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profiling, fall 2003

Started by Paul Czege, October 03, 2003, 06:22:34 PM

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Paul Czege


Over six months have passed since">Profiling, spring my clock says lets have a new one. To recap, the questions are:
    What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

    What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

    What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
    [/list:u]The rules, the way Ron has written them out in the past:
[list=1][*]No freebies or extras, as in, "Game X, Game Y, and ... and Game Z and Game A!!" Three each, no more and no less.

[*]Time is irrelevant. If the last three games you played were ten years ago, they still count.

[*]Don't comment on other people's profile or the games in this thread. Start up a thread if you'd like, although choose your forum carefully, or send a private email.

[*]If you have no objection, it'd be nice to know people's real first names if you don't use it already. There's absolutely no obligation to do so, but if it's OK with you, just sign your post with it.

[*]For people who played a ton of GenCon one-shots, or if people are wondering about convention/demo play in general, they do count if you want them to, otherwise, skip'em.[/list:o]And for reference, links to the previous profiling threads, in chronological order:
My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Ron Edwards


One more "rule" - if you'd like, sign off your post with your real name if it's not your username. First name or both first & last, whichever.

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

My Life with Master, Tunnels & Trolls, Haven: City of Violence

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Sorcerer, Hero Wars (now 'Quest), Violence Future

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Arrowflight, Hidden Legacy, The Burning Wheel


Paul Czege

Oops...and howzabout forgetting my own answers:
    What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

    EPICS (ongoing),">Purgatory, Nicotine Girls

    What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

    The Pool, Theatrix, My Life with Master

    What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

    Vin Diakuw's Reverse RPG, Epiphany, Charnel Gods (for Sorcerer)[/list:u]Paul
My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Jason E. Roberts

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

FVLMINATA, Mage, Universalis

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

FVLMINATA, Paranoia (ahh, nostalgia!), Universalis

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment

Hero Wars, My Life with Master, InSpectres

Ian Charvill

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Albion (playtest for a friend), D20 Modern, D&D 3rd Ed

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

7th Sea, Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

HeroQuest, Riddle of Steel, Dying Earth
Ian Charvill


What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D3E (Ravenloft Flavor), InSpectres, 7th Sea

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Sorcerer, 7th Sea, InSpectres

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

My Life With Master, Trollbabe, Robots & Rapiers


Matt Snyder

Three games I played last:

Nine Worlds, Vampire hunter homebrew (using Avatar-13 rules basics), The Riddle of Steel

Three games I most enjoyed:

D&D, Call of Cthulhu, and The Riddle of Steel

Three games I most want to try next:

HeroQuest, My Life With Master, and Sorcerer (& Sword).
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Tim Alexander

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Dust Devils, Haven: City of Violence, Cyberpunk 2020

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Chill (homebrew variant,) WW Vampire (homebrew variant,) Dust Devils

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

MLwM, Sorcerer, InSpectres

Matt Wilson

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Danger Patrol, Donjon, Primetime Adventures

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

The Riddle of Steel, Danger Patrol, Primetime Adventures (duh!)

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Hero Quest,  Hard-Boiled, Wushu


Last Three
    * Coc/Elric!-hybrid BRP-based Homebrew
    * D20 Star Wars
    * GURPS (Standard D&D Fantasy-type setting)[/list:u]
Funnest Three
    * Call of Cthulhu
    * Paranoia
    * Traveller[/list:u]
Anticipated Three
    * Sorcerer
    * The Riddle of Steel
    * The Burning Wheel[/list:u](I know, I know -- no 'freebies'.  HeroQuest and Paladin are also very high on my 'try this soon' list.  Gaah!  I have too many games to play!)
Dana Johnson
Note that I'm heavily medicated and something of a flake.  Please take anything I say with a grain of salt.


Last Played: D&D3, GURPS, Thugs and Thieves
Most Enjoyed: AD&D2, Toast, D&D3
Want to Try: Savage Worlds, Arrowflight, D&D (Rules Cyclopedia version)


What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Donjon, Arcana Unearthed (D&D3E variant), D&D 3E, all ongoing.

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Donjon, Quest for Glory (using Talislanta 4th system), Mage: the Ascension (online MUSH).

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Gears & Spears, WTF?, HeroQuest.
You see:
Michael V. Goins, wielding some vaguely annoyed skills.


What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Savage Worlds (Evernight), Donjon, Hero System (Champions)

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Traveller, Champions, Trollbabe

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Nobilis, D&D3, Star Wars (D6)


C. Edwards

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
Cell Gamma, QuIRC, Doomchaser

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?
Synthesis, The Pool, Shadows

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?
Dust Devils, Nobilis, Black Wing


Brennan Taylor

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Mortal Coil (homebrew), Deadlands, Dust Devils (Ronin variant)

What three role-playing games, out of all the ones you've ever played, have you enjoyed the most?

Amber, Mortal Coil, Legend of the Five Rings

What three role-playing games that you have not played would you most like to try at the moment?

Nobilis, My Life With Master, Sorcerer