationships: Idolizes Hugo 14W, Member of Wells Congregation 13.

Sir Maslin
Keywords: Advisor 15W, Cavalry Soldier (Regular) 18.
Significant Abilities: Good Solid Advice 18W, History of Spring Fountain 19W, Political Strategy 17W, Sword and Shield Fighting 16.
Weapons and Armor: Rusty old sword +2, chainmail and shield +4.
Relationships: Devoted to Hugo 5W, Holder of Mime 1W2, Member of Wells Congregation 6W.
Flaws: Old 10W.

/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Mike Holmes

Pretty fricken sweet. So when can I download a PDF, or buy a copy?

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Peter Nordstrand

Hi Mike,

Unless something unexpected happens you will be able to download the pdf from Issaries' website ... eh ... soon.


/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Hi guys,

I've been returned to the slow land of dial-up, so I'll be off and on the next few days, with less posting, but I'll probably be done with the illustrations tonight, and my re-write of everything I have in the next 2 or 3 days.

Again, we're still open to suggestions and input, although we're probably looking more at minor tweaks than fundamental changes at this point.


Peter Nordstrand

Hi Chris,

-Funky Holy Day Names

Oh, I have no problem with an evocative name for the day. But 'Blood Moon' has strong Heortling anti-Lunar connotations, and eclipse ... no, I don't think so. Must it be a church holy day? On the contrary, the whole setup bears the mark of the devil, if you ask me. Blood Raven Day? Hare's Night? You can probably come up with something better. (However, note that raven is associated with both the trickster and with death, while hare is associated with trickster alone.)

QuoteIn terms of Guilbert, his son, many of the churchgoers and upper class folks see him either working with Josette or Etienne, so he has many connections there.

OK. But you please note that techically, though not necessarily in practice, Etienne and his father (and Raoul de Nesle) belong to the peasants caste.

-Militia /Fyrdmen

As it turns out, the term militia is probably not as inappropriate as I first thought. Sorry about that. However, this is what I suggest: Trencavel is leader of the garrison of Wells. Use 'militia' if necessary, though.

Valamir, regarding Fyrdmen: The peasants of Seshnela are not free. While they are not slaves, they belong to the land. Thanks for the suggestion, though.


/Peter N
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Hi folks,

Those who are still interested in this project will be pleased to know that I've produced 19 illustrations for this scenario and just sent off a draft of my portion of the write-up to Peter for layout.  

If anyone is interested in contributing artwork, or layout skills at this time, please contact Peter, otherwise we'll being going ahead and you can expect something within the next 2-3 weeks, which would be about a week or two after the release of HQ.

For everyone else, probably the #1 contribution that can be made is taking a look at it when it comes out, letting us know where things are unclear or confusing, and of course, play, play, playing it.  
