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In Publishing

8/25/2005 Joshua BishopRoby: We Need a Term
We need a term (or do we already have a term?) for all of these compact little roleplaying games that come out to nothing more than a few pages.  They're…
In Publishing
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Graham Walmsley, Jasper, Jeph, Addix, Heraldic Game Design, rickr, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, Eero Tuovinen, timfire, TonyLB, KeithBVaughn, Miskatonic.

8/24/2005 darkgar: My Experiences with Infinity Publishing and SBRPG
Well, my RPG, SBRPG, is finally out, after 5 long years of writing, testing, and proofing.  I orginally wanted to go with a more upsacale PoD printer, such as Xlibris. …
In Publishing
Participants: darkgar, Joshua BishopRoby, TonyLB.

8/23/2005 Clay: Publishing Tool Available
Thought I'd drop a note that I've got a tool available that might be useful for people needing to get a web site up quickly at  CeaMuS is a…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay.

8/22/2005 danifer: I want to purchase and publish an RPG
Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'd like to get in touch with someone who wants to sell a complete, polished roleplaying game that can be part of the initial launch…
In Publishing
Participants: danifer, philreed, GregStolze, Paul Czege, LloydBrown, Nathan P., greyorm.

8/18/2005 GB Steve: Diana Jones Awards - Ticket to Ride wins!
Once again, John Kovalic is quicker with the news than the official website: Congratulations to Ticket to Ride, commiserations to Code of Unaris and Dogs in the Vineyard. Just…
In Publishing
Participants: GB Steve, Miskatonic, Old_Scratch.

8/17/2005 LloydBrown: How much do you make?
Well, not so tactlessly, but Ron made this claim Most of the people who publish using the advice/aid from this site end up making substantial money. and I have…
In Publishing
Participants: LloydBrown, guildofblades, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, chadu, TonyLB, inthisstyle, MatrixGamer, Blankshield, abzu, John Harper, Paul Czege, Justin D. Jacobson, smokewolf.

8/16/2005 Andrew Morris: Why WOULDN'T you publish a print version?
I know there are at least a few publishers out there who are either sell PDFs exclusively, or only offer certain products in PDF. My question is why? When there…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, John Harper, GreatWolf, Jake Richmond, M Jason Parent, PlotDevice, Nathan P..

8/15/2005 hix: Perception of non .com domain names?
I want to set up a website to sell RPG pdfs. Now, the .com domain name I want seems to have been registered*. So I'm wondering if international customers are…
In Publishing
Participants: hix, MikeSands, Joshua BishopRoby, Adam Dray, jdagna, demiurgeastaroth, Addix, Andrew Morris.

8/15/2005 lumpley: We're Onto Something
This weekend I happened to have Under the Bed, The Mountain Witch, Polaris, and Breaking the Ice all at my house. They look good. They don't look like anything I've…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Andrew Morris, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Ron Edwards.

8/15/2005 guildofblades: Virtual Distributorship. Idea...
Hi Everyone, This is a topic I have tossed out for discussion on a indie board game group I am a member of. I thought I would toss it up…
In Publishing
Participants: guildofblades, MatrixGamer, Gaerik, jdagna, Joshua BishopRoby.

8/12/2005 Miskatonic: Freelancing? People still do that?
So there's a column over at about freelance authoring: Up front, I want to say: This is not a bash on thread. Ain't nobody go putting down…
In Publishing
Participants: Miskatonic, Technocrat13, TonyLB, Adam Dray, Paul Czege, Addix, jdagna, greyorm, Adam, mearls, Paka, Joshua BishopRoby, LloydBrown.

8/11/2005 Andrew Morris: POD printer round up
Well, I've been trying to put together a comprehensive list of POD printers out there, who has used them, and what their experiences have been. So far, here's all I've…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Matt Wilson, Addix, Veritas Games, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, abzu, xenopulse, philreed, jdagna, M Jason Parent, Erskin, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob Goat, Technocrat13, Polaris, smokewolf, JakeVanDam, Bardsandsages.

8/10/2005 GregStolze: The Ransom Model Strikes Again Spaaace! is free.  Let the good times roll. -G.
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Matt.

8/9/2005 Matt Snyder: Podcasts
I'm trying to figure out more about podcasts and how we might make use of them as indie publishers. FYI, podcasts are prety simple MP3 downloads. So, basically, just audio…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, rafial, Andrew Morris, jrs, Paka, Veritas Games, Denise.

8/8/2005 Resonantg: Publishing sans budget?
I have looked around and haven't found much in the way of referance on the Forge about this that answers directly to this topic.  Sometimes, we game designers are completely…
In Publishing
Participants: Resonantg, timfire.

8/8/2005 AlexGrim: What is the best company to get a RPG book printed from?
I have read a couple names already, but I was looking for a nice list with some pricing if  possible. I am sure there might be a thread with a…
In Publishing
Participants: AlexGrim, Polaris.

8/8/2005 sandmanx: [Grinder] So what makes a good indie website?
Greetings Gamers, I was noticing everybody had a website to go with their products.  What do you feel is important in a website?  I just started to build mine for…
In Publishing
Participants: sandmanx, Andrew Morris, Sifolis, Jack Aidley.

8/6/2005 cognis: To get a Name...
So the first playtests of the new game went well; people were happy, potentials were discussed, things were good. It seems I have a good multigenre game in the works.…
In Publishing
Participants: cognis, guildofblades, TonyLB.

8/6/2005 komradebob: Dust jackets on gamebooks?
Sorry, I just had a weird random thought: I've never seen a hardcover game book sold with a dustjacket. Does anyone have any examples of this being done? What are…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, Andrew Morris, matthijs, KeithBVaughn, Gordon C. Landis, Rorimack, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, timfire.

8/5/2005 sandmanx: The last lap? Final Chapter?
Information about game (So you know what I'm talking about.) Title: Grinder Genre:   Sci Fi Miniature Wargame Rules approx: 60 pages color cover, b/w artwork inside market:   pdf…
In Publishing
Participants: sandmanx, Sifolis, komradebob, timfire, LloydBrown, Addix.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

8/30/2005 btrc: Custom game components?
I just saw a mention of: Which is a service that makes custom LEGO pieces to your specifications. I have no use for such at the moment, but the…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc, M Jason Parent.

8/31/2005 Ron Edwards: Introducing a new contest
Hello, I always wanted the Indie Awards to be called the Andies. Ben just started up the Bennies on his blog. Coincidentally, right when he was talking about that beforehand,…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, M Jason Parent, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, PlotDevice, Andy Kitkowski, Wolfen, Gregor Hutton, Gordon C. Landis, Eric J..

9/3/2005 GreatWolf: Custom Card Deck
I'm mulling over some ideas in my head that would require a custom deck of cards.  I saw that Under the Bed went this route, so I know that it…
In Publishing
Participants: GreatWolf, Gordon C. Landis, Vaxalon, Erskin, Veritas Games, timfire, Bogie_71, daMoose_Neo, nikola.

9/4/2005 Dan R. Stevenson: What are the common mistakes of printing?
Can anyone clue me into common mistakes made by game companies that are ready to send material to a printer? Could anyone also tell me what to look out for…
In Publishing
Participants: Dan R. Stevenson, Ron Edwards, smokewolf, Jack Aidley, TonyLB, jdagna, xenopulse, Gregor Hutton, Joshua BishopRoby, btrc, nikola, GutboyBarrelhouse.

9/5/2005 GregStolze: Ransom Analysis... in Spaaace!
It's pretty much what it says in the title.  I finally got around to analyzing and posting the data and my conclusions on the latest Ransom model publication, the game…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze.

9/5/2005 TonyLB: Cold-contacting game stores
I have two nice gaming stores in my extended travel range.  They're certainly not close enough for me to drop by on a whim (about an hour travel to either),…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, smokewolf, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, daMoose_Neo, MatrixGamer, LloydBrown, guildofblades, HinterWelt.

9/7/2005 MisterPoppet: Pamphlet RPG's
The other day at work my friend (who is both my co-worker and fellow role-player) approached me about an idea he had. He knew I had been working on RPG…
In Publishing
Participants: MisterPoppet, Paul Czege, Jasper, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, jdagna, HinterWelt.

9/7/2005 Certified: [Dead Inside] Advertising (split)
I would like to return to this post. Now that it’s been several months have you noticed an any increase in overall website traffic since the S*P ad ran? Also,…
In Publishing
Participants: Certified, chadu, Ron Edwards.

9/8/2005 Andrew Morris: Problems making a PDF using OpenOffice
This is a pretty simple question, but I couldn't seem to find the answer anywhere, either on the Forge or online. I have a game that is nearing the playtest…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Chris Goodwin, Joshua BishopRoby, rrr.

9/9/2005 Ron Edwards: Frustrating artist website
Hello, This is a very specific question. I found an awesome picture on an artist's website gallery. Not only would I like to use this picture for an Adept Press…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, jasonm, Jack Aidley, Joshua BishopRoby, greyorm, Paul Czege, Certified, madelf, Adam.

9/9/2005 Frank T: [Ronnies] Help me out a little on colloquial English
Allright, I'm doing my own entry for the Ronnies. I can't help it. It will be my first design in English, and I try to do it in English from…
In Publishing
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards.

9/10/2005 preludetotheend: Novel/supplement.
I was wondering if any one has heard of some one writing a novel to support a game setting and then in the back of the novel adding source material…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, jdagna, Bob Goat, Polaris, daMoose_Neo, Andrew Morris, LloydBrown, Joshua BishopRoby, Paka, Clay, Bardsandsages, pells.

9/16/2005 Palaskar: [Signature] Need quick a "tagline"
Ok, this may not be the correct place to ask for it, but I couldn't think of a better place. I'm basically done with my generic RPG, Signature -- but…
In Publishing
Participants: Palaskar, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards.

9/19/2005 natman: ammature game\ first draft Deadworld
Okay, I've finnished my first draft of an ammature game for my friends, but I'm wondering if I should try to take it to the next level.  Here is a…
In Publishing
Participants: natman, matthijs, Ron Edwards, jerry, abzu.

9/21/2005 coffeestain: LGS would like to start carrying indie games
Hello, After a few months of fighting the good fight at my local game store, Pegasus Games in Madison, WI, they've decided they'd really like to start an indie game…
In Publishing
Participants: coffeestain, abzu, Paul Czege, guildofblades.

9/21/2005 Shreyas Sampat: Usability of Wiki-published Games?
[url=]This[/url] may be a good thread to refer to first. Anyway, with the help of the excellent Thomas Robertson, I've published a [i]Torchbearer[/i] [url=]ruleset-as-wiki[/url], and I am curious about whether…
In Publishing
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Bob Goat, Joshua BishopRoby, Paul Czege, Vaxalon.

9/22/2005 GregStolze: Gamers Kidnap President -- for Charity
Those of you who've followed the successes of the Ransom model (the funding mode for Meatbot Massacre and Spaaace! may be interested to know that a new game's in…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Bardsandsages, xenopulse, chadu, Andrew Morris, Paka.

9/22/2005 Nathan P.: CDs as placeholders...
So it looks like I'm not going to be getting my hard copies of Timestream in time for Southern Exposure - live and learn. So here's my plan. Anyone who…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Paul Czege, Shreyas Sampat, ukgpublishing, Graham Walmsley.

9/25/2005 Denise: Please help me improve the ENnies
Hey gals'n'guys! I'm going to open up the ENnies for submissions year-round in the hopes of reducing the stress levels of the judges, and make submitting product easier on the…
In Publishing
Participants: Denise, abzu, TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, Justin D. Jacobson.

9/26/2005 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies] The winners for September
Hello, This thread announces the winners and presents general categories and thoughts about all the entries. Specific threads on all the games (except one, see below) will be coming…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Peter Nordstrand, Ben Lehman, Frank T, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Troy_Costisick, GreatWolf, PrzeSzkoda, Graham Walmsley, talysman, sirogit, tygertyger, Paul Czege, rrr, Arturo G..

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