The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics
In Publishing

3/5/2004 Rexfelis: Give them the game for free, then sell it to them!
This thread is a split from Clinton R. Nixon's Lulu thread. Clinton said something that got me thinking: All my games from now on - and I'll retroactively be doing…
In Publishing
Participants: Rexfelis, Lxndr, Matt Gwinn, montag, Ron Edwards, ejh, Paul Watson, Aman the Rejected, bcook1971, xiombarg.

3/5/2004 daMoose_Neo: Tips for catching a shop owners eye?
I'm *very* close to releasing a new card game (prints this weekend actually) and I'm looking at a release the end of April. In between now and then, I want…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, abzu, jdagna, coolblade.

3/3/2004 coxcomb: One book or two?
My game, Gallant, is a cinematic swashbuckling game. It is intended to be flexible enough to handle pretty much any setting / character appropriate to the genre. I am also…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, Matt, Dav, Alex Johnson, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.

3/2/2004 quozl: Books about making games
So I decided to do a little web searching on some reading material for making games. I found a short list of books and I would appreciate any reviews of…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl.

2/29/2004 abcgi: War Story
Extract from War Story article; The Publisher may terminate this agreement in writing at any time ... the Author shall promptly repay all amounts paid by the…
In Publishing
Participants: abcgi, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Valamir, pete_darby, jdagna.

2/25/2004 Jack Aidley: How small a .pdf could be sold?
I considered putting this in the Selling Price thread, but I think it's enough of an aside to be worth its own thread. I've been rather taken aback by the…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Aidley, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Gwinn, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Simon W, coxcomb, jrs, greyorm.

2/24/2004 coxcomb: Selling Prices
I have been thinking about selling prices lately, particularly because I will be formulating my own later this year. Abzu's topic about indie game finances brought this to my attention…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, abzu, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

2/24/2004 abzu: indie game finances
So i just finished doing Burning Wheel's taxes. The end result? I lost a lot less money this year than I did last year. Hurrah! It's a good thing, but…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Jack Aidley, Valamir, Paul Czege, inthisstyle, Lxndr, Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes, jdagna, daMoose_Neo.

2/24/2004 scobie: Casefile: ZODIAC online publishing options
Ok, I have had some feedback on the latest draft of my ZODIAC weird 70s spy game in the design forum and now I am looking at my publishing options.…
In Publishing
Participants: scobie, Lxndr, Ron Edwards, Clay, Matt Snyder, abzu.

2/20/2004 Bob Goat: Press Releases
Hi, I finally got my game to my editor today and have finally started to givve serious thought to other aspects of publishing. I was wondering, as far as press…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris, Paul Czege.

2/20/2004 coxcomb: Has anyone tried RepKover?
RepCover is a binding for softcover books that enables the book to open and lay flat. It's kind of a halfway point between Perfect binding and case binding. Has anyone…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, Valamir.

2/19/2004 Technocrat13: Magazine & Catalog
Ok, so in the past few weeks I've been hammering a set of mechanics for a 'new' game for my friends and I. Now, I really have no intention of…
In Publishing
Participants: Technocrat13.

2/19/2004 Steve Samson: How important is page size?
Since I decided to get serious about publishing an RPG of my own I have been toting around my original Warcraft manual as an inspiration. I love the size (8.5x7),…
In Publishing
Participants: Steve Samson, Ron Edwards, Trevis Martin, abzu, Technocrat13, madelf, Christopher Weeks, Alex Johnson, Nathan P., KeithBVaughn, jdagna.

2/18/2004 Paul Czege: pitching to comic store owners
So...advancing from Bill Corrie's great advice on pitching and selling to local game stores, I've been thinking seriously about trying the same thing at a local indie-friendly comic store…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, Mark Johnson, Clay, daMoose_Neo, ejh, James V. West.

2/18/2004 Manveru: Small world! And Phoenix Games (in Minneapolis)
Three cheers for Pandemonium! I just moved from Boston to CO last summer, after living in the Somerville gaming vortex for nearly 7 years. I actually BOUGHT Burning Wheel at…
In Publishing
Participants: Manveru, Ron Edwards, HinterWelt.

2/18/2004 Clay: Web site software for free
Hey folks, thought I would drop a line. I've got a piece of blogging software that I wrote for my own use, that's getting ready to go commercial. For the…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay.

2/17/2004 Paul Czege: ISBNs
Hey, Those of you who've bought ISBNs, can I ask where you purchased them, how many you bought, and how much you paid? Right now I really only need one,…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, jdagna, kwill, Ron Edwards, coolblade, Pramas.

2/16/2004 Matt Snyder: Printing quote
I received a quote from a printing company to print 200 copies of Nine Worlds in a format very much similar to My Life WIth Master. The bids may still…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Chris Passeno, abzu, coolblade.

2/15/2004 clehrich: Publishing on CD-ROM
Hi, My pals who write Aurora have been publishing entirely to CD-ROM. The discs include: Several very lengthy PDFs, total about 250-350 pages. Flash tools and toys. Brief, very high-quality…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, timfire, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, Valamir, coxcomb, Mike Holmes, C. Edwards, JamesSterrett.

2/13/2004 Matt Wilson: getting more feedback
So a couple months ago I put up a playtest version of my game, available for free. As far as I can tell, I've had a lot of downloads. Well…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Matt, abzu, Jake Norwood, chadu, Michael S. Miller, jdagna, Adam, Mike Holmes, brainwipe.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

3/8/2004 coolblade: Pricing for adventures, a bit more difficult.
I thought this deserved a separate topic other then the other pricing topics out there because after a bit of comparison of adventures published by top brands I find that…
In Publishing
Participants: coolblade, Clay, Ron Edwards, coxcomb, jdagna, Pramas, KeithBVaughn, Paul Czege.

3/8/2004 abzu: NPA Art Thread -- Author's and Artists Come Hither
Ok, so just because there are a few laggards, doesn't mean we all should have to wait around. ;) Kidding, of course. Actually, the editing process for the NPA is…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Lxndr, Matt, Ben Lehman, Michael S. Miller, xiombarg, quozl, gobi, Mike Holmes, Jeph, Chris Passeno, Paul Czege, gpalmer, LindseyErin, hwango, DanielSchenström, Lordgeejay, veinglory, Wren, Valamir, ECoats, sharchen, Flash Fighter, kyrn, Storn, Ron Edwards.

3/9/2004 ShaneNINE: Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium
Where/how can I get this game? Sorry, I didn't really know where to put this post.
In Publishing
Participants: ShaneNINE, Trevis Martin, rafael, ethan_greer.

3/9/2004 Dregg: Publishing just to Publish
I have been looking at alot of stuff on RPG now as of late. I don't mean to sound too high and Mighty but some of the quality of product…
In Publishing
Participants: Dregg, Ron Edwards, matthijs, Jack Spencer Jr.

3/10/2004 seraphimy2k: a bit of a newbie
hi everyone forgive me if im posting in the wrong forum, but this is my first post :) My question is as follows : i live in the uk, and…
In Publishing
Participants: seraphimy2k, Matt Wilson, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, coolblade.

3/10/2004 Bob Goat: SKU Number?
Please forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is a SKU number and where does it come from? Is this a part of the ISBN? I am assuming that these are…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, jrs, jdagna.

3/13/2004 taalyn: ISBN co-op?
Does anyone know if it's possible (and legal) to group together to buy an ISBN block? Anyone interested in doing so? I just can't afford a block of 10 (or…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Valamir, Paul Czege, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, Lxndr, madelf, talysman, age_of_dissent, Matt.

3/15/2004 travisjhall: Publishing a LARP scenario
Hi all. I'm new around here, but I've been lurking as a guest for a while now. Something happened recently that I thought I might ask you people about, though,…
In Publishing
Participants: travisjhall, Walt Freitag.

3/15/2004 Vodrilus: Translating Mirima Tyalie, info required
Hello. I appologize for a slightly OT post, but figured this would be the most logical place to post it. I'm currently translating Mirima Tyalie, an RPG by B. Lee…
In Publishing
Participants: Vodrilus.

3/18/2004 Sylus Thane: Publishing on Cd
Would anyone know of anywhere you can get cd's to publish your book that you can an emblem put on the cd. Lulu no longer offers their cd service so…
In Publishing
Participants: Sylus Thane, talysman.

3/21/2004 Jasper: online presentation: divorced setting / rules?
Hello. I've done a search for past threads but haven't found anything specifically addressing this. I'm currently developing my game Principium Novum and am planning on a web-based release some…
In Publishing
Participants: Jasper, Eero Tuovinen.

3/24/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Whoi are the good reviewers?
I just released the latest edition of HeartQuest: Romantic Roleplaying in the Worlds of Shoujo Manga at RPGNow, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on who the…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, clehrich, taalyn, DanielSchenström, ethan_greer, Cynthia Celeste Miller, GB Steve.

3/24/2004 daMoose_Neo: Question on CCG/RPG "combo"?
Hmmkay, title might seem a little bit odd, but heres the deal: I'm preparing some PDF Demo files to send out for reviews of my trading card game, Final Twilight.…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, contracycle, Lxndr, Amadeus, Marhault, Storn, taalyn.

3/25/2004 brainwipe: Spleen Venting: Free = Rubbish?
This rant stems from a number of email I have received recently. I don't expect any detailed analysis on the social causes of this problem, I just feel that I…
In Publishing
Participants: brainwipe, Ron Edwards, quozl, xiombarg, ethan_greer, daMoose_Neo, talysman, bcook1971.

3/28/2004 gobi: NPA Writer Update
I just sent Abzu a revised version of WTF? along with a tentative title logo. The only thing it's missing is a play example, but the deadline is approaching fast…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi, Lxndr, Matt, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, xiombarg.

3/30/2004 Mystique: Looking for help in marketing/distributing
Hi All, I was hoping to learn of any Online or Brick & Mortar RPG/Book Stores that fellow Small Indie publishers have been able to use in the past (exceptions…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, Ron Edwards.

4/1/2004 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Publishing tips
Even though it's not yet ready for publishing, I figure it's to better to find out what I should do now so that I can try to be ready to…
In Publishing
Participants: Kilor Di, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards.

4/1/2004 Rexfelis: Multiple editions of a game
Something I've noticed about rpg publishing: if a game does well, it is usually not just re-printed, but put out in new editions, with rules changes and additional features. Games…
In Publishing
Participants: Rexfelis, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Pramas, Valamir, jdagna, Steve Samson, Michael S. Miller, AndrewDylan.

4/4/2004 Mystique: Distributor Question
Hi all, I was hoping to find out what distributors fellow small publishers have used in the past / or are using, and what experiences you have had with the…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, talysman, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Dav, Mourglin, HinterWelt.

4/6/2004 Domhnall: When to Try?
Hi all. My friend John (“Mourglin”) just found this site and linked it to me. My name is Daniel and I have been creating my RPG off and on since…
In Publishing
Participants: Domhnall, Trevis Martin, brainwipe, Matt.

more subsequent topics >>