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Two Page Action Movie RPG - Playtime!

Started by unodiablo, November 15, 2001, 04:21:00 PM

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And the upcoming edition of Dead Meat will handle those ALIENS adventures better... Heheheheh...
Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!


  You should probably also include good set design, including: Cover, random improvised weapons, things to fall off of, things(sharp, hot, or acidic) to fall in, dangerous machinery, things to throw, things to drop on people, things that go boom, etc...  Things to fight on(trains, plains, automobiles), style, etc.



I realized something about this after work yesterday... I wrote 2PAM to basically be a plug-in for other Action Movie RPG's that I felt were either poorly designed, had crappy game systems, or were a little beyond my players (HKAT! 1st ed., Feng Shui, and Extreme Vengeance, in that order...), or just flowed too slow... If you own any of those, they all have good to great aspects to them, and they contain some of this info you're seeking or would like.

Have you played any of the other Action Movie style RPG's, commercial or freebies? One that I tracked down recently that I found to be a good commercial game is Point Blank, by an Irish or Scottish game company. But that's a mini-game too, it doesn't have nearly as much source material as the above 'big three'.

And some of the lists you're speaking of are endless... I have a full page of settings for Dead Meat already, and that's a much more narrow genre.
Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!


  I've tried HKAT and Feng Shui and found the first to be way to slow in terms of mechanics resolution to really fly right, while Feng Shui is still one of my favorite wild games to run.  While Feng Shui really does the attitude right, it doesn't give a great deal on the makeup of the action movie.  Of course, it could end up as 200PAM if you put enough into it :razz:
  I really dig the simple mechanics in 2PAM and the fact that it can be as wild as you want.  I wonder what it would be like to do an anime type game with it.



If you see a copy of EV, you should definitely check that out too... The dice mechanic in 2PAM is very much like EV, considering I 'borrowed' it wholesale, and modified it only after a few playtest sessions. The Reps in it might be something you'd like, they can make the games even more wild, as they hand director power in scenes over to the players.

I have the same problem with FS, instead of trying to model action movies, it heaps layer upon layer of backround into the game that ends up more about gun battles than cool characters. Any one of the factions it presents would be enough for a long series of adventures.

Have you checked out the new HKAT!, the Tri-Stat system version? Anyone else? I've never run BESM, but it seems like it would work quickly... I'm sure 2PAM would work decently for any 'cinematic' action game; kung fu, bulletfest, western, pulp, anime, superheroes, etc. (tho superheroes wouldn't be huge powerhouses, more like Batman, IronFist, or Wolverine). The closest I've come to anime is doing a sci-fi /Aliens rip where some of the characters had Mojo dice - telekinetic powers for one, and the other could breathe underwater...
Home of 2 Page Action Movie RPG & the freeware version of Dead Meat: Ultima Carneficina Dello Zombi!