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12/1/2004 sophist: just trying to improve the links
After aquiring SORCERER I followed the cue to to delve more into independent roleplaying. And i must say it payed off splendidly. The resource page on the forge here is…
In Site Discussion
Participants: sophist, Ron Edwards, greyorm, M. J. Young, Marco, GreatWolf.

11/30/2004 greyorm: The Forge in Games Quarterly
Out of the blue the other day, I recieved a magazine in the mail called "Games Quarterly." The magazine is about...well, games: board, card, RPG, etc. And as I sat…
In Site Discussion
Participants: greyorm, Valamir, Andrew Morris.

11/25/2004 Matt Gwinn: Member List
Is there a reason I can't get to the member list?
In Site Discussion
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Clinton R. Nixon.

11/23/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Break-in and upgrade
A big security update for phpBB (the forum we use) came out recently. With it came a slew of little hackers, hell-bent on exploiting the holes in older versions. As…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

11/23/2004 Grand_Commander13: The front page
[quote] hello tal from ilan KFC MOB IS CHICKEN KILLER DELUXE BABYYY [/quote] Am I supposed to understand this, or not? And in other news: "oh my g0D!!!1 i kn0…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Grand_Commander13, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Vaxalon.

11/9/2004 raithe: Searching
Hi, first post (sorry its a complaint) though I've been reading these forums for a year or so. The Search feature could use a bit of work. For example: I'm…
In Site Discussion
Participants: raithe.

11/5/2004 thelostgm: Gamer website Help
Hey all. This may be the wrong place to post this, and if so I am sorry. I am trying to find a web hosting company for a website I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: thelostgm, Matt.

11/1/2004 Vaxalon: Haven't been in for a few days, but everything is "read
I haven't read any posts over the past few days, but everything here is marked "read".
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Tobias.

10/21/2004 Vaxalon: Why does "mark all topics as read" lead back into
Why does "mark all topics as read" lead back into the forum? It seems to me that if you're marking all the topics as read, you're done with the forum;…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon.

10/20/2004 ffilz: Question on read/unread marks work
I've recently noticed some quirks with how the Forge remembers what I have and have not read. This morning I found myself logged off, and when I logged back on,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ffilz, Shreyas Sampat, clehrich, Mark Johnson.

10/19/2004 George Moralidis: why not use keywords?
Hello, what do you think about using keywords (taken from the glossary i suppose) under every new topic? I think it will make everyone's life easier. Also, after how long…
In Site Discussion
Participants: George Moralidis, timfire.

10/19/2004 Technocrat13: Clicking errors cause a mess.
Out of curiosity, and fueled by my inability to click straight, I just thought I'd ask if it was possible to put a little more space between the Preview and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Technocrat13, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2004 Factor 8: Where RPGs are headed (split)
This is why I pointed out KOL, because I believe that's where the ball is going next.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Factor 8, Ron Edwards, greyorm, daMoose_Neo.

10/17/2004 Szubii: Hi...
Hi I come from Poland and I'm fan of rpg, fanatsy and I know that this site has a modes rpg for phpbb forum....? Can you help me from where…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Szubii, Ron Edwards.

10/16/2004 clehrich: On Charitable Reading
Lately on the Forge, I have noticed a lot of what might be called “uncharitable reading.” I’m not going to point fingers or give references here; there’s no point in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: clehrich, Clinton R. Nixon, Ethesis, casquilho, Michael Johnson.

10/11/2004 Silmenume: Who's Online - Bolded
Does anybody know the significance of the bolding of certain names on the Who's Online portion at the bottom of the General Forge Forum page? Just curious...
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Sean, abzu.

10/9/2004 teucer: Automatic Login
...isn't working for me. I check the little box, but whenever I load the page, I am not logged in.
In Site Discussion
Participants: teucer, Rob MacDougall.

10/9/2004 Silmenume: Many thanks!
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to leave a open note saying how much I enjoyed posting my experiences in Actual Play. My reservations about posting were (notice please - past…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Ron Edwards.

10/1/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Forum re-ordering
You've probably already noticed that we've re-ordered the main forums on the front page. Actual Play, as befits it, is now first, followed by Indie Game Design and Publishing. Ron…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, ffilz, Andy Kitkowski, Andrew Martin, Jasper, LordSmerf, Ron Edwards, Eric J..

10/1/2004 clehrich: Congratulations Ron!
Has anyone else noticed that Ron recently broke the 10,000 posts mark? Happy something day, Ron! If you're going to chime in on this, folks, do so before he comes…
In Site Discussion
Participants: clehrich, Ron Edwards.

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In Site Discussion

12/9/2004 Maciek Zagorski: The Forge and The Forge Studios
About a year ago we started a new Polish project called The Forge Studios. We wanted to create a little outstanding and non-conventional project - we wanted to publish supplements…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Maciek Zagorski, Ron Edwards.

12/11/2004 KeithBVaughn: Science Fiction Heartbreakers...
What ever happened to that article? I remember several months ago it was discussed about as another essay soon to be in the Articles section. I've been looking forward to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: KeithBVaughn, Ron Edwards, Dev, Matt Wilson, John Kim, b_bankhead, clehrich, Eero Tuovinen, GB Steve.

12/13/2004 rafial: Automatic Ron (a software suggestion)
So given that newbies post to old threads on a fairly regular basis, leading to Ron posting a "we don't do that here" message, it occured to me that the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: rafial, jc_madden, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

12/16/2004 Troy_Costisick: Forge Assisted Games
Heya, Is there a compiled list of games that made it into print that were aided in their development here on The Forge? I'm just interested to see the titles…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Troy_Costisick, TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Blankshield, timfire, Jared A. Sorensen.

12/16/2004 sirogit: Forge Wiki?
Has this ever been suggested before? I know I'd find it tremendously useful if it was half as good as Doyce's Sorcerer Wiki. What would have to be done to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Doyce, John Kim, Mike Holmes.

12/19/2004 Kedamono: Submitted Web sites not showing up
I submitted two Web sites weeks ago, and, and neither have showed up in the Resource Library. When I try to resubmit them, I get a message that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Kedamono, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/20/2004 Doyce: Forge Wiki, Part 2 - Questions of Use
In the recent "Forge Wiki" thread, I mentioned that it was fine for folks to continue to use and grow RandomWiki along lines that interested them -- it's not like…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Doyce.

12/31/2004 abzu: NYE
Happy New Year all. My all your play be enjoyable and game design be clever. -L
In Site Discussion
Participants: abzu.

1/5/2005 Silmenume: Did I hang myself?
I could have sworn that there was a "2nd" definition to the term "deprotagonize." The first is in the gloss. The second (I can't remember where I saw it) was…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

1/15/2005 Andrew Morris: Appropriate topic for the Forge?
Hey, I was uncertain if it would be appropriate to start a "Who's going to Dreamation 2005?" thread. I'd like to know who's going to be there, so I can…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, Andy Kitkowski.

1/15/2005 Mark D. Eddy: In My Opinion is Bad?
I just read Ron's post in RPG Theory here, and I'd like some clarification. Why is "In My Opinion" posting considered bad? My understanding is that opinion is argument to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Mark D. Eddy, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Marco, Bankuei, joshua neff, M. J. Young.

1/22/2005 Vaxalon: Magicstar down?
Is anyone else having trouble connecting to magicstar?
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Paganini.

1/24/2005 jrs: Number of guests
Has anyone else noticed that the number of guests at the site has jumped significantly over the past month? Before, say Christmas, the number of guests could be as high…
In Site Discussion
Participants: jrs, clehrich.

1/28/2005 Cold Black Wind: New to the Site
Greetings fellow gamers and designers, I am as the title of the thread states quite new to this site, but very interested in this place for source material in creating…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Cold Black Wind, Selene Tan, clehrich, xenopulse, greyorm, Mike Holmes.

1/28/2005 jonsan: A quick "thanks"
I began playing in formalized role-playing at the tender age of 8, over 17 years ago. Since then I have alternately immersed myself in the hobby or abandoned it entirely.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: jonsan, clehrich, xenopulse.

1/30/2005 Silmenume: Defintion usage and drift - Rant
I’m not sure I understand this deference to the original coiners of useful terms. Right now the debate of an “idea” has been ground to a halt because of this…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, clehrich, contracycle, CPXB.

2/3/2005 Jonathan Walton: Diaspora: How I Learned 2 Stop Worrying & Love the Forge
So I posted the following text over on Vincent's Blog, but I thought that it was important enough to bring over here and maybe talk about a bit with both…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Harlequin, Ben Lehman, Emily Care, M. J. Young, clehrich, A.Neill, contracycle, JamesDJIII, bcook1971, Trevis Martin, Brendan, Bankuei, Green, Nathan, Andy Kitkowski.

2/3/2005 J. Tuomas Harviainen: Limits of acceptable "Theory"
[quote=Ron Edwards]This thread is closed. No more posting here, please. Please take all discussion of Vincent's talk to a new thread. Please take all discussion of goals & procedures at…
In Site Discussion
Participants: J. Tuomas Harviainen, pete_darby, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, xenopulse, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Montola, Paul Czege, humis, Bankuei, Marco, clehrich, Mark D. Eddy.

2/3/2005 ffilz: Let me see if I can articulate my problem with the Forge
I've really been struggling here. I understand there is a lot of cool theory, but it isn't presented in a digestible format. Sure, there are some essays, but from what…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Paganini, Christopher Weeks, John Kim, crookedface, clehrich, greedo1379.

2/7/2005 Bankuei: PM issues
Hi Clinton, 2 or 3 times now I've sent a PM and had most of it evaporate into the ether. Both the recipient copy and the Sent Box version are…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Bankuei, Clinton R. Nixon.

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