The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

6/9/2005 Andrew Morris: More info on PayPal scams
Back in this thread, the topic of scam emails appearing to come from PayPal was discussed. Here's PayPal's ten tips for spotting spoof emails, for any who are interested.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris.

5/27/2005 Danny_K: Is it OK to talk about non-commercial game ideas here?
OK, I've made my share of faux pas in this forum, so before I make one more I'm going to ask in the appropriate place. I have a game idea…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Danny_K, Valamir, ReverendBayn.

5/24/2005 Valamir: Public Service Announcement - Paypal
I'm posting this here because I know a number of indie publishers use paypal to collect payment. I've been getting a number of spoof emails claiming to be from paypal…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Paganini, Andrew Morris.

5/22/2005 apparition13: double post
Hey, just noticed I double posted the "above and beyond" thread on game design, could someone merge them please? Thanks, and sorry.
In Site Discussion
Participants: apparition13, Ron Edwards.

5/20/2005 Silmenume: sloooooooooow email notifications
Recently I've noticed that the email notifications I've been receiving of posting activity to subcribed threads is lagging by over 12 hours or more. Is this standard or is it…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Valamir, Andrew Morris, xiombarg, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.

5/13/2005 Alan: Where to post feedback on posting style
In the following thread, I noticed one poster critiquing not the thread-starter's content, but his presentation. The Creation and Birth of a Character I know we want…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Alan, Ron Edwards.

5/11/2005 Andrew Morris: General site weirdness
Starting today, I've noticed a few oddities on this site. 1) Posts I've previously read revert to the "unread" icon, but no new posts are in the thread. 2) Some…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Adam Dray, Gaerik, killacozzy, Tully305, ErrathofKosh.

4/28/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Answering Questions with Questions
Split from The Forge's Anti-Polling Position. Instead, as I've discovered, I've only been asked for all the details on my specific game before I can get an answer to the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Technocrat13, Doug Ruff.

4/28/2005 Domhnall: The Forge's Anti-Polling position
In the "Conceptualizing" thread, Ron wrote: ... My point is that, if either were the case, it would serve you absolutely no purpose whatsoever to tell you. None. Even…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Domhnall, Jasper, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, KingstonC, Clinton R. Nixon, killacozzy, Shreyas Sampat, timfire, greyorm, contracycle, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Brendan, Andrew Morris, jdagna.

4/26/2005 komradebob: [rant] usage:"Wargame/Wargame roots"
Pardon gentle readers, but I'd like to take a moment to vent. It has to do with the usage of the terms "wargame" and "wargame roots" that often comes up…
In Site Discussion
Participants: komradebob, xiombarg, Bankuei.

4/20/2005 Domhnall: Auto-hyperlink?
I’m not a programmer, but I know there is a way to set up a web page so that if a certain word is present, it can be automatically turned…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Domhnall, Selene Tan, Mike Holmes.

4/17/2005 Silmenume: Apostrophes showing up as Question marks.
So I'm reading through the Provisional Glossary and I'm noticing something rather curious. Certain symbols aren't being displayed properly on my computer. For Example - Whiff FactorThe effect of a…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, J B Bell.

4/8/2005 Ron Edwards: Dealing with recent spam
Hiya, Check out this profile: vismaior1411. This guy has been pretty cunning. He posts comments like "Valamir I totally agree with you" with a big sig to his obnoxious website.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

4/5/2005 Andrew Morris: Old threads and the Birthday Forum
So, what's the preferred practice for all these old threads that are popping up in the Birthday Forum? Should we make a new thread and link back to the old…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

4/4/2005 Rob Carriere: Undead PMs
A PM to me dated 16 march (and long since read and deleted) just decided to ressurrect itself, including the e-mail warning "you have a new PM". No big whoop,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Rob Carriere.

4/1/2005 Valamir: Birthday Forum
Its about that time, any plans to open it back up this year? I think there might be some folks jonesing to take the pink piggie stacking title...
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

4/1/2005 komradebob: Etiquette: Commercial Links in Posts?
I have an etiquette question for the mods: I want to post an essay/topic in Theory about something I'd like some input on regarding miniatures and rping. I'd like to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: komradebob, Ron Edwards.

3/27/2005 charlesperez: PM as spam?
What is the Forge policy regarding spam sent via PM? I've got someone trolling for web site hits myself. Charles
In Site Discussion
Participants: charlesperez, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris, Doug Ruff, cruciel.

3/23/2005 Andrew Morris: Problem with search function
Since the hack, I've been having a problem with searches -- all the highlighted terms are displayed in a gray that exactly matches the background color of every other post,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

3/20/2005 Dev: Enabling transcripts of play
Transcripts of play are very useful (for both Actual Play and Game Design scripting), but they can also be hard to read. I think we could really help folks by…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Dev, Jonathan Walton, jdagna, Mike Holmes.

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In Site Discussion

6/10/2005 Ethawyn: Resource Library Problems
When I go to the Resource Library secion the folowing warnings appear at the top: Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/.qadim/indierpg/ on line…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ethawyn, greyorm, Asrogoth, Clinton R. Nixon, Vaxalon, Jason Petrasko.

6/16/2005 Simon Marks: Is it ok to ... ?
Hello people. I am in the midst of (re)designing an LRP (LARP?) System being used here in the UK. The current system is established, published and successful. Now, as pointed…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Simon Marks, Andrew Morris, Gaerik, greyorm, Eero Tuovinen, timfire, Ron Edwards.

6/20/2005 lumpley: Turtling Citation
Hey Ron or anybody, which article is "turtling" in? Is it even in an article? I've done an Edit > Find (on This Page)... in every article, no luck. I've…
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Chris Goodwin, jrs, ethan_greer, Trevis Martin, contracycle, Troy_Costisick, Mike Holmes.

6/28/2005 PlotDevice: Getting a Parse error on every thread.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/.qadim/indierpg/ on line 1233 Not sure if this will work, but thought I would give it a go. Evan
In Site Discussion
Participants: PlotDevice.

6/28/2005 John Wick: Parse Error
When looking in CONVENTIONS at the Indie RPG Design Seminar, I got this error: Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/.qadim/indierpg/ on line 1233
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, Wolfen.

7/17/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
Everyone, We've obviously changed the software the Forge runs on. My apologies for the current looks of it. It's all unintegrated and wacko. Give me a day or two to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Selene Tan, Uzzah, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski, Miskatonic, Jason Petrasko, joshua neff, Asrogoth, Gaerik, ethan_greer, Troy_Costisick, Ben Lehman, Rob Carriere, Warren, Nick Brooke, Nathan P., Matt Snyder, abzu, John Harper, Artanis, Jack Aidley, ffilz, Andrew Morris, Shreyas Sampat, Technocrat13, jrs, Lxndr, ephemere, John Burdick, cdr, matthijs, greyorm, Paganini, M. J. Young.

7/17/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: Do you use RSS?
If you do, I've got some good news for you. Look at this:;type=rss2;sa=recent;limit=10 Interesting, huh? See a detailed discussion on how you can pull RSS feeds from the Forge…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, MichaelCurry, immlass, rafial.

7/18/2005 RobNJ: What's the appropriate forum?
Which is the appropriate forum to discuss our feelings and experiences at a convention?  In this case, I'd like to find or begin a thread about DexCon 8.
In Site Discussion
Participants: RobNJ, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

7/19/2005 ewilen: finding all threads by user
It seems I can't quite do what was once trivial: locate all threads in which a given user has participated. I think I can use the search function to locate…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ewilen.

7/19/2005 Gaerik: Missing Functionality?
The old Forums had a function that allowed you to Save a Thread as a Favorite.  Then when you clicked on your Favorites link it showed all the Threads you…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Gaerik, Selene Tan.

7/22/2005 ewilen: feature request: link forward
I don't know if this would be possible but it occurs to me that it would be very useful. What I've noticed in reading the Forge is that many threads…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ewilen, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/22/2005 Miskatonic: Feature wishlist
I thought it might be nice to start a thread to divert all the, "Hey, you know what would be nice...?" and "I miss feature X" posts to their own…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Miskatonic, johnmarron, Noon, Ben Lehman, Frank T, ScottM, Rob Carriere, Clinton R. Nixon, Vaxalon, Andy Kitkowski.

7/27/2005 jrs: Broken links
With the change to the new forum software, I've discovered a number of broken links in earlier posts.  There seem to be two different problems. 1.  The use of html…
In Site Discussion
Participants: jrs, Clinton R. Nixon, Justin Marx.

7/29/2005 Vaxalon: Editing posts turned off?
Why was the editing of posts turned off?  It was useful for fixing broken links, bad formatting, etc.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Clinton R. Nixon, Andy Kitkowski.

7/29/2005 Ron Edwards: Changes to the Forge
Hello, Clinton and I have discussed and agreed upon our next step for altering the Forge, but so far, it's not public beeswax yet. You'll see when it comes. But…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg, greyorm, Ben Lehman, Vaxalon, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, jrs, droog, cruciel, Noon, Uzzah, Gaerik, Eva Deinum, Eero Tuovinen.

7/29/2005 Paul Czege: what Ron should do
On Barrier to newcomers, Ron wrote: I have a really, really long list of stuff that other people think I should do, believe me. Additions or suggestions to that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Paul Czege, Gaerik.

7/30/2005 Levi Kornelsen: Why This?
I've spent a couple of hours now paging through the theory discussions here.  I asked a question on design a week or so back, since I'm doing some.  But I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei, Michael S. Miller, demiurgeastaroth, Miskatonic, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

8/4/2005 Silmenume: Missing graphic -
I've noticed that the graphic star under Ron's name is rendered as a box with the windows place maker for an image with a tiny text asterisk next to it…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Miskatonic.

8/4/2005 M. J. Young: What's Not to Like?
I don't like change. That's a given. I think too many times people change things for the worse, or at least make changes that don't improve anything but only make…
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, jrs, Vaxalon, Gaerik, Alan.

8/8/2005 timfire: Why can't we change the theme?
As in, the look of the forum? Just wondering.
In Site Discussion
Participants: timfire, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Paganini.

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