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Advertising and Reviews

Started by ADGBoss, July 02, 2003, 02:14:03 PM

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If you have a project that you are going good and steady on and should be done on time, how do you solicit reviews of the material and where can an Indie game advertise for free or low cost, aside from the Forge obviously.

I have a general idea of course but specific ideas, places, thoughts etc would be appreciated.

Basically I know HOW I want to market my stuff but just not where...



Matt Gwinn


I sent them a press release for the expanded edition of Kayfabe and they posted something a day or two later.

Also, cruise the message boards that are related to your game's subject matter. My site gets quite a few hits from doing that.

I would be interested in hearing more options.  I'm especially interested in how to go about getting reviewed.  Kayfabe hasn't been reviewed since the playtest version and the current version is far superior.

,Matt Gwinn
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Matt Machell

You could also try and they do news and actively look for material for review.

As do I as a matter of fact, and I've been trying to add more variety to the stuff I review on Realms



All excellent suggestions. Just so you know I own but I don't overly manage the staff there - they have freedom of the press so to speak :)

Another great place to promte is at the free banner exchange on RPGHost. It's on over 1000 websites.

Also, if you are working with RPGNow or RPGMall we can offer you a special discount ads rate for RPGHost. Only $25 gets you 100,000 impressions (save over $170 off our already reasonable rate).

Plus, on RPGMall and RPGNow there are mailing lists which help you do press releases and contacting of reviewers.

Still the best way to promote is hit the forums and talk about your project in public. Oh, RPG.NET and both have PROMO forums for posting stuff too.

Best of luck!


Very many awesome suggestions. Thanks all as always.

Hey James,

you will be hearing from me pretty soon, assuming all goes well with the first project (which I am thinking it will).  I did have a quick question though.

Ok if I have product X and order 20 of them for the warehouse and 10 to be shipped to me, and because of my cool marketing scheme 400 people pre-order my product X, do I need to pay you for those 400 books or will you print them and just send me the difference?

If you need me to ask that or take that off list I will thanks



Not sure I understand you... if you're asking if you have to pre-pay for books printed with us, the answer is yes. We don't take pre-orders though so no one will send us money till we have your book in stock (or at least within a week of such).

Make sure you download the current worksheet at for POD as it's got a few changes and a reduced cost for sending them to yourself.



Quote from: rpghostNot sure I understand you... if you're asking if you have to pre-pay for books printed with us, the answer is yes. We don't take pre-orders though so no one will send us money till we have your book in stock (or at least within a week of such).

Make sure you download the current worksheet at for POD as it's got a few changes and a reduced cost for sending them to yourself.


Yes ok you answered my question just fine, thanks.

and I did get the latest form btw again thanks


Christian Walker

Quote from: ADGBoss

I have a general idea of course but specific ideas, places, thoughts etc would be appreciated.


If have 1/2 or 1/4 size fliers for your game, send them to me. Heck, they can be scribbled by hand, so don't worry about color post cards. Send them along and I'll ship them with my zines.

Scrollworks Press
c/o Christian Walker
PO Box 983
San Jacinto, CA 92581-0983

Brand_Robins is also a good place to get reviews done. You can get a review done by the Quicksilver team (we're l33t) if you send a demo copy or .pdf to Alan. You can also solicit reviews on the main forum, which will generally get you plenty of hits.  

Someone else also mentioned the Promo forum, which is of debatable value. However, you can also send them news and press releases at, and that actually will get you some notice.
- Brand Robins