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In Publishing

7/25/2006 slade the sniper: Finishing Touches on a new Game (well now what?)
[color=Blue][u][b]BLUF[/b]: [/u] I need art and advice on completing a game that is 75% to 90% done, but no art and no strategy for distribution or a final plan on…
In Publishing
Participants: slade the sniper, daMoose_Neo, Nathan P., btrc, abzu, Valamir, MatrixGamer.

7/24/2006 Revontuli: Star Wreck Roleplaying Game
We're putting a Finnish roleplaying game out in English. It's based on the Star Wreck line of sci-fi parody movies, and will be published in August of this year. It's…
In Publishing
Participants: Revontuli, Ron Edwards.

7/23/2006 timfire: "Mexican Standoff" Print edition for GenCon
Having noticed my listing for "Mexican Standoff" in my product-list for GenCon, Guy Shalev asked: So it's now more than the one-page thingy which was posted on IPR? Not really---though…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, Emily Care.

7/23/2006 thwaak: Does (Book) Size Matter?
Hello All, Recently into the whole indie RPG thing, I perhaps went overboard and bought a ton of games (Burning Wheel, Capes, Cat, Don't Rest Your Head, The Mountain Witch,…
In Publishing
Participants: thwaak, andrew_kenrick, jasonm, timfire, Jake Richmond, Justin D. Jacobson, abzu, Valamir, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord, baron samedi, Zach, Steven Stewart.

7/23/2006 c: Getting design info from your website?
I was looking at my stats for my website, this morning, via a service called Awstats which is provided by my shared hosting company. I like to check from time…
In Publishing
Participants: c.

7/22/2006 Troy_Costisick: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft
Heya, I thought I'd post this here so that there's no confusion with the other thread in conventions.  Okay, here we go.  I've posted the first draft of the Menu…
In Publishing
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Iskander, c, Nathan P., Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, Valamir, Blankshield, abzu, timfire, Matt Wilson, jasonm, Paka, Justin D. Jacobson, Kevin Allen Jr, Thunder_God, joepub, Paul Czege, Matt, Malcolm, LordSmerf, Jonathan Walton, John Harper, Denise, Keith Senkowski, nikola, btrc, Matt Snyder, Thor Olavsrud, iago, Emily Care, lumpley.

7/21/2006 iconoplast: [FLGS] Getting Indie games stocked?
So, I downloaded the PDFs of two games written by posters here.  Read them, even played one.  Went to my game store, and asked them to order me a copy. …
In Publishing
Participants: iconoplast, TonyLB, Valamir, Nathan P., Paul Czege, Justin D. Jacobson, LloydBrown, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, Blankshield.

7/21/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] From Concept to Product
Crossposted from my blog. The story of Mortal Coil begins quite some time ago, back before I had published The Legend of Yore. In those days, we were playing a…
In Publishing
Participants: inthisstyle, jasonm, joewolz.

7/19/2006 jasonm: The Drowning and Falling Report
I wanted to share the specifics of our most recent game, Drowning and Falling, which will hit IPR in about a week.  The genesis of the game was an off-hand…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm.

7/19/2006 thwaak: What qualifies as Creator Owned?
Just a quick question about definitions. I'm currently writing a setting book for Savage Worlds by PEG. Under the agreement, I'm paid a lump sum, and retain all rights to…
In Publishing
Participants: thwaak, Joshua BishopRoby, Blankshield.

7/17/2006 timfire: Traditional Printing--Color
Hi everyone, As some of you may know or may have guessed, the color illustrations in The Mountain Witch are expensive to print with a POD printer. Lately I've been…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, Valamir, MatrixGamer, Matt Wilson, abzu, andrew_kenrick.

7/13/2006 Zach: [Layout] Character creation in the front of the book
Good day, Experience has taught me that it is poor idea to use a term in a book and then define it several chapters later. However after reading Truth and…
In Publishing
Participants: Zach, jerry, joepub, Czar Fnord, Mcrow, Certified, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/13/2006 jrs: Copyright resources
Earlier Ron mentioned his interest in a post that consolidates links to copyright resources, see Regarding copyright and intellectual property.  I've taken it upon myself to compile such a post…
In Publishing
Participants: jrs, Gaerik, Ben Lehman, axonrg, Tzu-Theory, Dosoga, Ron Edwards, Selene Tan.

7/11/2006 andrew_kenrick: The merits of fulfillment houses
I'm toying with the idea of signing up to Indie Press Revolution, but am wondering if it's worth it? I mean, we already do business with Key20, so would we…
In Publishing
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, timfire, Justin D. Jacobson, Thor Olavsrud, Nathan P..

7/9/2006 mindwanders: Is designing an RPG gateway game a bad plan?
I'm playing about with what path to follow for publishing/marketing my game. The principles all seem to be pretty simple and should be usable to people with no roleplaying experience.…
In Publishing
Participants: mindwanders, philreed, guildofblades, Justin D. Jacobson, komradebob, slade the sniper.

7/8/2006 sean2099: (art) taste in cover questions?
Hi all, I know that I have some work to do on Divinity before it gets published but I was browsing at and I found some images...(imagine that).  Anyway,…
In Publishing
Participants: sean2099, Clay, Thunder_God, Jake Richmond, baron samedi, c, Justin D. Jacobson, Ron Edwards.

7/8/2006 timfire: Kwaidan---companion fiction for tMW
Hi everyone, I'm putting together a companion book for The Mountain Witch---"Kwadain: Tales from Ghostly Japan". The will be a collection of traditional Japanese ghost stories, compiled from the books…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, jasonm, Thunder_God.

7/8/2006 copx: How much "inspiration" is legal?
Can I sell something if the mechanics are mostly taken from other (commercial) RPGs? The rules of my game are a crossbreed of WFRP 1st Edition, Inquisitor and my own…
In Publishing
Participants: copx, Kesher, Valamir, Bill Masek, jerry, Gasten, Veritas Games, Ron Edwards, baron samedi, Thunder_God, Justin D. Jacobson.

7/6/2006 preludetotheend: Low blow for Aegri Somnia Press
Recently I had agreed to work with an individual on a project I don't wish to disclose the details exactly I will pick up work on it some other time…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson.

7/5/2006 c: Small production methods for making cards.
So after reading this closed post about printing cards in small runs I thought some info I just gained from a card and board gaming buddy might be useful…
In Publishing
Participants: c, daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games, Adam SBG, Thomas D, andrew_kenrick, Tony Irwin.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

7/25/2006 slade the sniper: A few questions on overall design of a new game
Greetings, I have made my first post in the Connections area and have gotten quite a bit of useful feedback so far, but I am now on a different track.…
In Publishing
Participants: slade the sniper, Willow, MatrixGamer, Selene Tan, Jake Richmond.

7/26/2006 thwaak: Hard Choices
Would you rather... a) Get paid upon printing (for the purpose of this question, assume anywhere between one and three thousand dollars) and have someone else worry about production, warehousing,…
In Publishing
Participants: thwaak, andrew_kenrick, lumpley, Justin D. Jacobson, MatrixGamer, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards.

7/28/2006 Gregor Hutton: Best Friends released
Back in March Joe Prince released Contenders, the first Ronnies game to be published, and now I've got Best Friends for sale as a PDF. The print copy, fingers crossed,…
In Publishing
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Dantai.

7/31/2006 Zach: [Intergalactic Cooking Challenge] Published! What next?
Written by Zach Welhouse and illustrated by Pauli Kohberger and Mika Peterson, Intergalactic Cooking Challenge is the first concentrated effort to present the high-stakes world of futuristic cooking challenges in…
In Publishing
Participants: Zach, Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman.

8/1/2006 greyorm: Spot Colors and Printing with Lulu
Well, I've finally decided to take the plunge and get a print version of ORX set-up and ready for sale. And yes, those of you at Forge Midwest saw what…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Justin D. Jacobson, btrc, MatrixGamer, joepub, timfire, Nathan P..

8/1/2006 SilentScope: [Insurgency: The RPG] Published! What next?
A bit about the game first. Insurgency: The Game is a Roleplaying Game created by Silent. Players take on the role of Insurgent Commanders, leading a growing insurgency, uniting…
In Publishing
Participants: SilentScope, daMoose_Neo, abzu.

8/2/2006 Gordon C. Landis: [SNAP] Publication history, publication future
The design history of SNAP (a generic “system” to build & run Narish games) I can trace back to this May 2001 post, but the publication history . .…
In Publishing
Participants: Gordon C. Landis, MatrixGamer, Adam SBG.

8/3/2006 preludetotheend: Asian Publishers
A while back I remember a thread popping up about a person looking to print in asia but not sure if the cost was worth it. I have recently been…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Clinton R. Nixon.

8/3/2006 thwaak: Going from Mainstream to Independent?
Heya, There are plenty of games that started off as independent ventures and made the jump to mainstream publishing/success, but what of the reverse? Have any games started as being…
In Publishing
Participants: thwaak, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Gaerik, abzu, Kesher, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.

8/3/2006 komradebob: Other ways of rpg publishing?
Has anyone explored the idea of "publishing" a game as a magazine article/submission? I think Ryan ( Guildofblades) mentioned the idea in another thread a while back, although I don't…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, preludetotheend, Joshua BishopRoby, guildofblades, David Artman, Bardsandsages.

8/4/2006 KeithBVaughn: PDF size for downloading?
To the Group, My game Planets of Peril is close to done except for the artwork. As I plan on selling in PDF format first from online outlets, I need…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, Justin D. Jacobson, Joshua BishopRoby, MatrixGamer, Adam, timfire.

8/4/2006 daMoose_Neo: "Card" games and paper stock...
Forgive me, as this is something of a poll, but not a "iz this kewl or wat?" - I'm back at my experimental publishing of card games, again using my…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Thomas D, Veritas Games, Adam SBG, ocasta.

8/5/2006 Sovem: Profit in PDFs?
Wow, an entire forum for indie rpg publishing! First, lemme say, this is awesome. My wife and I have been trying to get into indie publishing for a long time…
In Publishing
Participants: Sovem, daMoose_Neo, timfire, Nathan P., Justin D. Jacobson, demiurgeastaroth, Gregor Hutton, guildofblades.

8/6/2006 Jasper: Getting a wide audience (nevermind the profit)
I'm at the point of deciding what the final, presented form of City of Birds will be (that is, how to "publish" it). Print? PDF? Creative Commons license...? First, though,…
In Publishing
Participants: Jasper.

8/7/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: News About RPI
I just got a letter from RPI and "Alphagraphics", and I know a lot of us around here have used them and intend to use them in the future. So…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, TonyLB, jasonm.

8/15/2006 John Harper: Agon (print version) now available!
My game of ancient Greek heroes, Agon, is now available in printed form, thanks to the good folks at You can order the book here. The game website has…
In Publishing
Participants: John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

8/15/2006 Andrew Morris: Unistat available online
A nice PDF of Unistat is now available online, thanks to the efforts of Remi Treuer, who was great to work with. The game fits on a single sheet of…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, RobNJ.

8/15/2006 DLChuck: Very impressed with the indie games at Gen Con
Hi guys.  I'm a new poster here, but I've lurked a bit bit before.  I run a gaming podcast called the Dragon's Landing Inn, and my Co-Host and I, along…
In Publishing
Participants: DLChuck, Ron Edwards, Denise.

8/16/2006 Denise: 2007 ENnie Awards
Just so you guys know, I'm going to be starting the voting for the coveted positions of ENnies judge some time in September.  To be a judge you need to…
In Publishing
Participants: Denise.

8/16/2006 Jake Richmond: Panty Explosion (print version) available now
For those of you who didn't run into me at Gencon, the print version of Panty Explosion is available now from our site at Atarashi Games. It's a very handsome…
In Publishing
Participants: Jake Richmond.

more subsequent topics >>