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In Site Discussion

9/2/2004 Doyce: Bookshelf errors?
Just logged into the Forge bookshelf... well, I tried to, that is. The system didn't recognize my username, nor did it think my email belonged to any ongoing user. I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards.

9/1/2004 Kurosawa: Forge Bookshelf Problems
Sorry to make my first real post one about a problem, but it appears that I no longer have an account at the bookshelf. Since I purchased Paladin and Octane,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Kurosawa, Ron Edwards.

9/1/2004 asdfff: Guideline question
Are we allowed to talk about card game design and "selected from-library game component games" rules theory? Like discuss the rules of different CGs, especially the new ones--Call of Cthulhu,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: asdfff, Ron Edwards.

8/31/2004 KorbanDream: My first Post (Original?)
Greetings to all and sundry... First an apology for placing this here but I couldn't find anywhere more suitable? Please could you correct me if I am off the mark…
In Site Discussion
Participants: KorbanDream, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon, Andrew Martin.

8/26/2004 WyldKarde: Growth on the Forge
I was wondering, what happens when someone comes to the forge and their ideas and such metamorphose into a small indie game shop (with more than one person implementing multiple…
In Site Discussion
Participants: WyldKarde, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2004 ethan_greer: Long? So What?
I'm noticing lots of people are tacking "long" on the end of their subject lines when they post something that is more than a couple paragraphs. Personally, I think everyone…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Marco, timfire, Joshua Tompkins, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Andrew Martin, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Noon, clehrich, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.

8/18/2004 Person: Future Actual Play?
Hey there, Peter here. First-time poster, short-time reader. I've got a question about a question. Specifically, where on the Forge (if anywhere) should questions about actual play hypotheticals be put?…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Person, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2004 Valamir: Paging Gordon Landis
Does anyone have Gordon's phone number? He has not responded to PMs or Email. He is supposed to be at GenCon in the Forge Booth but I can't get in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Gordon C. Landis.

8/10/2004 Darcy Burgess: Hunting for someone (two someones, actually!)
I'm really not sure if this is the right forum to post to, but it seems to be the best fit. Harlequin & Bob Richter! Kindly check your private Forge…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Valamir, Blankshield.

8/9/2004 ADGBoss: The Games formerly Known as RPG's...
Well a thread in RPG theory, this one, ended with as I read it: where do we go from here? That is a very good question. It is also…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ADGBoss, ErrathofKosh, Andrew Morris, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, Inner Circle Inc, M. J. Young, Eric J..

8/6/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Marking/Linking to a Particular Post: Shortcuts?
I find that this is often the case: I want to link to a particular POST by another person (rather than an entire thread), in a way that will take…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, ScottM.

8/1/2004 IdentityCrisis: lack of CRPG topics
New here. I'm very impressed with the forums, there seems to be an incredible amount of thought and work on RPG theory consolidated here. However, I note that it mostly…
In Site Discussion
Participants: IdentityCrisis, Vaxalon, Jasper, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, Andrew Martin, ADGBoss, timfire, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young.

7/27/2004 Insect King: Disappearing Post...
Hey there, Moderating persons. I posted a new topic earlier today about an OGL-based rpg I was having to rewrite, and thus was asking for advice. It seems to have…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Insect King, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Alan.

7/27/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: The Forge Bookshelf and problems
I'm posting this here because I've gotten several e-mails recently about the Forge Bookshelf. Recently, the database that powers the Bookshelf crashed and all data was lost. My last backup,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, montag, clehrich, Thunder_God, Nathan P..

7/26/2004 Vaxalon: Jargon
As some of you may be aware, I joined up here recently and started doing my best to contribute... and while I find the theory discussions mildly interesting, I have…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, timfire, Christopher Weeks, Matt, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Valamir, Mark Johnson, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Jaik, Rob Carriere, xiombarg, ADGBoss.

Hi. It's me. I've been looking for Clinton for a while and he's dodging me. :) I'd like to put the ENEMY GODS PDF up on the Bookshelf. Can anybody…
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/16/2004 Bob Bell: Forge Open-Source Rules Repository Idea
The Forge would be a great place to compile an encyclopedia of rules/ideas for RPG's. This is a huge undertaking suited to an open-source community effort and seems to fall…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Bob Bell, greyorm, Dev, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, John Kim.

7/15/2004 Chris Lekas: Question on Forge etiquette
I had a small question about Forge ettiquette (spelling there is not quite right, but it IS 5 in the morning). I would like to post a larger span of…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Chris Lekas, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes.

7/10/2004 stardog: TRoS movement
I'm interested in discussing TRoS with someone who has played it. How does tactical movement in TRoS stack up against D&D? That was the biggest selling point for me on…
In Site Discussion
Participants: stardog, C. Edwards.

7/6/2004 JamesDJIII: Thanks, Forge
Split from ...was someone somewhere babbling something about the Forge being a bunch of niche navel gazers with no relevance to the hobby at large? I don't get…
In Site Discussion
Participants: JamesDJIII, Andy Kitkowski, MR. Analytical.

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In Site Discussion

9/17/2004 Silmenume: Explore novel ideas rather than rush to dismiss question
This is an issue that invite all the Forge-posters to contribute. This issue pertains to my experiences on the GNS boards, so I am uncertain how it would relate to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, greedo1379, M. J. Young, Valamir, komradebob, TonyLB, ffilz, Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, xiombarg, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, clehrich, Jonathan Walton, daMoose_Neo, Sean, bcook1971, Marco.

9/23/2004 ozental: Dedication...
I just wanted to post a quick note to say how impressed I am with the dedication of some posters here. It's good to see a forum with people that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ozental, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Adorame.

9/23/2004 hyphz: Cut-down versions of games on Bookshelf
Hi, I recently noticed that "Run Robot Red" has been added to the Forge bookshelf, and went to look at the accompanying web site. However, I found that the Bookshelf…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hyphz, Clinton R. Nixon, John Wick.

9/27/2004 back_stabbed: new tv pilot
hey everybody, i just want to say hello to the board. may as well say something interesting. I recently saw some clips from a new show about 2 guys who…
In Site Discussion
Participants: back_stabbed, Walt Freitag, Marco, Ron Edwards.

9/28/2004 Adorame: Idea to help all of us
I had an idea that the admins may like but then again maybe its too much work. There are quite a few people here with the same problems or so…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Adorame, Jasper.

10/1/2004 sirogit: Current State of Ghost Light
A long time ago, I looked at the review of Ghost Light, and found it extremely intereasting. I was considerably distraught that it was no longer available. I found the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: sirogit, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.

10/1/2004 clehrich: Congratulations Ron!
Has anyone else noticed that Ron recently broke the 10,000 posts mark? Happy something day, Ron! If you're going to chime in on this, folks, do so before he comes…
In Site Discussion
Participants: clehrich, Ron Edwards.

10/1/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Forum re-ordering
You've probably already noticed that we've re-ordered the main forums on the front page. Actual Play, as befits it, is now first, followed by Indie Game Design and Publishing. Ron…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, ffilz, Andy Kitkowski, Andrew Martin, Jasper, LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Eric J..

10/9/2004 Silmenume: Many thanks!
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to leave a open note saying how much I enjoyed posting my experiences in Actual Play. My reservations about posting were (notice please - past…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Ron Edwards.

10/9/2004 teucer: Automatic Login
...isn't working for me. I check the little box, but whenever I load the page, I am not logged in.
In Site Discussion
Participants: teucer, Rob MacDougall.

10/11/2004 Silmenume: Who's Online - Bolded
Does anybody know the significance of the bolding of certain names on the Who's Online portion at the bottom of the General Forge Forum page? Just curious...
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Sean, abzu.

10/16/2004 clehrich: On Charitable Reading
Lately on the Forge, I have noticed a lot of what might be called “uncharitable reading.” I’m not going to point fingers or give references here; there’s no point in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: clehrich, Clinton R. Nixon, Ethesis, casquilho, Michael Johnson.

10/17/2004 Szubii: Hi...
Hi I come from Poland and I'm fan of rpg, fanatsy and I know that this site has a modes rpg for phpbb forum....? Can you help me from where…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Szubii, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2004 Factor 8: Where RPGs are headed (split)
This is why I pointed out KOL, because I believe that's where the ball is going next.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Factor 8, Ron Edwards, greyorm, daMoose_Neo.

10/19/2004 Technocrat13: Clicking errors cause a mess.
Out of curiosity, and fueled by my inability to click straight, I just thought I'd ask if it was possible to put a little more space between the Preview and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Technocrat13, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2004 George Moralidis: why not use keywords?
Hello, what do you think about using keywords (taken from the glossary i suppose) under every new topic? I think it will make everyone's life easier. Also, after how long…
In Site Discussion
Participants: George Moralidis, timfire.

10/20/2004 ffilz: Question on read/unread marks work
I've recently noticed some quirks with how the Forge remembers what I have and have not read. This morning I found myself logged off, and when I logged back on,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ffilz, Shreyas Sampat, clehrich, Mark Johnson.

10/21/2004 Vaxalon: Why does "mark all topics as read" lead back into
Why does "mark all topics as read" lead back into the forum? It seems to me that if you're marking all the topics as read, you're done with the forum;…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon.

11/1/2004 Vaxalon: Haven't been in for a few days, but everything is "read
I haven't read any posts over the past few days, but everything here is marked "read".
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Tobias.

11/5/2004 thelostgm: Gamer website Help
Hey all. This may be the wrong place to post this, and if so I am sorry. I am trying to find a web hosting company for a website I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: thelostgm, Matt.

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