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In Publishing

1/21/2005 TonyLB: RPI Printing Good Experience
By contrast with Luke's experience with Express Media, I just had a spectacular start-to-finish printing experience with RPI Printing. I was referred to them in this post and went with…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Matt Wilson, Tav_Behemoth, Michael S. Miller, Thor, inthisstyle, GregS.

1/21/2005 J. Campbell: Large scale print runs... What are the advantages?
Specifically, what are the advantages to someone seeking to break into the small-scale world of Indie-produced RPG books? To me, the advantages of POD are immediate: No stock to have…
In Publishing
Participants: J. Campbell, daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, jdagna, timfire, Roger, Brendan, Bob Goat, Blankshield, Matt Wilson, Tav_Behemoth.

1/21/2005 abzu: Done it again with Dogs!
Congrats to our very own Vincent on his well deserved OUTIE win. But when you start giving awards for moral seriousness in gaming, you have to sit up and take…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller, Jared A. Sorensen, Jason L Blair.

1/20/2005 clehrich: SITF Wiki site
Hi, A while back I asked for assistance for setting up a wiki for Shadows in the Fog, and with Trevis Martin's immense help I've done this. The Site is…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich.

1/19/2005 matthijs: [Rant] Attitude towards reviewers
I love to review games. So I often get in touch with companies that produce good stuff, or games that I'm just curious about. I've written a huge amount of…
In Publishing
Participants: matthijs, Bankuei, Dev, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, clehrich.

1/19/2005 Bob Goat: Google Print
Hey, Paul brought this up a while ago in this thread concerning Google Print. I finally have some progress to report. So after months and months of waiting it seems…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat.

1/19/2005 kenjib: Use of public domain art revisited - Bridgeman vs. Corel
There was a thread on using public domain artwork almost a year ago: I have found some more information on this (a google search will turn up many other…
In Publishing
Participants: kenjib, jdagna, Veritas Games.

1/19/2005 Rayston: Buying Art?
First of all let me apologize if this question has already been asked, I looked around and could not find it. Is there any sort of boilerplate legal form for…
In Publishing
Participants: Rayston, Grand_Commander13, jdagna, jblittlefield, Ampere, abzu, Veritas Games, KeithBVaughn, Bardsandsages.

1/18/2005 rpghost: GenCon 2005
I hope I'll be forgiven for this message being self-serving, but I think it's important that maybe we all work together (not just RPGNow vendors)... I posted this message at…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo.

1/17/2005 hr_bill: Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting.
Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting. Currently I need to move my hosting to more stable and high-speed provider. After some research I selected top three most…
In Publishing
Participants: hr_bill, Brendan, MisterPoppet, Grand_Commander13, Del, NeuroZombie, Mernya, Ron Edwards.

1/13/2005 greyorm: [ORX] Font Needed
Heya all, Orx is finally being finished: I'm dropping about a chapter worth of "extras" from it that I do not have the time to finish writing up and editing…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Selene Tan, zephyr_cirrus, Paul Czege, Shreyas Sampat, ethan_greer, Nathan P., Jack Aidley.

1/11/2005 daMoose_Neo: PDF converters- what works?
I'm having issues up the wazoo with the PDF converter PDF995 and trying to properly align my card images on business card sheets. The original Word document is perfect, dead…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., xenopulse, Clay, Trevis Martin.

1/8/2005 Dev: The right kind of "try-before-you-buy" for product
"Quickstart PDFs" are one way of letting people have a look at the system (and possibly giving it a play through) before buying it. Another option could be releasing some…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, chadu.

1/8/2005 Yokiboy: Sell Your Games
[url=][b]An'er wants us to sell him on indies.[/b][/url] TTFN, Yokiboy
In Publishing
Participants: Yokiboy.

1/8/2005 matthijs: Note on pdf piracy
In other threads, it's been mentioned that one reason for companies not to sell pdf's is that they're afraid of piracy. Now, I've seen some of what you can find…
In Publishing
Participants: matthijs, daMoose_Neo, Yokiboy, Tav_Behemoth, Brendan, Bob Goat, jerry, greedo1379, Rorimack, Ben Lehman, philreed, Vaxalon.

1/7/2005 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign: Schrodinger's War] So we need a website...
The latest page of the mechanics thread has starting going into the fact that this project is starting to need its own website -- an issue of such importance I…
In Publishing
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Trevis Martin, jerry, daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff, Tobias, Andrew Morris.

1/7/2005 philreed: Sites to sell PDFs . . .
I'd like to expand to selling at other sites. Can anyone suggest PDF sales sites that are fair, easy to work with, and worth the time/effort?
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Solly Brown, ethan_greer, M Jason Parent, JimLotFP.

1/6/2005 Dev: PDF Publishing Wishlist
I started this thread to share (and gather) some "wishes" that I had for PDF products, and I'd like both some additional request, and also responses to how these are/aren't…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, madelf, JimLotFP, Yokiboy, Ed Cha, klapton, rpghost, axonrg, Tav_Behemoth.

1/6/2005 Space Cowboy: Do PDF sales undercut Print sales? If so, to what extent?
Hey all, A friend recently stated his belief that PDF sales of an RPG undercut Print sales of the selfsame product. I'm not certain if this can be proved, but…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Dev, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, GregS, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Trevis Martin, madelf, Bankuei, Tav_Behemoth, sbroadbentcom, Yokiboy, efindel, rpghost.

1/6/2005 Tav_Behemoth: Rights: New Writers, Old Product Line, Not Work-for-Hire
This is a continuation of issues raised in The world (of rights) is a complicated place, but in the time I've been questing for a response, that thread has slipped…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, madelf.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

1/25/2005 Astrivian: WindSpeaker: pdf v. print
I am wondering if anyone has experimented with pdf publishing using the newer versions of Adobe Acrobat (version 7)? Some ideas i had for my ongoing, creeping, self-publication of WindSpeaker…
In Publishing
Participants: Astrivian, madelf.

1/25/2005 daMoose_Neo: PDF Production and the Card Game
Ahkay, as some know I'm working to convert my trading card game Final Twilight to PDF. As some others may know as well, I'm also working out an RPG that…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Andrew Morris, Veritas Games.

1/27/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: New version of "How to Publish Your RPG" essay
Long ago, I wrote an essay on how to publish your own RPG. You can find the old version of it in the Forge Articles section or in the back…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Trevis Martin, abzu, bcook1971, Tzu-Theory, hix, MisterPoppet, Space Cowboy, Bob Goat, Andy Kitkowski, Domhnall.

1/30/2005 J. Campbell: d20 Appendix in a non-d20 Game
Let's say you're picking up a game book which uses an original system. It's well written, it has a lot of perks, but in the back of the book is…
In Publishing
Participants: J. Campbell, ffilz, M. J. Young, Noon, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, clehrich, Tav_Behemoth, Valamir, Veritas Games, Scrubilicous, groundhog, Bardsandsages.

1/31/2005 signoftheserpent: Whatever happened to Danger Patrol rpg
the pulp SF game. I notice that the eponymous website got heartily hacked. :(
In Publishing
Participants: signoftheserpent, Matt Wilson.

1/31/2005 Vaxalon: D20 not selling as well as original systems? [split]
This topic is split from "D20 appendix in a non D20 book". From what I hear, D20 books are selling less well than original systems (assuming publishers of the same…
In Publishing
Participants: Vaxalon, mearls, jdagna, Tav_Behemoth, Tzu-Theory.

1/31/2005 Christopher Davies: Stock Wanted By Independent RPG Distributor
Twisted Chronicles is a new independent distributor of Role-Play Games, as well as distributing award winning games it also produces its own gaming line Gothic Society, we are currently looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Davies, Vaxalon, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, smokewolf, jdagna, Del.

2/1/2005 etherworld: Looking for some feedback (Unearth preview)
Hello, I recently posted a PDF preview for my upcoming gameworld Unearth: The Dark Future and would love some feedback. Please head over to and download the free preview.…
In Publishing
Participants: etherworld, GregS, Space Cowboy, Tav_Behemoth.

2/3/2005 Bob Goat: Google Print, Now Working
So some time ago I submitted my book to Google Print and now it is finally up and out there. It will be interesting to see what the results are…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, rabideldar, Tav_Behemoth.

2/4/2005 Andrew Morris: PDF Piracy Revisited
After reading this thread on .pdf piracy issues and why indie games don't seem to be as prevalent on filesharing networks, the issue's been on my mind. While I agree…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, TonyLB, Paganini, jdagna, inthisstyle, greedo1379, clehrich, Tav_Behemoth.

2/5/2005 Tav_Behemoth: Books Sold with a Free PDF
This is the beginning of a list of games for which a free PDF is provided to buyers of the print edition: A Swarm of Stirges (Masters and Minions Horde…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Michael S. Miller, Jared A. Sorensen, Veritas Games, smokewolf, posterboy, Bob Goat, Paul Czege.

2/7/2005 tzunder: Open source methods (split)
A man after my own heart! I uninstalled Microosoft Office a fortnight (14 days) ago and have been flying OO alone ever since! For our Gwenthia project we have been…
In Publishing
Participants: tzunder, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/7/2005 GregS: My Report (One Monkey's Experience)
So I've been promising a report on my experience for weeks but, due to some initial irregularities, I wanted to get a second copy in my grubby little paws…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, Bob Goat, greedo1379, komejo, Space Cowboy, Del, Scrubilicous.

2/11/2005 Bob Goat: Poster Printing
So I want to print up this bad ass poster I worked up, but dunno where to get this done. I was thinking something with grommits so that it can…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, timfire, Paul Czege, jdagna, Thor.

2/11/2005 jbskaggs: Fantasy E-xine looking for small adventure modules
HI Im an editor for a small fantasy/horror ezine. I was wondering if any one here has written mini- or small adventure modules for open gaming licenses (such as D20,etc)…
In Publishing
Participants: jbskaggs.

2/13/2005 coxcomb: Does anyone ever have reliable stats about the "industr
So I regularly read the news at Hero Games, and recently they announced that they are tightening belts for the future. Among the usual reasons they cite the general downturn…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, b_bankhead, Tav_Behemoth, Vaxalon, MisterPoppet, ffilz.

2/14/2005 GregS: The GAMA Trade Show from a Freelancer's Perspective
With GTS just around the corner I've been heavily weighing the idea of going as a Freelancer (as both a mechanics content and fiction writer). The problem is I'm totally…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, philreed, Paul Czege, balrog21.

2/15/2005 Space Cowboy: Trading Links for grassroots marketing
Hey all, On the “History of Sorcerer as an Indie Game” (, one thing that Ron Edwards suggests for would-be publishers is to trade links with other independent games. For…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy.

2/17/2005 Ampere: Getting material reviewed/ PR/ Advert
I looked this one up and didn't see anything in current history goes. Lets say I have a game product (or a few) which are completed and up for…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampere, TonyLB, abzu, Michael S. Miller, Bardsandsages.

2/17/2005 Ampere: Advertising revisited
This is really separate from the previous PR kind of inquiry. Advertising. The con season is coming up and we want to make a splash. Maybe stickers, T-Shirts, flyers... Any…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampere, TonyLB.

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