The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft
Started by: Troy_Costisick
Started on: 7/22/2006
Board: Publishing

On 7/22/2006 at 1:56pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft


I thought I'd post this here so that there's no confusion with the other thread in conventions.  Okay, here we go.  I've posted the first draft of the Menu at: Go check it out if you have a game you will be selling at the Forge booth this year at GenCon.  Inform me here, in this thread, about any mistakes or changes that need to be addressed, and I'm sure there'll be plenty.  That's okay.

Now let me explain some of my rationale for this thing.  First, the games are listed in two columns because I wanted this to actually look something like a menu.  When you get it, I recommend folding it in half.  That means, Luke or whoever he puts in charge of bringing it, should probably print off a dozen or so on cardstock and have them laminated.  That's what I would have done had I been able to attend.  Second, there are only five games that received graphics on the menu.  Two reasons: first, there's not much room left and second, Adept Press, Burning Wheel, Lumpley Games, Timefire Games, and Blue Devil Games are the ones who put up the big bucks to secure the booth.  Therefore, they get should get special consideration.  I'm not going to listed to objections to that unless they come from Ron or Luke.  Third, I put the Forge logo in the background cause that's where we all came from.  It's where we got to know each other and how this whole booth thing got started.  So I felt it deserved some recognition.  Ron, if you don't like it, let me know.  Fourth, I chose to put genre on the menu because if you're giving this to a person to look at, "genre" is the easiest way to convey a lot of information in the smallest amount of space IMO.  If the person is into Supers or Scifi, he can quickly locate the games that might interest him/her and say, "Show me this."  Finally, there are some games on here people have told me they're selling but not how much they cost (notably those from lumpley games).  Please get me that information ASAP. I'd like to have this done by Monday.

Thanks for all your support and feedback.



Message 20525#213681

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On 7/22/2006 at 2:22pm, Iskander wrote:
Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Hey, Troy, neat stuff!

Some thoughts (and I apologise for my nitpicking disease; it's unhealthy, I know):

- Lose the title/genre/MSRP headings, they're redundant.
- Lose the 00 cents from the prices, they make them harder to read, and it's not worth it for the one $44.95 entry. (Brennan - are we really going to be pissing about with the nickels? Oy.)
- Lose the "GenCon Indianapolis, best four blah blah". If they don't know where they are, they have bigger problems than knowing how much the games cost. Besides, we can use the space.
- The Forge logo doesn't render correctly in the PDF I see - the 'e' of Forge is truncated. Also, it makes some books hard to read.
- subheading: Burnign wheel should be Burning
- Sci-fi or Sci-Fi, pick one.
- Carry's genre is Veitnam, which should be either Vietnam, or more generally "War"
- Dawning Star: Heilos Helios Rising should be just "Helios Rising".
- I would abbreviate Conspiracy of Shadows Companion to "CoS Companion", it's right beneath the full CoS, so it should be obvious (in general, the line breaks in titles are sub-optimal)
- I would peg CoS as horror/fantasy myself.
- DitV is a Western?!
- Timestream's genre should probably be "Time Travel" - in general, I think you can afford less of a column gutter, and more space for the info

If you want to hand this Sisyphean task over to someone who will be attending the con, I will happily take it on. I think it would be useful to have the menu in two formats: one, like this (perhaps with images and sponsorship messages on the reverse), for littering around the booth, the other a 1/2-letter size folded to a quarter, for the 40-odd booth staff to have in their pockets.

- Alexander

Message 20525#213684

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On 7/22/2006 at 2:42pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

• At the top, Burning Wheel is misspelled.
• A|state and Kill Puppies for Satan are not properly capitalized.
• Vietnam is misspelled for Carry's genre listing.
• I also can't see most of the E in the Forge graphic also.
• The Forge graphic and the pictures on the bottom are fairly badly pixelated. This makes it hard to read some of the game titles on the bottom, and I imagine that will only get worse with printing. This may not be an issue as they are already listed above the pictures.

Besides those minor quibbles, I think it looks great, and I plan to print it out so I can make sure to demo the games I'm not already familiar with.

Message 20525#213686

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On 7/22/2006 at 2:45pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Clyde wrote: A|state and Kill Puppies for Satan are not properly capitalized.

Funnily enough, they are correctly capitalised in the PDF - both of them use lower case.

Message 20525#213687

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On 7/22/2006 at 2:50pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Carry's proper title is

carry. a game about war.

Leave the genre as "Vietnam," please.

Ditto on the Forge "e" being cut off. I agree that you can leave the 00's off of the prices. If you kill the headers and take off the 00s and bring the center white space in a bit, I bet you would have room to put in a sentence or two about the Games On Demand thing.

Message 20525#213688

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On 7/22/2006 at 2:55pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Iskander wrote:

Funnily enough, they are correctly capitalised in the PDF - both of them use lower case.

*chuckles and scratches head*

You mean they are properly improperly capitalized and this improperness is proper by design? It's not quite a tongue twister, but was definitely fun to write.

Message 20525#213690

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On 7/22/2006 at 3:02pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I sent an e-mail to you this week, Troy, but you must not have got it. I have two games not on here:

The Princes' Kingdom - fantasy, children, war: $20
Donjon - fantasy, humor: $15

Lastly, The Shadow of Yesterday is $25.

I also want to reiterate Alexander's offer - I would be more than willing to make this happen. I could lay it out in a smaller fashion without much trouble.

Message 20525#213691

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On 7/22/2006 at 3:16pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft


Keep the corrections coming.  I've made most of the ones that have been suggested here.  Clinton, I didn't get that email so I'm glad you mentioned it here.  That's strange, but oh well.  Anyway, if someone gets ahold of Vincent, let him know I need his prices.  Thanks guys! :)



Message 20525#213692

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On 7/22/2006 at 3:18pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Oh, and I want to add that I have no idea why the Forge logo didn't appear correctly in the pdf.  It's in color and complete on my raw pagemaker document.  /shruggs.



Message 20525#213693

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On 7/22/2006 at 3:51pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Polaris will be selling for $20 at the con.  I also recommend dropping the "genre" heading -- it's a little silly and I've never been totally happy with the idea of our games having genres.  More than one is unclassifiable.

Pure peanut gallering:  Consider making a double-sided flyer and folding it like an honest-to-goodness resturaunt take-out menu.  That will not only give you more space but it will be kinda cool and thematic.


Message 20525#213696

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On 7/22/2006 at 4:22pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Nobody else has mentioned this, but I'd REALLY like to  see the publisher name on the menu...Publisher and Author would be of course perfect...but probably too much space.  Others may prefer author, but my vote would be for Publisher...or it could be owners choice.

In an ideal world, a webpage for each would be SUPER so that the menu has some usefulness to the customers even after GenCon.  I think this may be important enough to rethink the layout for if it can be fit without rendering the menu unreadable.

A booth version for the Monkeys that identified who the primary contact / demoers for the game is would be vital...that way I wouldn't have to shout around in the booth "who can take about game X"

I think I recognize some of the names as being d20 titles (like Poisoncraft).  That would probably be more useful as the "genre" than "Fantasy'

Message 20525#213698

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On 7/22/2006 at 5:27pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Nice work, Troy, but I gotta agree with Ben about the genres.  I would drop that column and replace it with publisher and/or author.

However, I'm not the one writing the damn thing, so feel free to ignore me.  Anyone got a clue what genre Death's Door "is"?



Message 20525#213704

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On 7/22/2006 at 6:28pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Ben wrote:
Polaris will be selling for $20 at the con.  I also recommend dropping the "genre" heading -- it's a little silly and I've never been totally happy with the idea of our games having genres.  More than one is unclassifiable.

Pure peanut gallering:  Consider making a double-sided flyer and folding it like an honest-to-goodness resturaunt take-out menu.  That will not only give you more space but it will be kinda cool and thematic.


Excellent of you to volunteer to z-fold the menus, Ben. You are a stand up guy. I'll have them ready for you on Wednesday evening.


Message 20525#213708

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On 7/22/2006 at 7:05pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Heya Guys,

Excellent feedback.  I've made all the corrections to name, price, and genre that you've asked for.  I still can't figure out why the Forge logo isn't transfering properly.  Anyway.

In an ideal world, a webpage for each would be SUPER so that the menu has some usefulness to the customers even after GenCon.  I think this may be important enough to rethink the layout for if it can be fit without rendering the menu unreadable.

A booth version for the Monkeys that identified who the primary contact / demoers for the game is would be vital...that way I wouldn't have to shout around in the booth "who can take about game X"

This would be great for next year, I think.  It would take a lot of time and development to get a menu of that caliber and coordination.  But I totally agree that a menu w/websites, contact info, company names, authors, and even a little blurb would be a killer good piece of sales literature. 

Okay, I've handed this bad boy off to Clinton for the finishing touches since he has way, way more experience in layout than I do.  If you send me an update on your game, be sure to send it to him as well.  I wish I could have done more for you guys.



Message 20525#213711

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On 7/22/2006 at 8:19pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

So is the Menu "done"? 'Cause I also think having the publisher name is more important than genre, not that genre shouldn't be on it. Actually, I would like to see the games listed by publisher, rather than one long alphabetical list. I would also expand it to double-sided, to give it a little more room.

But if it's "done", oh well, it's fine enough as is.

Also, how many copies of this thing are we making? I would be willing to *help* fold it if Clinton or Troy was going to re-format it more like an actual menu. (Actually, I would also be willing to re-lay it out myself, if y'all don't mind a simple layout.)

Message 20525#213713

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On 7/23/2006 at 1:04am, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I think it would be keen if Primetime Adventures were on the menu, please. $20.

And I'll add to the vote for ditching the 'genre' bit.

I like having column headings, though.

Message 20525#213724

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On 7/23/2006 at 1:29pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Hey, late to the game.

Clinton/Troy et al,

Can The Shab-al-Hiri Roach be listed as Dark Humor rather than Horror?  If it's too late, I'll live. 

Message 20525#213743

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On 7/23/2006 at 1:47pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

abzu wrote:

Excellent of you to volunteer to z-fold the menus, Ben. You are a stand up guy. I'll have them ready for you on Wednesday evening.


Have'em ready for me Wednesday afternoon* and I'll do what I can.  Anyone else want to help fold?


* Pending that Troy/Clinton actually use that layout.

Message 20525#213745

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On 7/23/2006 at 1:55pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Hey, folks, I've taken on the menu, and will have another draft up, later today. (Thanks much to Troy for his work!) Some changes:

In consultation with Luke, I've taken the menu in two directions, because we have two design goals with the document:

First, and easiest, is to have a quick reference sheet for booth staff to tell punters how much the wonderful games on offer cost. This is a purely functional document, in two columns, alphabetical by book. We'll need at least 50 of these; I can laminate some. (40+ monkeys, and some spares).

Second, is the menu - a marketing handout for the booth. This is a 3 column layout, by alphabetical by publisher and book, with URLs for purchasing or perusing at leisure, with the expectation that reluctant punters can wander off with one of these and plan their shopping away from us. I have the time (and lack of employment) to make this a double-sided affair for tri-fold goodness, but it will take a bit longer, natch. So, paper-cuts all 'round on Wednesday, then?

Also: genres are gone, so no need to attempt to pigeonhole the unclassifiable.

Some things I am currently missing (I'll update and re-post the information wanted as it changes):

- Prices for lumpley games. (Also, is 1001 Nights being sold under the lumpley imprint?)
- Anything for Half Meme Press (which makes my puppy cry)
- Anything (except from Tim) that was sent directly to Luke or Clinton. You can re-send to me by PM here. (Tim, I have your updates)


Message 20525#213746

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On 7/23/2006 at 2:04pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Ben wrote:

Have'em ready for me Wednesday afternoon* and I'll do what I can.  Anyone else want to help fold?


* Pending that Troy/Clinton actually use that layout.

I will help with the folding.

Message 20525#213747

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On 7/23/2006 at 2:14pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I'll help with the folding. Will this be done at the booth or one of our hotel rooms?

Message 20525#213749

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On 7/23/2006 at 2:18pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Almost forgot: If it's not too late, you can update the prices for my products:

Shadow Falling $12
DS: Operation Quick Launch $29
DS: Helios Rising $44

For SF and OQL, those prices are rounded up from cover price when the should be rounded down. I'd rather cut a break on convention sales than screw people out of an extra nickel.

And, as one last bit of advice, I'd lose the Forge watermark. I like the idea, but in the end it just makes something that supposed to serve as a handy reference harder to read.

Message 20525#213751

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On 7/23/2006 at 2:19pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Oops. And Poisoncraft should be $16.

Message 20525#213752

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On 7/23/2006 at 2:33pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Stuff I Am Missing
Price: 1001 nights (also, please confirm publisher)
Price: kill puppies for satan
Price: Mechaton
Price: Shooting the Moon
Publisher: Box Ninja
Publisher: Brick Battles
Publisher: Contenders
Publisher: Covenant - is that Realms Publishing?
Publisher: Death's Door
Publisher: Dictionary of Mu
Publisher: Primitive
Capes: will Click-and-Lock binders be available at Gencon?

Games I Thought I Would See And Don't, But I May Be Being Stupid
Bliss Stage
Burning Empires
Cold City
Drowning and Falling
Dust Devils
Holmes and Watson
Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan!
Over The Bar (5th Edition)
Push: New Thinking in Roleplaying #1
Seadog Tuxedo
Shock: Social Science Fiction
The Drifter's Escape

I'm sure some of the latter are delayed, or not for sale at the booth, or whatever... publishers, let me know what's up, please!

Justin - noted, thanks.

Message 20525#213754

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On 7/23/2006 at 3:10pm, Kevin Allen Jr wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

If'n were folding these things at the con I both volunteer to help and i'll bring a few bone folders w/ me, they cut the folding time like in half and you don't get paper cuts and you get cleaner edges.

Primitive's publisher is "Kevin Allen Jr. Design"
and i've bumped the cost up to an even $10. It'll be easier to make change and if you were going to buy it for 9 you'll buy it for 10.


z fold is the way to go, that'll look real nice.

Message 20525#213755

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On 7/23/2006 at 3:45pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Contenders is published by Prince of Darkness Games.
Drowning and Falling won't get sold at the Forge Booth, only at the IPR/Lulu Section.

Message 20525#213759

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On 7/23/2006 at 3:46pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Oh yeah, Cuttthroat, Holmes and Watson and Hierarchy are Troy's works, and he won't be able to make it to GenCon, so they're off too.

Message 20525#213760

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On 7/23/2006 at 4:13pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Stuff I Am Missing
Price: 1001 nights (also, please confirm publisher)
Price: kill puppies for satan
Price: Mechaton
Price: Shooting the Moon
Publisher: Box Ninja
Publisher: Mexican Standoff
Capes: will Click-and-Lock binders be available at Gencon?
URLs: if you do not sell through IPR, where do you sell online?

Games I Thought I Would See And Don't, But I May Be Being Stupid
Bliss Stage
Burning Empires
Cold City
The Drifter's Escape
Dust Devils
Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan!
Over The Bar (5th Edition)
Seadog Tuxedo
Shock: Social Science Fiction

Publishing Info I took from this old thread
Please check:
Publisher: Brick Battles
Publisher: Contenders
Publisher: Death's Door

This is the latest draft. Page 1 is the quick reference for Staff. Pages 2 and 3 are the menu, to be Z-folded. This is, obviously, far from final - there's lots of information missing. For example, right now, I'm keeping almost all logos and other images out of the picture. The menu is the most up-to-date, and will be used to update the quick-ref meticulously, but not just yet. So for now, there's no need to point out discrepancies.


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 19778

Message 20525#213764

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On 7/23/2006 at 5:15pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Alexander --

Thanks for doing this.  I can save you some space: None of our games outside of Polaris are making it to the con this year.  So Polaris $20 is all you need.


Message 20525#213767

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On 7/23/2006 at 5:43pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

"Mexican Standoff" is me, Timfire Publishing.

Message 20525#213773

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On 7/23/2006 at 6:02pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

So it's now more than the one-page thingy which was posted on IPR?

Message 20525#213777

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On 7/23/2006 at 6:08pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Tim, Ben - got it, thanks.

I don't know what was posted on IPR - this is an evolution from Troy's fine work into two distinct things, yes.

Message 20525#213778

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On 7/23/2006 at 6:19pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I was referring to Mexican Stand-off, sorry for my lack of clarity and minor thread-jack.

Message 20525#213779

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On 7/23/2006 at 6:58pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

For the Booth Monkey version I still recommend putting the name of the primary person at the booth repping the game.

Ideally it would be great if all of the Booth Monkeys (the list I believe has been finalized at this point) could take this list identify what games they can run, what games they can rep and then this could be listed on the Monkey Menu so when someone wants to know about "game X" we know who to ask.

But if that's too big a project I would at least put the author/main representative on the list.


Message 20525#213782

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On 7/23/2006 at 9:19pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Thunder_God wrote:
So it's now more than the one-page thingy which was posted on IPR?... I was referring to Mexican Stand-off...

I'm offering a "print" edition, I've posted another thread about it: ["Mexican Standoff" Print edition for GenCon]

I also second Ralph's suggestion for the publisher/represenative name on the Quick-reference sheet. Labelling who can and can't demo a game is probably something we can work out in Indy on Wed.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 20541

Message 20525#213791

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On 7/23/2006 at 9:36pm, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft


I sent the info for Perfect (Inciteful Entertainment, by myself, Joe McDonald) in.

And I don't see it on the sheet.
What do I do to fix this?
Do you want me to send in a new set of info? To who?

Message 20525#213792

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On 7/24/2006 at 2:39am, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Joe - and anyone else with corrections - please send them to me by PM here at the Forge.


Message 20525#213802

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On 7/24/2006 at 3:20am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Product: My Life with Master
Company Name: Half Meme Press
Designer Name: Paul Czege
Game Genre: horror; relationships
Page Count: 64
Price: $13
Description: The life of a minion is a hard one. The horrific things you do make it difficult to feel good about yourself. If only someone loved you...

Product: Bacchanal
Company Name: Half Meme Press
Designer Name: Paul Czege
Game Genre: adult; debauchery; wine; Roman gods
Page Count: 12
Price: $4
Description: The irresistible madness of wine and gods

Product: Bacchanal dice
Company Name: Half Meme Press
Designer Name: Paul Czege
Game Genre: adult; debauchery; wine; Roman gods
Price: $20
Description: 48 gorgeous polyhedral dice to Bacchanal's exact requirements (enough for a six player game)

Message 20525#213804

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Paul Czege which Paul Czege participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 2:12pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

New draft of the menu is up.

Thanks to everyone who's posted corrections, updates and confirmations.

Ralph, I think your idea is good - it would be useful to know who can show off what. For now, though, I want to concentrate on getting these basic documents done. If there's sufficient time and resources, I will get names and email addresses of staff from Luke and start hassling people for the games they can demo. However, I know that many people are expecting to learn demos of new games at the con, so it may be less useful than simply making a conscious effort to learn who everyone is, what their games are, and what else they can demo.


Stuff I Am Missing
Price: 1001 nights (also, please confirm publisher)
Price: kill puppies for satan
Price: Mechaton
Price: Shooting the Moon
Price: Dust Devils (is the revision going to be at GenCon, Matt?)
Publisher: Box Ninja
Capes: will Click-and-Lock binders be available at Gencon?
GoD: table numbers and maybe hours?

Games I Thought I Would See And Don't, But I May Be Being Stupid
Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan!
Seadog Tuxedo
Shock: Social Science Fiction

Stuff EVERYONE Should Do Now
Please check what I have listed for your games minutely at this point. If there is a typo here, it will likely persist. Also, please double- and triple-check your URLs. Let me know of any typos (or confirm that I am neurotically flawless), either here or in PMs, as you prefer.

Message 20525#213843

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 2:31pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I assume you're aware of this, but you'll need to replace the "XXXX" in the Games on Demand section or rework the sentence.

[For the record, not that you asked but since I'm posting anyway, the information on my games is all correct.]

Message 20525#213848

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Justin D. Jacobson which Justin D. Jacobson participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 2:56pm, Matt wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I just noticed the url is wrong on for Realms, should be for the publishing side.


Message 20525#213858

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Matt which Matt participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 3:01pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft


You can take Standoff off your list.  I'll be attending my cousin's wedding that weekend, so I'll miss GenCon :(



Message 20525#213859

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Troy_Costisick which Troy_Costisick participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 3:05pm, Malcolm wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Could I just make a very minor request to have 'Contested Ground' altered to 'Contested Ground Studios'?

Much appreciated.


Message 20525#213864

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Malcolm which Malcolm participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 3:13pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

All duly noted - and confirmations are welcome, Justin!

- Alexander

Message 20525#213867

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 3:24pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Hey, the revised menu looks really fantastic - thanks for doing it.  Bully Pulpit Games info is correct.  Drowning and Falling will be on sale through IPR but as a n00b I only get to pimp one game, which is necessarily The Roach. 

Message 20525#213874

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...started by jasonm which jasonm participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 4:59pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Shock: Social Science Fiction will be there, but you have to ask Joshua how much he's selling it for.

Message 20525#213920

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by timfire which timfire participated Publishing
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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 6:00pm, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Just so you know, according to the current GenCon event schedule (updated April 24), all the Indie Games Explosion games are going to be in room 205.  The Games on Demand track has been given tables 7 and 8 in that room for the duration of the convention.  So you can get rid of those X's.


Message 20525#213943

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...started by LordSmerf which LordSmerf participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/24/2006 at 6:28pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Yeah, there's also Push: New Thinking About Roleplaying whose genre should probably be "journal/zine." It retails for $17.

Message 20525#213954

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jonathan Walton which Jonathan Walton participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/24/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 12:04am, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

New draft of the menu is up. (You may need to refresh your browser - I'm overwriting the PDF as I go. This version is using a b/w Forge logo.)

Thanks again to everyone who's posted corrections, updates and confirmations.

Jason - my understanding (and I am - as ever - ready for corrections) is that the menu is a list of what is on sale. The idea being that people may wander off with a z-folded menu and crucify their wallets online later. Games that can be demoed will be indicated with an asterisk - see the latest version for how that might look. Of course, indicating which is which will be tied to the next phase, which is getting a list of games that each monkey can demo.


Stuff I Am Missing
1001 nights - Price (also, please confirm publisher)
kill puppies for satan - Price
Mechaton - Price
Shooting the Moon - Price
Dust Devils - Price (is the revision going to be at GenCon, Matt?)
Shock: Social Science Fiction - Price
Drowning and Falling - Price

Games I Thought I Would See And Don't, But I May Be Being Stupid
Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan!
Seadog Tuxedo

Stuff EVERYONE Should Do Now
Please check what I have listed for your games minutely at this point. If there is a typo here, it will likely persist. Also, please double- and triple-check your URLs. Let me know of any typos (or confirm that I am neurotically flawless), either here or in PMs, as you prefer.

Message 20525#214083

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 12:43am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft design
Agon $20

Available for demo (I'll even have little demo flyer giveaway thingies)

Message 20525#214087

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by John Harper which John Harper participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 1:28am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

KKKKK and Seadog are casualies of the One Game Policy.  I might have limited numbers to sell to compadres, but it's not going to be for sale at the booth.

Message 20525#214090

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jonathan Walton which Jonathan Walton participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 1:31am, Denise wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Nice job.  I know some other typos/errors have been pointed out (Veitnam,kill puppies, Forge logo truncated, Operation Quick Launch should be on one line, etc) and suggestions made, so please bear with me for one more:

It's Gen Con, not GenCon.  They get cranky about such things.  (I should know, I had my wrist slapped for an inaccurate press release!)

By the way, were you guys aware of the new no flyer rule?

Message 20525#214091

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...started by Denise which Denise participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:31am, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Denise wrote:
By the way, were you guys aware of the new no flyer rule?

My understanding is that you can hand out flyers at the booth but not to random wandering convention goers. My understanding is that this menu is intended for the former.

Message 20525#214097

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...started by Justin D. Jacobson which Justin D. Jacobson participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:59am, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Thanks for the updates, all.

Denise - it sounds like you were looking at an older version of the menu: the current version doesn't mention Gen Con by name (yet - if it does, later, I'll be sure to get the name right!) Thanks, also, for reminding everyone that there are Gen Con policies, to which we - being good citizens - will all strive to conform. (Except possibly Keith: he's still acting out adolescent Pole fantasies.)

The Forge booth menu is intended as a reference for people who come to the booth, and would rather browse what is on offer at their leisure - perhaps online, even after the convention - than buy games then and there. Most of the small press and indie game designers represented at the booth are keen to have their games bought by people who will play them, so there's little perceived value in this community in the random distribution of marketing material. As a flyer, it would be a waste: the vast majority of Gen Con attendees are, alas, at the convention for other fare than that offered at the Forge booth. This document is really for those who have already drunk the Kool-Aid... or want their first taste.

Message 20525#214099

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 3:07am, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

They are Faux Pole fantasies... get it right...

I know for fact that Dust Devils will not be at GenCon as we spoke today.

Message 20525#214102

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Keith Senkowski which Keith Senkowski participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 3:17am, nikola wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I don't have time to read this whole thread tonight, as I just got home from martial arts class with a pulled ass muscle and have to go heal, but:

Shock: Social Science Fiction will retail for $23.

Under the Bed will retail for $16.

Thanks to Tim for pointing out this thread.

Now, to go nurse my butt.

Message 20525#214103

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...started by nikola which nikola participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 5:26am, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Perfect is:

also available at

Message 20525#214106

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...started by joepub which joepub participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 10:57am, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I emailed you (on the 19th) a list of all the BTRC stuff for the flyer. Did you get it?


Message 20525#214120

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...started by btrc which btrc participated Publishing
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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 11:36am, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Fauxlack, Joe, Joshua - thanks (and sorry to hear about your busted arse, Joshua).

Greg, your email seems to have got lost in the transfer of information, when I took over on the 23rd - can you re-post it here, or in PM to me, please?


Message 20525#214125

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 12:51pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Latest version (again, refresh your browsers, if you must. This version includes BTRC for the first time.)

Stuff I Am Missing
1001 nights - Price (also, please confirm publisher)
kill puppies for satan - Price
Mechaton - Price
Shooting the Moon - Price

What You Should Do With the Menu. Now.
- Check that the games you are eligible and able to demo are correctly marked.
- If you have corrected something, check that I did not introduce errors in the correction.
- Check the spelling (again) of everything you publish.
- Check the URLs. Again. Really. Forget ye not ye longe tail.
- Start pointing out any general typos, design quibbles, and that sort of thing. Given that there are some markedly variable aesthetics on the Forge, mine will prevail.

Message 20525#214133

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:09pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft


Please flag My Life with Master as a demo option.



Message 20525#214150

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Paul Czege which Paul Czege participated Publishing
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:17pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

We're planning on demoing both of the short games (Mridangam, Waiting/Tea) that are included in Push.

Thanks for all your work on this.  You rock!

Message 20525#214154

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jonathan Walton which Jonathan Walton participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:23pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Both noted, thanks!

Message 20525#214155

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 2:36pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

God damn, I show up late to the party and, as usual, all the beer's gone.

To confirm: Dust Devils Revenged will NOT be available at GenCon. I WILL be running demos, however. And, I'll have a one-page promotional flyer to hand out.

Message 20525#214160

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 3:16pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Late in the game, but that raises an interesting question/option. Can we list a game not yet available without a price but with a demo option? I had assumed not. It seems that demo space/time should be reserved for games that are actually available. If I'm mistaken, I'd like to demo Passages. I was/am planning on demoing through the GoD area. Is that the correct/more appropriate avenue?

Message 20525#214173

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Justin D. Jacobson which Justin D. Jacobson participated Publishing
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/25/2006 at 4:03pm, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

This is a pretty  minor quibble, and may be something you're already aware of (or just a display issue), but...

I'm imagining these things being tri-folded like a brochure.  If the PDF as it is now were printed front-and-back and tri-folded it would come out oddly.  I'm sort of guessing that you've simply got it set up for easy viewing rather than making people try to read it in standard tri-fold order (first column, second column, back, third column, fourth column, front).  Still, I thought I'd point it out just in case.  It would be unfortunate to have a huge stack of these and then be unable to fold them properly.


Message 20525#214181

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...started by LordSmerf which LordSmerf participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/25/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 11:17am, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Latest version (again, refresh your browsers, if you must. This version includes lumpley pricing for the first time.)

Stuff I Am Missing
Shooting the Moon - Price
- if anyone is in face-to-face contact with ECB, can you prod her, please?

What You Should Do With the Menu. Now.
- Check that the games you are eligible and able to demo are correctly marked.
- If you have corrected something, check that I did not introduce errors in the correction.
- Check the spelling (again) of everything you publish.
- Check the URLs. Again. Really. Forget ye not ye longe tail.
- Start pointing out any general typos, design quibbles, and that sort of thing. Given that there are some markedly variable aesthetics on the Forge, mine will prevail.

Thomas - thanks for pointing out the layout fubar. Even printing it twice and watching my partner look at it oddly, I didn't twig to having the z-fold the "wrong" (counter-intuitive, non-standard) way. Tempted as I am to be all "that's the indie way," I've corrected it now.

Message 20525#214291

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...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 11:31am, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

On the list of sponsors, I believe it should be "Wicked Dead Brewing Company", not"Publishing".

Message 20525#214292

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...started by timfire which timfire participated Publishing
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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 12:48pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Hey Alexander, I'm pretty sure that Under a Serpent Sun goes for $15, not $5.

Message 20525#214300

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...started by Thor Olavsrud which Thor Olavsrud participated Publishing
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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 2:29pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Brennan Taylor of IPR pointed over here from another thread, and said he was going to be using the menu at the IPR locale.  I haven't made arrangements to be in the Forge booth, but he said something about needing to be on the menu, so, uh... Hi!

Don't Rest Your Head from Evil Hat Productions; money goeth to Fred Hicks; $15 cover price. :)

All else fails I'll be sitting across from the Forge booth over in Lulu-land!

Message 20525#214328

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...started by iago which iago participated Publishing
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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 3:40pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I finally surfaced. Thanks for the prods, all.

Message 20525#214380

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Publishing
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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/26/2006 at 4:13pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

OK... all the prices are in now, so I think this thread is done. I'll post the latest, proof version over in the Conventions threads.

Thanks everyone!

Message 20525#214406

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...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
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...from around 7/26/2006

On 7/28/2006 at 12:26am, Denise wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Yup, I was looking at the old flyer.  VERY nice improvement- although I might not use the term "monkeys" when referring to your volunteers.  But I'm just a stickler for avoiding mixed metaphors.  It's a great idea, and well-executed.

Iskander wrote:
Thanks for the updates, all.

Denise - it sounds like you were looking at an older version of the menu: the current version doesn't mention Gen Con by name (yet - if it does, later, I'll be sure to get the name right!) Thanks, also, for reminding everyone that there are Gen Con policies, to which we - being good citizens - will all strive to conform. (Except possibly Keith: he's still acting out adolescent Pole fantasies.)

The Forge booth menu is intended as a reference for people who come to the booth, and would rather browse what is on offer at their leisure - perhaps online, even after the convention - than buy games then and there. Most of the small press and indie game designers represented at the booth are keen to have their games bought by people who will play them, so there's little perceived value in this community in the random distribution of marketing material. As a flyer, it would be a waste: the vast majority of Gen Con attendees are, alas, at the convention for other fare than that offered at the Forge booth. This document is really for those who have already drunk the Kool-Aid... or want their first taste.

Message 20525#214806

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Denise which Denise participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/28/2006

On 7/28/2006 at 2:22pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

I can demo Mechaton!


Message 20525#214867

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...started by lumpley which lumpley participated Publishing
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...from around 7/28/2006

On 7/28/2006 at 2:49pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon 2006 Booth Menu Draft and Redraft

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 20557

Message 20525#214871

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...started by Iskander which Iskander participated Publishing
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...from around 7/28/2006