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Started by Jason L Blair, July 02, 2003, 11:21:03 PM

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Jason L Blair

Key 20 Publishing announces E*A*K: Eldritch Ass Kicking


Contact: Jason L Blair, Editor-in-Chief, Key 20 Publishing, PO Box 832, Brunswick, Ohio 44212. More information is available at

06/18/2003 (Cleveland, Ohio): Cleveland-based publisher Key 20 Publishing, creators of the award-winning role-playing game "Little Fears," announced the release of a brand new edition of Mystic Ages' "Eldritch Ass Kicking." E*A*K: ELDRITCH ASS KICKING is slated for release in March 2004.

ELDRITCH ASS KICKING is centered on the trials and tribulations of wizards gone mad who fight each other (a lot) after neighboring kingdoms banished their home of Anhelm to a distant astral realm.

"'E*A*K' is an amazing game that I just had to get out in stores," said Jason L Blair, Editor-in-Chief of Key 20 Publishing. "It's unique not only in its subject matter but its range. You can do silly, sardonic, or serious. It all fits perfectly."

"The response to 'E*A*K' has been awesome. People have been able to pick up the game and go," said Nathan Hill, game author. "The rules are fast and easy to learn, the setting is wide open for creativity, and the characters are just fun to play."

ELDRITCH ASS KICKING began life online in electronic format available from This will be the first time it has seen physical print. Sales of ELDRITCH ASS KICKING in its original PDF format will be suspended as it makes the move to hardcopy.

"We plan to keep the great support going on at its website, with updated character generators, adventure downloads, and other resources to keep players happy. You can expect a few surprises too," Nathan Hill remarked.

"There's already a solid core audience out there, but I'm excited to see how it stands up in the brick-and-mortar market," Blair continued. "There are a lot of humorous games out there, but E*A*K ranks high up on that list. Not only for its potential humor but its solid design and flexibility."

E*A*K: ELDRITCH ASS KICKING will be released at the 2004 GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, please visit

"Eldirtch Ass Kicking" is © 2002 Mystic Ages Online, under license to Key 20 Publishing, LLC. "Little Fears" is © 2001 Jason L Blair. All rights reserved.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Spooky Fanboy


I'm happy to see that this game is finally getting it's due. I look forward to purchasing it as soon as it's available in hardcopy.
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!


Congrats, Nathan, and thank you, Jason!
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio

Jason L Blair

E*A*K cover art by the wonderful Thomas Denmark is up at

Check it out!
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Matt Snyder

Man! That, looks fantastic! As does the interior art, which I hadn't seen. NICE!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Jason L Blair

Eldritch Ass Kicking is going to be a visual stunner. Tom Weighill's work sets the perfect tone and Thomas Denmark nailed the cover. (He actually understood what my specs were trying to convey!)

I even bought cute new fonts for the books.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Spooky Fanboy

Any chance of a preview on the Hubris mechanic? How does it work, or has it even been scrapped?
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!

Jason L Blair

That's up to Nathan. I'm cool with releasing the Hubris mechanic online but that's ultimately his call.
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer